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Herr Oberst

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  • Location
    Vienna, VA
  • Interests
    Military History, Wargaming, Cycling
  • Occupation
    Senior Designer

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Senior Member (3/3)



  1. By the Gods... Well, forget that, if Slo Jaw is still around here spouting his drivel, then there can be no Gods, only demons and devils. Of course, pretending to fly a plane with a top speed rated in two digits probably fits Uncle Joe's mental capacity. No wait, he has broken into the three digit speed envelope, but that usually occurs just before an abrupt stop. Nods to Berli, Boo, Michael, et al. *sigh* Still no CMx2 WWII theatre... TTFN
  2. I must be updating my Ubuntu installation. How else could I be expected to take seriously the phrase, "Unpacking replacement gnome"? Unless I was here, of course, where we'd all like to replace the gnome...
  3. This thread still lives??? I guess it's true... you know, the saying that Evil still walks the land, and it's name is "The Pend Thread".
  4. While we all appreciate the presence of a Lady in the 'pool, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that you do not have to endear yourself to us by providing "little peeks" of the late night activities at 'The House of Abbott'. I, for one, can do without seeing that last link which you obviously copied from his favorites list in Internet Explorer. That little item definitely falls into the category of "Too Much Information". No need to see the websites that he visits late at night after the blackout curtains have been drawn.
  5. If you start doing show tunes from My Fair Lady, I'm gonna go get my K98-K and blow yer brains out. Well, maybe I ought to pick a bigger target and shoot at yer arse... 'cause I'm not too good at shooting at something the size of a pea...
  6. But I *always* ignore things that Seanapoo writes... my mind stays just a bit clearer that way...
  7. No takers on the golf quote? That was OGSF way back a when... Next (and one of my personal favorites): "Christ on a crutch.... I'm a bloody AUSSIE!!"
  8. Lame a$$ Micro$oft $oftware... my Windows Mobile-based PDA thought there was a Daylight Savings Time change this weekend, and swapped the hour. When I corrected the time today, it moved every meeting by an hour as well... bastiges...
  9. Patch: Well done... No doubt I'll owe you a box of cookies when all is said and done. Boo: Oh very well... the first reference I have is Geier, but he could have well lifted it... Next up: "Great game BTW, I just love it. All the frustration of golf without the fresh air and exercise." Any takers? Hmmm? (You'll only have to endure 3 more after this... that's as far as my "Quotable quotes" file goes.
  10. Oh so close!!! But that comment was made ABOUT Mace! The question is, who said it?
  11. Boo staring at a weasel and sticking on a second tail? </font>
  12. WRONG! Boo boo bear... Any other takers? Those who have an ounce of wit more than Boo? Of course, that would mean that you must possess one ounce yourself...
  13. Well done Patch... next one up: "Now I have a plan that is so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel."
  14. Good god, it's true... some thing never die, no matter how much you wish for it. A cookie to who can answer this trivia question: Name the author of: "If all there was to the world was you lot, I'd be rootin for nuclear war and a chance for the cockroaches to show their stuff."
  15. Since it's YK2's thread, it must have some merit to it... Hello fair lady. For the rest of you lot... feh! Moving to a new home after 14 years sucks... collecting things, 'cause they have to be moved, sucks... remembering that you'll be moving back to your old place again in 9 months sucks... remembering that the old place will have a new kitchen, an additional 1600 sqft, and hardwired gigabit ethernet... rocks!
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