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Peng Challenge . . . by Jury

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:


Drivel...none of us have made any contributions of measurable worth more drivel trying to defend the fact that he joined a Grog thread in the first place


Marky Mark,

I completely understand that you have nothing of value to contribue, I'm only glad that you've finally recognized that. Admitting the problem is the first step in correcting the behavior.

I can only suggest a quick trip to Confessor Peng to help you on your way to posts with wit and verve. Not that I give a rat's ass about you, but we do have standard, low they might be.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

I'm sure I'm playing some other folks who are undoubtedly loathesome, gamey bastages and I hate them as much as any of you, but I don't recall them off hand.

Hate you all,

Agua Perdido<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Me, for one.

You are skulking up on your rock in the Navarone scenarios with the pigeons and the mountain goats.

Don't know what you are doing exactly up there, but you are losing guns at a steady rate as my troops move closer and closer to their objectives. Meanwhile you dither and whine that one platoon is in good cover "too close" to the board edge.

Nyah ha ha.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface:


Thank you for posting to the Peng Challenge Thread. All opponents are currently busy. Your challenge is important to us, especially if delivered tepidly and to no one in particular. Please stay on the line and enjoy this jolly sing-song.


I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

No matter where they've been.

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

Especially when they're green.

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

No matter where they've been.

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

Especially when they're green.

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

That is what I said.

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

But not when they are red.

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

That is what he said.

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

He likes traffic lights

But not when they are red.

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

I like traffic lights

Even though my name's not Bamber--

We're sorry, all our opponents are still busy. Please stay on the line, and your challenge will be answered in order of its merit. Current waiting time for your challenge is approximately 15 million minutes.

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Ah yes another day here in hell(work) and in the MBT.

Since I have noticed that all the alcohol is begining to run out ( except for this bottle of dewers scotch, but who in the hell would drink that?).

I now ask for councel to sum up and present thier final arguments.

Hopefully then we will here from the jury( if someone is still sober enough to slur two word together).

Although the Jury's decision will not be final, it will weigh heavy in my final verdict.

Hopefully this can be concluded and we can be out of here well before last call.

Thank you for your time.

Please preceed

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Hopefully this can be concluded and we can be out of here well before last call.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HAH! Like that will ever happen with THIS bunch! We'll stay THROUGH last call, then we'll demand ANOTHER ROUND (unless, of course, Speedy runs out of booze, in which case I bow to your most humble and sage decision, Your Honor)!

[edited for Speedy's sake]

[ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Lorak Please scribe thusly, after surviving, indeed thriving on Mace's gamey violation of Fionn's rules of 76 I have soundly defeated the Pabts swilling rouge.

Deke Fentle - Tacticle Victory

Mace - Humiliating Defeat

Want seconds Mace? I still have some American pisswater to send you if you can wrest a victory from me.

If Agua Perdido would just send a file or two a week we may finish our battle by Christmas. Come on water boy get a move on. (He’s kind of embarrassed over blowing up his own infantry both times he’s tried to rush my pillboxes)

Now to the matter at hand…

joey you SUCK even more than before

Slurping and spewing bull**** galore

Your lack witted drivel is slop for the swine

The prose that you pen are synonymous with whine

A pox greater than Ebola you bore us to death

The only thing worse is your scum sucking breath

Moron, pinhead, dullard and slow

Descriptions that fit you as all of us know

Simpleton, dummkopf, a base idiot

Save us good Lord from this drooling halfwit

Your malfeasant attacks on the good noble bard

Compare quite favorably to a bucket of lard

Viscous and foul, rancid in smell

Reading your bore-assed posts, puts us through hell

Get off it already, take a break

Perhaps a leisurely walk Westward on the Golden Gate?

joey you SUCK there's no denying that truth

Finding anyone who sucks more would take a Holmes like sleuth

Hoover and Oreck had better beware

The SUCK joey employs could take their last share

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor while the slackjawed yammering of joey’s SUCK is humanity’s bane.

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I haven't played any turns (stinking Tactical Ops). I did however reinstall CM, which was the first step. I'm having problems getting all of my mods back the way I liked them, though and that is causing me consternation (which has nothing to do with going poop, Stuka). Maybe I'll play some soon. I'm too damned worn out from work to even be witty. I feel like Hiram. Or like Iskander. I never really could distinguish between those two. Oops. Did I say "damn?" Less crass more ass wasn't it? Hmm...well them you can kiss mine.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>*BUZZzzz* We have a winner, er, loser!

My Liege Joe Shaw, if this sophomoric challenge meets with your approval, would you be so kind as to send a nice little scenario to inflict upon the still wet behind the ears poopoohead4/2?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {sigh} I fear me that you are too kind Lars, but as it's an admitted weakness of mine own I cannot berate you for it. I find Panting Woofer 00 to be both boring and childish but if you wish to fight him, so be it. I shall forward your requested scenario, best of luck ... as if you'll need it.

My Most Gracious and Learned Lord Lorak, your requested summation shall be posted within the hour ... certainly tonight ... sometime before we hit the 13 page wall ... with luck.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Deke Fentle - Tacticle Victory

Mace - Humiliating Defeat

Want seconds Mace?


That's the trouble with the squires & SSNs, they don't realise that it's socially unacceptable and very bad form to play extremely gamey and win over a mighty Kiniggit!

I hope this is a valuable lesson for you PukeFender about your place in the pool (mainly as a footrest for our poor, tired feet), you must now concede me a victory in our next game to make ammends....now send me a sendup, a big one this time if you'll please. And no need to thank me, a simple grovel will suffice.

btw, even though I've done this off-line via ICQ, I will do it here, publicly!



PS I can suffer no humiliation. I am after all Mace!

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Your Honor, the defense briefs (stop snickering, Mace) shall be filed later this evening. We shall also submit unto the custody of the court certain useful, evidence, to be filed of course through our Swiss offices. I believe Credit Suisse is the appropriate custodian, correct?

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Your Honor,

A point of order. I hesitate to raise this point (down ...) at this late hour, but I question your jurisdiction in the matter of Seanachai. As clearly stated in the Cesspool Rules of Procedure, a jurisdictional challenge can be brought at any stage of the proceeding. The vile crime of which the defendant stands accused is hearsay, which is not a violation of any civil or criminal code, but rather a violation of canon law. Thus, the proper adjudicative body is the Cesspool's Ecclesiastical Court. Therefore, it should be that drunken sot Peng, in his role as Father Confessor, that sits in judgment.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

That's the trouble with the squires & SSNs, they don't realise that it's socially unacceptable and very bad form to play extremely gamey and win over a mighty Kiniggit!


So what's your point?

If you're a kay-nig=hit that's been beaten by the young and restless then you're clearly not one of the mighty kinigitt's, hence there's no problem.

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Oh dear...did that strike a sore spot Grey?

Well I'm so dreadfully not sorry - oops, that's not what I meant, I meant that I don't take it back....no, that's not right...err.....I meant that you're obviously a piece of blow-hard ****e if you rely on your reputation to deliver victories to you in this place!

Your reputation is solely for pulling the wool over your date's eyes, so it's a bit of a laugh ewe callign someone else a gamey bastiche!

Oh dear, no, this is all coming out right....I'd better stop before I make more accurate comments!

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As the worm turns, so do the days of the Cesspool. And such, per alta vis a vis substrata, the condemned now condemn and the judged be themselves judges.

Hence, until the Basenji rule so that all dalems lose ears, Seanachai must suffer the perjoratives and feckless anger of the following curses.

Curse the first, that forever and a day shall Seanachai rule the roost as pigmilker and ragmuffin. Such it is that said pigmilker/ragmuffin, when referred to in any official manner, shall be henceforth referred to as either pigmilker or ragmuffin but never ragmilker or pigmuffin.

Curses deus ex machina, poor Seanachai shall battle for the right of name the next pissboy newbie that makes their way into the pool. The victor of this battle, be it both unfair and horrendously stupid but still playable and effective in producing fine screenshots, shall post for a fortnight under the name chosen by the victor. Such a name cannot contain slurs ethnic, racial or fecal but may happily include parsimonous sanctimony about sanctimonious parsons.

Curses the final, that Seanachai shall be branded as Lord of the Heresy, to make mark as the one most embodying the foulest good intentions of all in the Pool. Regardless of ears, there can not and shall not ever be another fool who states a point of order regarding taking the Cess seriously without consulting the Lord of the Heresy himself, making sure that he is acting neither proper nor punctual nor poltroonish.

Such are the curses of one so foolish as to flaunt the aeon-old regimens of the Pool. Take note, fools and vocabularily-malnourished that such is the fate of any who so follow a path of such heretical nature.

Harumph. Harumph. Harumph.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:


(Hope you have a great day)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lorak is not the only one celebrating his birthday, you steeenking, feeelthy, gamey, rat bastages.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Lorak is not the only one celebrating his birthday, you steeenking, feeelthy, gamey, rat bastages.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

alias this is true.

Since it is also the the 20th for our upside down people....

Happy Birthday Stuka!!!

I'll stand up an extra pint tonight just for you.

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Lorak AND Stuka's birthday is today? Hmm. Perhaps they were twins, seperated at birth.

Kind of a Cesspodlian Tweedledee and Tweedledom, it appears.

And what is this - a sham of a court. Believe me, bad sirs, you could not hope to match the parsimony and parody that is played out everyday in our so-called 'justice system.'

Drunken sots.

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A small update, this just came over the wire.


Stalin's Organ:

Yep - send me a set-up for that too!! :0

Never seen the game, bit it keeps gettign trotted out as Rune's worst effort ever - I guess there's a lot of allied fighter bombers involved!!??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Place your bets!

Place your bets!

We're giving even odds, who's it gonna be?

Stalin's Organ or Panzerwerfer42?

The battle of the SSN's is on!

Who's gonna have the lower score?

Place your bets!

Place your bets!

p.s. Thank you, Dread Lord Protector!

your loyal Squire,


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In my absence I've noticed a bad made for t.v. movie has broken out. For that reason Seanachai must die. I hate made for t.v. movies.

There are too many unoriginal punishments being thrown about though. I mean this IS the MBT so we should come up with a MBT punishment. So I hereby suggest either we turn the hamsters loose and have Seanachai feltched to death or we strap the simp down and let the sheep sod him to death. Turn about is fair play. And I say we let the very sheep he hath soddeded (?) sod him back. So what say ye? Or is that Say what ye?

[ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:


So I hereby suggest either we turn the hamsters loose and have Seanachai feltched to death or we strap the simp down and let the sheep sod him to death. Turn about is fair play. And I say we let the very sheep he hath soddeded (?) sod him back. So what say ye? Or is that Say what ye?


I say everybody should get a breath test before posting to prevent this sort of sewage backing up the drain on the Cesspool.

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