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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Sounds awful... I'm game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My boy, there are only so many words a knight can offer his squire that can truly make a difference, as for a ruinette setup, well... There be dragons there, lad, abandon the dark side before it is to late. They will only break your heart and spirit and spleen to play one of them......

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Roight.. its time to spread out a bit here and vent my frustrations onna looser, someone who has no skill or class, someone who smells like dried peaches on a dead roadkill.. someone who is gamey and can't spell his own name IMMADOOFUS.. yes I speak of Senachopoo.. our one and only marine gimp! but I figure he'll wet his pants at another crack at mensch master of draws. foo!

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Your squire needs to go to remedial reading. Wait, I assume he can read at all. I clearly offered it to Peng and want-to-be evil Berli.

However, evilness should be spread. I will send it to your squire when I get home. There is just something about a squire bent over [sit down bauhaus] and wretching that appeals to me.

Who will play the squire in this evilness?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

My boy, there are only so many words a knight can offer his squire that can truly make a difference, as for a ruinette setup, well... There be dragons there, lad, abandon the dark side before it is to late. They will only break your heart and spirit and spleen to play one of them......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FriendlyFire:

Bumped, you lazy buggers.

And those of you able to both (a) read, and (B) appreciate irony (I know, I know, a small subset, but I feel a few of the less tainted squires might still qualify), should go check out the AAR result of KiwiJoe's little "I REWL" thread .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You mean that KiwiJoe whose last setup sounds like what my 10-year-old son did the other night?

"Well GOOoooOOOooOOoooleeee. Gawrsh. All I have is three buildings and two hills with trees in my setup zone.

I better put all my FO's and all my support weapons in dem two places. Noone would ever think to shoot them there..."

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Just in case none of you guys knew it, but you can place FOs out in the open (on a defense mostly) in foxholes and as long as they have a PL or CO with a sneak bonus they enemy won't see them for some time. Anyway....

LORAK! You dribbling louse! Please record the following...

PENG - Lost like the mama's boy he is.

ME - Handed him his ass neatly wrapped with a bow tie on top.

The score was like 85-15, I think I took around 90 casualties and Peng suffered close to 250.

Ahhhh... No (*) next to my name.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hey... I really SUCK. No, seriously. I REALLY suck.


Do you honestly believe I feel even slightly compelled to spend even a fraction of a second more on processing OUR battle turns then I have to? Even if it means adding a few extra words to the e-mail I feel it is utterly wasted on you. I would rather play patty cake with a baboon then converse with you at length.


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To keep us on page 1:


Screw-all is going on in my games right now.

DekeFentle and I are just getting our setup together on our rematch. My sole stipulation had been to make it <=1500 pts, so of course the fenderhead sends me a 2000 pt QB...

It's actually Leeo's turn in our game! It's been his move for a least a day or two. Unbelievable! In the last bit of action, I flushed two sturmgruppes and made his hetzer button up for the ninth turn in a row... I'll get that TC sooner or later... There's probably a turn waiting for me at home, of course, but it'll take me another two weeks to return it.

My rematch with Seanachai is also dragging in the setup phase after I cleverly didn't attach my file to my email from Friday. My subtle psychological warfare is already beginning to have effects! He chose the utterly daft point value of 1250 as the base, so the wordy one is clearly on the run already.

Who else? Croda? Cripes, that brainless prat is movely more slowly in our game that I am with Leeo. Goanna and I have swapped setups and accomplished nothing else in our mini-paragon of randomness (which has resulted in a quite mundane selection of units and conditions, at least on my side).

Ah, and stevetherat, also a game in the setup phase. He's hacked the engine in some subtle way that has made the terrain oddly undefendable.

Enough bumping, anyhow. Carry on with the filth.

Hate you all,

Agua Perdido

[Edited because I forgot stevetherat, an understandable oversight...]

[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

"“Star War” fans in Australia have been forbidden from listing their religion as “Jedi” on census forms. . . ."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jshandorf complained that: I would rather play patty cake with a baboon then converse with you at length. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>One can readily understand that you would communicate more easily with a baboon than with me, no offense taken.


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Aargh! Mutiny on the lower decks!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As some of you may know there is a census coming around on August the 7th. For those who don't know, a census is where the government collates general information about it's residents (number of people living in your house, religion, etc). If there are enough people in Australia, who put down a religion that isn't mentioned on the census form it becomes a fully recognised and legal religion. It usually takes about 10,000 people to nominate the same religion It is for this reason that it has been suggested that anyone who does not have a dominant religion to put "Jedi" as their religion. Send this on to all your friends and tell them to put down "Jedi" on

their census form. And remember ......If you are a member of the Jedi religion then you are by default a 'Jedi Knight'. So If this has been your dream since you were 4 years old.... Do it cos you love Star Wars, if not........... then just do it to annoy people or the Government, or because you think it would be fun.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: BilgeRat ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:


Your squire needs to go to remedial reading. Wait, I assume he can read at all. I clearly offered it to Peng and want-to-be evil Berli...


OK, maybe I'm drunker than usual (any thoughts on this, Lawyer?), but as I "understood" things, Berli was acting as Peng's agent in procuring a scenario that he (Peng, that is) and I are to play.

If I have buggered this up as well as jd does assaults -- *ahem!* -- then smack me with the brick and someone give Peng and me a game that will force us far, far into a whiskey bottle for weeks on end....

Edited because, hey!, I am drunk...

[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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I'm at work. Its night shift. I am filled with the hatred of having to be here at all, it only makes my hatred, disgust and loathing of you all even more poignant.

Its nice to see two mudpuppies who were obviously happy bum-buddies in the Corp, HOOWAH! Get together even for a night. Who will win...Who will care...only that lonely sailer stuck on bridge watch.

Game Updates:

I'm winning and you other pathetic gits are now crunchies!


Your incessant and pathetic mewling about (lowercase)jd sickens me. By all means take your position (get him Bauhaus) of squire semi-seriously, but good God in heaven and evil-Rune below stop it you bleeting sheep.

Stop waving your hand like a silly flamer, and painting your eyes like a cheap $10 tart for that slimey lawyer. (repetative I know). I won't ask you to sound off like you had a pair, because it is plainly obvious that you lack the "twig and berries" to do so.

So crawl as and keep your kniggets boots with your tongue, and make sure to give him a good once over as you take your customary positon.

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Muck-dwelling trollops:

You probably thought I was too good to post here, lately. Well, congratulations, on the first valid insight most of you have had, since mummy tucked you into big-boy pants.

Here's a bit of funny:

Grog vs. Dolt

...for those who may have missed it.

The implacable IVces of death have suffered reverses as of late, complicated by absence, which did not make the heart grow Fonda, business travel to unhealthful climes, general insouciance, and a smidgen of mismanagement, leavened by the untimely arrival of tons of VT, Elite Polskis, Nazis, and Americans. If the shoe fits... gloat. If your forces did not appear in this list, tremble.

Ramping back up to the usual body count, but damn you all.

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Several games have come to a conclusion, so, you got it, its time for an Achtung! ÜberLizard Update

Let me start with the most vile piece of gamey ****e ever to grace a mouse and keyboard. I would have to be referring to, of course, one Joe Shaw. Now, I had old Joe trapped in the infamous Bag-O-Death for about 10 turns and was applying some serious attrit to his manooovuerist ass, but then he slightly (and I mean ever so slightly) broke out with about 3 turns to go due to some divine intervention (since he believes in Germanboy) which caused me to lose the remainder of my AFV’s to lucky shots. From this point on, Joe abandoned all pretence of tactics and simply rushed his remaining AFV’s toward the sole VL which was still surrounded by my valiant Volksturm with additional cover by a pristine platoon in reserve. The result was that while I fired off a googleplex of pointy things, Joe had a googleplex plus one AFVs with which to catch said pointy things. The final map looked like a shot of the lone chick at the barn dance in Joe’s hometown. A single M4(105) near the VL with a two platoons of suitors in attendance, each wondering which will go up to her first.

By the numbers:

Joe Shaw – Allies: 178 Casualties (42 KIA) 4 captured, one mortar and 15 AFV’s lost (42 points)

Goanna – Axis: 177 Casualties (53 KIA) 1 captured, 2 guns one pillbox and 10 AFV’s lost (52 points)

DRAW!!!!! Now how the hell 52/42 is a draw is beyond me, especially given the bogus rush at the end. BTS, I demand you stop taking any money and any further work on new creations until this is obvious bug is corrected. I think some time in possession calculation for VLs should do the trick and I am sure Charles can knock out the required code in about the same amount of time it took for me to think up the obvious solution.

And you, Joe can hang your head in shame.

In brighter news, the forces of scalyness have achieved an utter topplement of the troops of not-so-Speedy in “Exit Stage Right”. Only the fact that we ran out of shells and had serious barrel overheating problems (plus the fact that that US armour moves like a scalded cat) in this turkey shoot kept us from doing more damage. By the numbers:

Speedy – Allies: 137 Casualties (41 KIA) 2 mortars and 20 AFV’s lost (44 points)

Goanna – Axis: 110 Casualties (23 KIA) 1 mortar and 10 AFV’s lost (56 points)

Goanna minor victory (must be another bug – I butchered him)

In other news, I also got a 92/8 surrender in 8 turns in a non pool game and can offer the following other snippets:

Berli is running out of real estate and even his near perfect fire discipline (no small feat with green troops) will save him.

bauhaus is about to get the shock of his pathetic life as he discovers on turn 57 of 75 in the Nipple Wars that he holds exactly 0 of the VL’s following a brilliantly executed sneak assault on what he thought was a secure Tory seat.

Outlaw cinema isn’t the only pain Agua feels prior to being demoted to full cess status.

Elvis, MarkVI, Moriarty and Peng should have surrendered by now but are either (q) Suffering from a terminal case of combined stupidity and optimism, (iv) are hoping that he who I do not believe in will return soon from vacation to save them, or (§L4) are secret BTS beta-testers with copies of CM that produce QB’s which provide division level reinforcements. Take your pick.

OGSF has started to snivel about the crappy scenario after a four AFV loss movie. Talk to the hand, pal.

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I'm sure this will make peng... happy? sad? anyhow.. the guy who brought us all the happyness in the world has passed away.. *sniff* actually *sigh*


Harvey R. Ball, the man credited with creating the world-famous yellow Smiley face, died on 12th April after a long illness.

Ball, a graphic artist from Worcester, Massachusetts, created the image in 1963 for a subsidiary of the State Mutual Life Assurance Company. The company’s promotions director, Joy Young, commissioned Ball to create a smile button for a morale boosting campaign. The company originally printed up 100 buttons but they were such a big hit, they ended up handing them out by the thousands. The rest, of course, is history.

Ironically, the image which was created with the wholesome intent of increasing company morale at the State Mutual Life Assurance Company became adopted as one of the most visible symbols of the drug culture.

Harvey R. Ball was paid a flat fee of $45 for his artwork.

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