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Why Normandy?

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We do not necessarily intend on making a CMx3 game engine. Instead, we intend on continually improving the CMx2 game engine as we have done in the past. At some point we might make such a significant change, such as gutting the graphics engine and replacing it, that we start calling it CMx3. However, we will never again throw out the entire codebase and start from scratch as we did with CMx1.

So yes, I did mean CM:SF 3. There will probably be a CM:SF 4 too. One great thing about Modern combat is that every year or two there's enough new material to warrant a whole new game.

The Eastern Front will be probably 4 Families. Basically one whole year (4 seasons) per Family.

I don't have a problem with people not caring about a particular game, or games, that we make. We know that CM:SF was "noteworthy" for people interested in Modern warfare, regardless of what Normandy fans think of it. Just like CM:BN is "noteworthy" for people interested in Normandy, regardless of what Modern warfare fans think of it.


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We do not necessarily intend on making a CMx3 game engine. Instead, we intend on continually improving the CMx2 game engine as we have done in the past. At some point we might make such a significant change, such as gutting the graphics engine and replacing it, that we start calling it CMx3. However, we will never again throw out the entire codebase and start from scratch as we did with CMx1.

So yes, I did mean CM:SF 3. There will probably be a CM:SF 4 too. One great thing about Modern combat is that every year or two there's enough new material to warrant a whole new game.

The Eastern Front will be probably 4 Families. Basically one whole year (4 seasons) per Family.

I don't have a problem with people not caring about a particular game, or games, that we make. We know that CM:SF was "noteworthy" for people interested in Modern warfare, regardless of what Normandy fans think of it. Just like CM:BN is "noteworthy" for people interested in Normandy, regardless of what Modern warfare fans think of it.


Great stuff, I'm looking forward to more modern combat and WW2 combat alike so I'm happy :)

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Why Normandy?...

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!

You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have

striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The

hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on

other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war

machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of

Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well

equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.

But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of

1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats,

in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their

strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home

Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions

of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men.

The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to


I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in

battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great

and noble undertaking.

SIGNED: Dwight D. Eisenhower

That is a class response to the OP's question. Nice.

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Wargaming popularity has been, and probably will always be, in this order:

Western Front (1944-45)

Eastern Front

North Africa (and Italy)

Western Front (1940)

It might also be that North Africa is more popular than something like Barbarossa East Front, but overall the above is a pretty accurate reflection of the WW2 wargaming community's interests.

If I had to hazard the relative size:

Western Front (1944-45) 50%

Eastern Front 30%

North Africa (and Italy) 15%

Western Front (1940) 5%

The rest, like Poland, would be negligible in terms of interest.

For most of you reading this you probably have interest, perhaps even strong interest, in more than one area. But when you add up things sell I think the above is pretty accurate.


P.S. Merry Christmas from someone who is unfortunately used to working 16 hours a day and can't simply go to bed early for just one night. Bah.

Would it be fair to say that interest for a particular theater might be correlated to the level of popularity enjoyed by battlefield commanders who received the most coverage during and after the conflict -be it from documentaries or Hollywood films?

Assuming an American player base with, at most, a high school education in history. The top rankings for famous personalities of WWII might go something like this:

General George Patton

General Dwight Eisenhower

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

General Douglas Mcarthur

General Bernard Montgomery

Notice who I didn't include. I suspect that few students fresh out of high school could name any generals from Canada, Italy, Russia, France or Japan apart from their heads of state.

Even someone with a casual interest in the subject is more likely to be "wooed" primarily first through accounts of the bloody struggle at Omaha Beach, The Desert Fox's exploits in Africa, the fight against the U-Boat menace in the Atlantic, Pearl Habor, the tenacious American defense of Bastongue, El Alamine and Wittman's handiwork at Caen.

It's at the serious hobbyist or scholar level, do players gain a real appreciation for areas of the conflict that were relegated to being footnotes such as the Eastern Front and the Mediterranean. Yes, as absurd as it sounds, few history books in a US/Canadian high school actually cover Stalingrad or Kursk at any length despite how pivotal they were.

So, at least here in North America, much seems to be slanted in favor of the Western Front, the Pacific and North Africa in that order; thanks in large part to the media that seem to favour men like Patton and Erwin Rommel.

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Yes, as absurd as it sounds, few history books in a US/Canadian high school actually cover Stalingrad or Kursk at any length despite how pivotal they were.

Even if those were the two most pivotal battles of the entire war (and not only the most pivotal for the respective combatants), I doubt they'd get any coverage in American high-school history books, simply because they didn't involve Americans.

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Because it pleases the Americans who don't care about the far more interesting eastern front :). (I'm American so I can say all I want heh)

Personally I'm glad this and Bulge are first in line before the Ostfront game, because by then the engine will be much further refined and perhaps by then we'll have things like moveable waypoints, ability to mount troops on top of tanks, co-play and wego w/replay :).

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Because it pleases the Americans who don't care about the far more interesting eastern front :). (I'm American so I can say all I want heh)

Personally I'm glad this and Bulge are first in line before the Ostfront game, because by then the engine will be much further refined and perhaps by then we'll have things like moveable waypoints, ability to mount troops on top of tanks, co-play and wego w/replay :).

2 words: wishful thinking :P

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Yes, as absurd as it sounds, few history books in a US/Canadian high school actually cover Stalingrad or Kursk at any length despite how pivotal they were..

USA high-school students don't study WW2 in any depth. The events surrounding the epic struggle are touched on in "World" and "United States" History classes, and to a lesser degree in "Civics," but the instruction involved is very superficial.

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Because it pleases the Americans who don't care about the far more interesting eastern front :). (I'm American so I can say all I want heh)

Personally I'm glad this and Bulge are first in line before the Ostfront game, because by then the engine will be much further refined and perhaps by then we'll have things like moveable waypoints, ability to mount troops on top of tanks, co-play and wego w/replay :).

It would be useless to have an East front game if we can't see burning Russian wheat fields, to illustrate the bestiality of the fascist invader!

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I know BF said they weren't interested in doing a WWII Pacific epoch, but I'd buy it if it was well done.

Imo it would need to include some things that you don't get in the other epochs like landing craft that actually swim to the beach and unload, flamers (hand helds and tracked), as well as the island terrain types (sand, volcanic sand, jungles, caves, bamboo groves, rice paddies ... etc). Of course the Japanese, US and Commonwealth units and TOE's.

Ok enough dreaming, maybe a third party will step up and be willing to do it right. Snowball you listening????

Once you get the jungle terrain looking and working correctly then CMSF-Vietnam would be a no brainer.

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I don't have a problem with people not caring about a particular game, or games, that we make. We know that CM:SF was "noteworthy" for people interested in Modern warfare, regardless of what Normandy fans think of it. Just like CM:BN is "noteworthy" for people interested in Normandy, regardless of what Modern warfare fans think of it.


Bah! As far as CM goes, you make it. I'll buy it.


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