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Dammit I want CMN now!

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I still think the closest ones lower stomach is suspect.

Oh? How so?

For what it's worth - and maybe I'm a bit too critical of the CM Beta Testers - but the gal on the far end looks a little "hippy" to me. I guess it could be that the skirt of her testing uniform has slipped down a bit from all the...testing.

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Pardon me, but I'm puzzled.

I can understand why many (even most) of those who played and loved CMx1 would decline/refuse to play CM:SF and would even look down on those who do play and love CM:SF. I can understand why those same "no CM:SF for me, thank you" people would be practically foaming at the mouth with anticipation for CM:N. What I can't understand is why there are some (among them those who think CMx2 is a sham and a travesty as well as those who wish BFC had simply skipped CM:SF and gone straight to CM:N) who seem to be expecting CM:N to be "broken"/"fundamentally flawed" and also seem to almost be looking forward to that potential eventuality.

That puzzles me too. 3 years from the CMSF release and some people still seem to wish the whole company, the people and the game nothing but failure.

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That puzzles me too. 3 years from the CMSF release and some people still seem to wish the whole company, the people and the game nothing but failure.

I think I've come up with a hypothesis for why many who played and loved CMx1 either refuse to play or even hate CM:SF, namely:

When CM:BO came out, they felt like they had found the Holy Grail of computer tactical wargaming. When CM:BB came out, they felt like they had arrived in Valhalla. When CM:AK came out, they felt like they had achieved nirvana, and they dreamed of what the next CMx1 game would be. When CM:SF came out (and in a sorry state), they felt like they had been cruelly betrayed, and then they swore eternal enmity with BFC and all who would not side with them.

At least that sounds to me like a reasonably good supposition as to why some have precious little good to say about CM:SF, CMx2, and even BFC post-CM:AK. Their reasons for despising CM:SF seem to be:

1. It's not a WW2 game.

2. 1:1 is not all that the folks at the BFC forums make it out to be.

3. It's not a WW2 game.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but it seems a tad hypocritical to snidely bad-mouth CM:SF as well as those who play it and the company that made it while simultaneously quivering in anticipation of CM:N.

But do I hold it against them? No, actually. I too am deeply interested in WW2 and am very much looking forward to CM:N.

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When CM:BO came out, they felt like they had found the Holy Grail of computer tactical wargaming. When CM:BB came out, they felt like they had arrived in Valhalla. When CM:AK came out, they felt like they had achieved nirvana, and they dreamed of what the next CMx1 game would be. When CM:SF came out (and in a sorry state), they felt like they had been cruelly betrayed, and then they swore eternal enmity with BFC and all who would not side with them.

Or maybe we just find CMSF boring and don't like some of the design decisions?

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Or maybe we just find CMSF boring

I can understand that. In fact, when I first heard that the folks who made CM:BB and CM:AK had made a second-generation game, I eagerly looked it up, but when I found out the game's premise, I thought: "What?! Not WW2?!?"

and don't like some of the design decisions?

That too I can understand. I admit: after a nearly three-year period of playing CM:BB and CM:AK several times a week (for the former I collected over 1200 scenarios and campaigns, for the latter over 700), by the time I checked out CM:SF, the v1.10 patch had just been released, so I serendipitously missed the period in which (so I gather from various folks' posts) people were trying their darned-est to enjoy CM:SF but were practically tearing their hair out in frustration at the game's buggy-ness.

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I can understand why many (even most) of those who played and loved CMx1 would decline/refuse to play CM:SF and would even look down on those who do play and love CM:SF. I can understand why those same "no CM:SF for me, thank you" people would be practically foaming at the mouth with anticipation for CM:N. What I can't understand is why there are some (among them those who think CMx2 is a sham and a travesty as well as those who wish BFC had simply skipped CM:SF and gone straight to CM:N) who seem to be expecting CM:N to be "broken"/"fundamentally flawed" and also seem to almost be looking forward to that potential eventuality.

Deitrich already demonstrated that he understood why some folks like yourself might not care for CMSF and the design decisions. What he is attempting to do is to rationalise why an extremely small number of people actually wish BFC to fail, don't ever want to see a WW2 game, and should BFC ever manage to release it, that it will be badly buggy. You are not one of these people.

Some of them also can't let go of the past. They are not current with CMSF, which seems to be a badge of honour for some of them and yet they still wish to be thought of as fans, supporters of CMSF and get upset if you imply that they are not. One of these so-called supporters didn't even bother to patch his game with the latest patch until quite recently.

One clear symptom of being 'out of date' is that they are unaware that the Brit campaign was nearly flawless. Therefore, Redwolf can honestly state that he can't see any reason why the campaigns will work in the future. He is still posting here with a pre-Brit module pespective - a point of view that is already a year out of date.

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Listen count me in on thinking the theatre was boring...no interest in it whatsoever...I really couldn't unerstand why it was chosen....I never thought I'd enjoy the game...hearing it was in a bad state when released confirmed it as a no buy fr me...though the whole Syrian thing had already done that....

Then one day about a year ago I watched a user made video that had won a competition...I was intrigued in what I saw...so nothing ventured nothing gaied I bought it with no real high expectations...after a couple of scenarios I was quite impressed...so I bought the Marine module and got downloading some scenarios and mods...after a few horus I was enjoying it more than anything else I'd played since CMBB came out...I at last had found another game where I grew attached to my Pixeltruppen...it was becoming a classic for me...then the brit module came out and I held off from buying...until a month or so ago and though might aswell....again the game took me by suprise...it was like a whole new game...totally different atmosphere and a different stye of play needed...so now CMSF with it's modules has become an all time classic no doubt about it...it's the only game I've played thats been that good it doesn't really matter that the theatre has no real appeal for me.

So now I await CM Normandy and I haven't had this much anticipation for any other game before...and the thought that this is a long term affair makes it even better...every module will be eagerly awaited...and eventually one fine day (I hope to god nothing happens to me before it) an eastern front tile will be released...thats when I finallyhave the game of games and I wont have to buy another game again...well just it's modules...

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Listen count me in on thinking the theatre was boring...no interest in it whatsoever...I really couldn't unerstand why it was chosen....

Same here. I approach games from the perspective of history. I want to fight the battle of Hill 314 where the 2nd Btln/120th Inf Rgt/30th Div and supports square off against a depleted 2nd Panzer Div. I have little interest in a hypothetical engagment between a somewhat made up Stryker company and a totaly made up Syrian unit.

I never thought I'd enjoy the game...hearing it was in a bad state when released confirmed it as a no buy fr me...though the whole Syrian thing had already done that....

I didn't even bother to d/l the demo when CMSF came out as I heard the negative feedback and [again] the period was just not for me. Then, about a month ago, I heard about CM:N and decided to check out the updated CMSF demo. And - although I still have no interest in playing CMSF - I thought the interface/graphics were great and just cannot wait to see the engine used in a WWII setting.

I have nothing against those who play and enjoy CMSF - why would I? Wanna play real time as opposed to WEGO? Go ahead. To each his own sez I.

Oddly enough, or not [or not], I look at the decision of BF to do a modern setting first w/ the new engine as a good one in the sense that the engine is now mature - and I am confident that the design team will take advantage of all those lesssons learned along the way - so that when CM:N ships it will ship w/ minimal bugs and be that much more enjoyable.

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This part falls under the category of "It's not WWII!". The 1:1 ratio just adds more immersion to the game. Nothing more and nothing less.

Typical, patronizing fanboi attitude. Actually I don't just play WWII, but almost anything from Ancients, Napoleonics, WWII, SciFi...its just that I found CMSF BORING! Nothing more and nothing less. You are certainly entitled to your opinions, just like those of us who didn't care for CMSF.

I haven't played in a long time, and it sounds like the engine has made large strides. I am very much looking forward to CMN and its successors, and hope that BFC hits it out of the park with them.

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Typical, patronizing fanboi attitude. Actually I don't just play WWII, but almost anything from Ancients, Napoleonics, WWII, SciFi...its just that I found CMSF BORING! Nothing more and nothing less. You are certainly entitled to your opinions, just like those of us who didn't care for CMSF.

I haven't played in a long time, and it sounds like the engine has made large strides. I am very much looking forward to CMN and its successors, and hope that BFC hits it out of the park with them.

Huh, fanboy? :rolleyes: Usually when somebody says they find CMSF boring it can be attributed to little desire for the modern setting. It's not meant to be taken literally, ex. "You only play WWII games period". Nobody can make predictions on somebody's gaming habits or preferences. Nor did I say there was anything wrong with it. Besides I use to have the exact same opinion.

Personally, my main motivation for buying CMSF at launch was to see the new engine which the eventual WWII game will be on. I shelved CMSF until 1.10 since it was too buggy and had little desire for the modern setting. But since they patched it up nicely, despite all the doomsayers at launch, I couldn't care less about the fictional setting.

Bottom line, as long as it's a solid wargaming experience, which CMSF has certainly become. Them I'm with any game regardless of the setting.

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I am quasi-interested in CM:SF now that the modules are rolling out. With a baby on the way I feel my gaming time will be severely curtailed. I love the 'Pause' feature when in the WEGO mode or PBEM and hopefully this will serve my gaming needs during the upcoming drought. But my heart truly lies with the Normandy theater.

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