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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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18 minutes ago, IanL said:

I don't think that's what Steve said. He said they would not be releasing new content at the moment. He did not say that work had been halted.

I found this from BFCElvis (I am pretty sure Steve said the same but I didn't find that post before I found this one):


This is kind of exactly the point though, nothing will be released during the war, yet the game continues to go on sale? A little curious really. The reality is no one in the consumer base would actually care if they released the planned module or other planned modules during the conflict. The reason I suspect work ceased was because nearly none of the other release dates given, for products have nothing to do with the war, have been upheld so far. What concerns me most is that BFC has seen that taking 6 years to make a module is a still a successful venture (Fire & Rubble), so they know they don't need to be punctual to make money. This is really unfortunate for us consumers, but that's how it goes I suppose.

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I found the video of recent skirmish in the Gray Zone - UKR detachment discovered by RU drone, shelled by mortars and got into an ambush, coordinated by drone operator. Unfortunately, it contains UKR wounded and dead soldiers. So, I am not posting it. Instead, I am posting a short description. This is how modern skirmish between drone ready and not drone ready infantry looks like. While I was writing it the video got blocked. But anything you need to know is below. Guys from Territorial units, this is especially for you. This is what you will face because RU will unlikely to throw at you the conventional forces (NATO article 5) but will instead initiate cross border raids by hardcore volunteer units like you see below.


The skirmish happened on 3 July. From one side it looks like UKR Territorial squad-sized detachment. On other RU drone operator with two 120mm mortars + small recon detachment (probably fire team or less). Interestingly D-20 could not participate as they were at their max range and accuracy was useless against UKR detachment. However, RU managed to bring forward more mobile 120mm mortars but with a few shells. So, they fired very sparingly.

1. Making routine flyby RU quadcopter discovers UKR detachment position at drainage pipe. UKR guys starts shooting but drone just increased the range, kept watching. Then the drone most probably retreated due to empty battery.



2. Later the drone returns and continues to observe. Pay attention to various items that give away the position. According to other RU discussions the drone operator watches for anysign of human activity and marks the position for further observation or very closer investigation by a cheaper drone.  Any infantry detachment in the Gray Zone is a de facto recon detachment and must behave accordingly regarding items/garbage.



3. Two 120mm mortars starts shooting slowly toward the position. UKR detachment commander makes a wise decision to retreat from exposed position to the next tee line. Drone follows and operator most probably guide the recon team toward them.



4 UKR detachment retreats toward the next tree line. The drone follows and operator patiently waits for the last soldiers to join the main detachment.



5. The commander of UKR detachment has a non camo blue sleeping pad. It makes the job of discovering the detachment/commander and following it much easier notes operator. Small easily missed thing - bad consequences.



6. UKR soldiers notice drone and start shooting. The drone moves away and continues observing (notice the change of distance from previous screenshot). Well, small arms fire is not very dangerous to drones though it pushes drones away. EW rifles according to RU sources more of nuisance than real threat as well.



7. Mortars start shooting at commander to force them to move toward ambush - commander group is to the left of the explosion inside the tree line. The Drone cannot see them clearly but for 120mm you do not need that (looks like 80mm mortar is not used much by RU there due to smaller range/bang)



8. UKR Minivan for the detachment and Universal car for commander group arrive.



9. The commander car drives back to pick up stragglers. Minivan wait for the squad. RU starts shooting at the van to hurry it up.



10. Minivan tries to drive away, however at the end of the tree line there is an enemy ambush. Apart from adjusting fire the operator coordinated movement of probably very small recon detachment (fire team or less) into ambush position. Enemy fire disables the van and wounds UKR soldiers forcing them to bail. Then stops firing waiting for the command car (they are fully aware of the situation due to the drone operator).



11. The commander car arrives to help wounded but the enemy again opens fire forcing it to drive away.



12. Enemy ambush unit does not attempt to assault UKR van position but leaves (probably due to a fear of casualties/possible retaliation - they are too small). In the Gray Zone you survive by stealth and constant movement. Instead of assault the mortars start shooting trying to finish the ambush with direct hit (not shown just claimed).


Keep in mind my ImageShak account is for some reason a trial so most likely it will disappear in 25 days. Tell me if you need me to clarify anything.

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You know if we converted a tenth of the amount written in this thread to game development and giving the community meaningful QOL features such as the replay system already available in CMPE and a map editor that isn't the most tedious thing to use on earth we might actually be on engine 5 by now.

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Even RU patriotic Kossaks are not willing to fight.


The Cossacks' avoidance of SMO casts doubt on the meaning of their existence
The All-Russian ataman condemned the passivity of Cossack commanders who avoid fulfilling their main mission.

All-Russian ataman Nikolai Doluda expressed doubt about the expediency of the revival of the Cossacks in Russia during a teleconference between the leaders of Cossack societies.

At the meeting, the topic of regular military training camps was raised, where combat skills should be improved. Doluda expressed indignation at the fact that the atamans could not bring a satisfactory number of Cossacks to the training grounds, as well as their unwillingness to fulfill the role assigned to them as "defenders of the Russian land."


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4 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Well now, I figured we'd be at 1001 by the time I woke up.  Happy to be disappointed :)

Thanks everybody for 1000.  There will be something to mark this occasion.  Details to come soon.


Like actual QOL features that would make the game 1000x better?  Replay system?  Easy to use Map editor and AI planning?

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22 minutes ago, ManyMilesAway said:

You know if we converted a tenth of the amount written in this thread to game development and giving the community meaningful QOL features such as the replay system already available in CMPE and a map editor that isn't the most tedious thing to use on earth we might actually be on engine 5 by now.

I see you have a bit of an axe to grind 😆

Anyway I think the issue is the part that says 'if we'.  Development of our beloved game is not a communal effort.

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10 minutes ago, akd said:

La Russie est définitivement gagnante :


Ah, I understand better what that means when he says this:

"Vladimir Putin challenged the West to defeat Russia
“Today we hear that they [Westerners] want to defeat us on the battlefield. What to say ? Let them try! “Launched Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the leaders of the groups of the Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament, broadcast on television.

"We haven't started the serious stuff yet. At the same time, we are not abandoning the peace talks either. But those who refuse should know that the longer [they refuse], the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us,” he added.

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Interview with Gen. Ben Hodges, former Commander of USAREUR, concentrating mostly of US and Allied arms deliveries to Ukraine. He declines to give comment on the numbers, but highlights the fact that not all is being made public. Argues for system to target airbases in Russia proper.


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On one hand escalation is bad, on the other, these Russian missiles launched by Russian aircraft from Russian territory are bombarding all of Ukraine....

Interesting how varied these attacks are. Also, quite good we have these high-level bodies returning home for burial, pilots are valuable personnel for Ukraine to kill. 



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3 minutes ago, FancyCat said:

On one hand escalation is bad, on the other, these Russian missiles launched by Russian aircraft from Russian territory are bombarding all of Ukraine....

Interesting how varied these attacks are. Also, quite good we have these high-level bodies returning home for burial, pilots are valuable personnel for Ukraine to kill. 



UA General Staff reported today that Russians deployed a division of S400 and Iskanders in the region of Zyabrivka near Gomel, Belarus. Reportedly the whole base is now purely in Russian control. And it's just 30km from the border, GMLRS could fire at it from downtown Chernihiv.

 It is like Russians are baiting Ukrainians to hit this nice juicy target, and thus involving Belarus in the conflict. I very well expect them to fire some of those Iskanders at Kyiv in the near future. I'm sure Belarus will be dragged into this conflict anyway at some point (against Lukashenka's wishes). Now wouldn't be a good time though, UA being distracted with this side-show would be to Russia's advantage, delaying the counteroffensive and diluting forces available. 

Link to UA General Staff announcement on Facebook

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35 minutes ago, ManyMilesAway said:

Like actual QOL features that would make the game 1000x better?  Replay system?  Easy to use Map editor and AI planning?

You registered to troll?  That's not very nice.

Just so you know, I don't program anything and therefore my being here or not doesn't have any impact on game development.  Sure, I do a lot of other things, though sleep isn't one of them.


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9 hours ago, Huba said:

Told ya! Lithuania will not budge on blocking transit of sanctioned goods to Kaliningrad. Apparently there was some pressure, but apart from suspiciously coordinated articles in various media, it seems it wasn't very serious.


Well, I also took this as a sign that Lithuania is serious :)


Not sure if this footage is from recent removal or some normal maintenance, but I'm going to think of it as from this week.


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1 minute ago, Calamine Waffles said:

I think they need to go read the RPG-7 manual. The PG-7's warhead has a 4.5 s self destruct timer. It will self destruct before it lands if you fire it at that angle.

Well that's something I didn't know either, so thanks for the education.  I suspect @akd did know 😉.

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58 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

You registered to troll?  That's not very nice.

Just so you know, I don't program anything and therefore my being here or not doesn't have any impact on game development.  Sure, I do a lot of other things, though sleep isn't one of them.


Not at all, just merely being level with you to explain my frustration at the apparent lack of progress.  We've had no word on engine 5, there are finished and completed games like Battle for Normandy that are still not on steam almost half a year after they were promised.  No word on the battlepacks, modules for cold war, or news regarding features (such as the replay system that already exists in CMPE) that many people have been asking for for a LONG LONG time.  

And all we see from the official face of battlefront is this thread breaking 1000+ pages.  I am fully aware you don't code Steve.  But it would be nice if we got regular updates on the features we were promised.  I am all for being patient but there needs to be signs of progress or people begin to rapidly lose interest or get frustrated myself among them.

Edited by ManyMilesAway
added mention of the replay system
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3 minutes ago, Calamine Waffles said:

I think they need to go read the RPG-7 manual. The PG-7's warhead has a 4.5 s self destruct timer. It will self destruct before it lands if you fire it at that angle.

That guy on the rpg has lost an arm? Are they that desperate on replacements already?

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22 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

You registered to troll?  That's not very nice.

Just so you know, I don't program anything and therefore my being here or not doesn't have any impact on game development.  Sure, I do a lot of other things, though sleep isn't one of them.


I think that's unfair. Many of us are just people who want to give you money for content. 1000+ page abominations like this thread don't do anything for me.

It would be nice if this forum could go back to being about Combat Mission instead of just sperging about an ongoing war. Some of us are dealing with the human consequences of it right now - there are currently 46 Ukrainian refugees living a couple of hundred meters away from my family home - doctors, lawyers, dentists, logistics managers, business people etc who have become refugees whom we interact with on a daily basis.


Edited by Grey_Fox
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5 minutes ago, Vacillator said:

Apologies, my head is still in WW2.  Did they meet with any success?

I do not know of any success from airburst (almost all the helicopter kills with RPGs, like the Black Hawk Down incident, were direct hits), but that hasn't stopped people from trying.


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