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Is this the game for seniors?

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The question, as posed to Deep Thought, was what is 9 times 6?

No that is the question that Arthur Dent came up with by a random scrabble draw, however the arrival of the Golgafrinshams on Earth fatally corrupted the "Earth program" and thus destroyed the ability to determine the question, which didn't matter anyway as the Vogons annihilated the earth 5 minutes before the program was about to complete.

I worries me greatly that I know this stuff.

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No that is the question that Arthur Dent came up with by a random scrabble draw, however the arrival of the Golgafrinshams on Earth fatally corrupted the "Earth program" and thus destroyed the ability to determine the question, which didn't matter anyway as the Vogons annihilated the earth 5 minutes before the program was about to complete.

I worries me greatly that I know this stuff.

Some would assert that it'd be far, far more worrisome if one did not know that stuff.

(I wouldn't agree with the aforementioned some.)

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48, playing hex and chit wargames since 1972. Tactical WW2 West front and Med (Italy) are my "thing" though I'll give any good game system a spin. Lost my original BF forums login name and password years ago, another seniors moment?

depends on how many cats you own...

Three. "Crazy cat person" is only official if your cats outnumber humans in a house 2:1 or more. Me, the wife, and two kids still well on the sane side, despite what Mr. Emrys says. :P

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"Crazy cat person" is only official if your cats outnumber humans in a house 2:1 or more.

But that means that to be a "crazy cat person" a person living alone need have only two cats. Isn't that way fewer than the number of cats a stereotypical "crazy cat lady" has? =P

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I was 15 while eagerly awaiting the release of CMBO. I'm 26 now. It all started when I was in Toys R Us of all places long ago as a kid and seeing a copy of Panzer General in the bargain bin. From then on, it was SSI and Talonsoft all the way and when I discovered Battlefront I was so excited. And now here I am 11 years later just as excited for the release of CMBN as I was for CMBO!!

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48 here !!

started gaming with Avalon Hills Blitzkrieg , Luftwaffe and Panzer Leader at age 10 ... long before civilians used computers to play games ...

then the ORIGINAL Squad Leader , and then ASL ...

moved onto miniatures ...

Then I moved onto The Gamers games ...

having kids isn't conducive to setting up games with hundreds of cardboard counters or hundreds of 1/285 scale armor , so , I gave up gaming ....

CM:BO pulled me back into the gaming world !

Now , this ?? Selling off many miniatures and many of my Tactical games ( except Up Front ...my all time favorite military game )...

Thank You Battlefront for giving me an accurate "miniatures" game not requiring hours and hours of painting of armies and a game not requiring a large table area , and a game I can play over long time without tying up a whole spare room for weeks/months ...

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51 now, 52 in December. I got into tabletop wargaming at school when I was 15 and quickly discovered how utterly uncool it was. When I told my best friend that I was joining the school wargaming club, he asked me how much money I was going to spend and I foolishly told him '5 pounds' (hmm... no pound sterling key on my keyboard - only just noticed that). After which he told everyone that I was spending five pounds on 'toy sodjers!'. Wargaming is a great hobby for a young teenager who's not particularly interested in having any sex for a while. Nah, I just stopped advertising it after that and still rarely do ;)

At the club, we collectively discovered board wargames, the first being SPI's Kursk ("Twanky's lost the Hagen Line! Ha ha!") and from there on, it grew and grew. I cringe when I think how much I have spent on wargames in my past. Nearly as much as on music I suspect.


I wasn't Twanky. As I said, very uncool crowd. But so many fond memories. Cheers guys wherever you are now

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Dead on 50... with a similar lineage as many...

Panzer Blitz way back when, France 1940, Panzer Leader, Squad Leader, CoI, CoD, AoV. Wargaming club at college.

Best SL fun was a 6-way (or was it 8?) multi-player on about 12 boards with the city in the middle. A random draw of nationality, then 2,000 points to spend. Had to get from your map edge to the city in the middle, pick up a chit, and carry it back off your side without getting hammered. The hordes of Russian infantry and arty... the Brits in the "Rat Patrol" mode, all light vehicles carrying around FO's (gamey bastidge), balanced choices by the US and Wehrmacht players, and my fine SS Stormtroopers in HTs with a Panther lead.

Great fun, great fun. Lots of computerized titles as well... CMBO, CMBB, CMAK. The Close Combat series (how long could you keep your MG equipped Kubelwagon alive, scooting back and forth to harry the GIs?).

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Now , this ?? Selling off many miniatures and many of my Tactical games ( except Up Front ...my all time favorite military game )...


Up Front...ahhh, tactical warcards, what's not to love? Great game. Maybe the best of the micro tactical lot.

I'm also a Patrol/Sniper/Tank SPI Simov vet, and also dabbled with Yaquinto's Close Assault and Soldiers from West End Games. Played all of the solitaire Ambush series games from Victory Games. I was a sucker for pretty any tactical game at that time.

My personal vintage and story is much like yours, except I never moved to miniatures and I'm not selling the board game collection...yet.

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My personal vintage and story is much like yours, except I never moved to miniatures and I'm not selling the board game collection...yet.

Up Front still has no equal , IMO , for fog of war table top gaming ...

I use the system to generate man to man miniatures gaming with my 1:35 scale troops ( yes , I am getting old ... from 1:285 scale to 1:35 ! )

Oh yes ! I forgot FirePower/Close Assault , Soldiers , etc. ...

yep , bought practically every man to man board game , back in the day ...

I still do have my complete SL/CoI/CoD/GI AoV set , all of the SL/ASL mapboards and all of the German/Japanese and US counters and untold numbers of US vs German scenarios ( i gave the other nationalities to gamers having time to use all those pieces ! ) ...

flaws and all ASL Kampfgruppe Pieper I & II were my favorites in "game-land" ...

until Battlefront series of CM:BO ...

Bring on the next generation of WWII Tactical game !!

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44 next month... really started for me with SL....

No, kidding....IIRC the SPI offices were on Park Ave, downtown? I used to drop in there from time to time as well. Jim Dunnigan and Redmon Simonsen were always around testing out new games. I'm 65 and I worked in Manhattan when SPI was in its heyday. I also own original copies of AH Gettysburg and Tactics II and of course SL and ASL. Ive been playing wargames in one form or another since I was 15.

How come neither you nor Fred Rock 1957 have mentioned "The Compleat [sic] Strategist?" I would travel into the city from New Jersey with my best friend to spend hours in that store?

Lots of my paper route & lawn mowing $s were consumed there...

(sighs contentedly)

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Our Holy Grail had to be Squad Leader, and when Combat Mission finally came along my first thought was "yes, finally....Squad Leader without the need to constantly consult the 800 page rule book!"


(You going to miss the Blackshirts beating up on my Buffs this Thanksgiving as much as I am?) :D

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37 (38 in July)

Started with Battletech, Up Front, ASL and a Game in a Vietnam setting (cant remember the name). Startet playing a lot of turnbased wargames on the PC and the Megadrive in the 80s.

In the end of the 80s I startet with tabletop gaming (Games Workshop).

Currently I'm playing Flames of War (17 armys), Warmachine & Hordes, lots of boardgames (Kursk 1943) and discoverd CM:SF and CM:A


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42 on Sunday...and with a new baby boy. Our first. I feel 60 now.

I was from a small town in Nebraska so wargaming in my early years involved plastic green army men, homemade rules and dice. I was then lucky enough to stumble upon B-17 Queen of the Skies, and since many of my mates weren't into gaming the solitare life was for me. Ambush (and all the modules) keep me entertained through college. I did get Up Front but never could find anyone to play...God I loved just looking at that game.

After college I crossed paths with that insufferable cur Cull and Squad Leader became part of my rotation, as well as Hornet Leader. Then CMBO dropped and I thought that was the apex of all that was good and holy. Now this.

I'm giddy.

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