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FORECAST SERIES: Putin’s Likely Course of Action in Ukraine


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27 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Interesting read, but TBH it doesn't sound like they think that the probability of an invasion is very high.

As I recall, there was no expectation of Russia moving into Crimea either. As the article says, the expected areas of interest to the Russians would be those with large ethnically Russian populations such as the Donbas(s). 

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27 minutes ago, z1812 said:

As I recall, there was no expectation of Russia moving into Crimea either. As the article says, the expected areas of interest to the Russians would be those with large ethnically Russian populations such as the Donbas(s). 

There is also a non-bridge land connection to the Crimea.

And the water crisis on Crimea which could be solved with the same land bridge.

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If Russia does invade it can kiss Nordstream II goodbye.  That has cost many BILLIONS of Euros - most of which was invested by European companies:

"The $11 billion pipeline has been built by the Kremlin-controlled gas giant Gazprom and half of the cost has been paid by European energy companies, namely Germany's Uniper (UN01.DE) and BASF's (BASFn.DE) Wintershall Dea (WINT.UL), international oil major Shell (RDSa.L), Austria's OMV (OMVV.VI) and France's Engie..."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nord_Stream#:~:text=For Nord Stream 2%2C the,is being financed by Gazprom.

Need to keep that in perspective.  The US doesn't want to look weak and ineffective.  Russia cooperates by threatening Ukraine so that the US can look "tough".  What does Russia really want?  It wants Nordstream II activated so it gets foreign monies paid for its gas exports.  Europe wants the same as it has a huge energy crunch this winter.  European corporations and investors would lose a huge amount of money is Nordstream II is not activated. 

The whole scenario seems like a fake crisis designed to appear like the west "wins" by "forcing" Russia to back off Ukraine, disguising the huge win for Russia when it does what all of Europe wants - pump gas via Nordstream II.  Seems reminiscent of the Cuba missile crisis which effectively resulted in Russia making the US (quietly some months later) remove missiles from Turkey.  



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[Edit: Thanks for the article.]

I have seen Germany criticised for the pipeline - giving Russia leverage over Europe.  I always wondered if it was more about trying to stabilise the Russo-European relationship by making them reliant on each other.  Am I wrong?  Is it more to do with just needing the gas, not wanting nuclear power or what?

[Edit 2: I also heard it might just be corruption on the German side... with a guy who works for Gazprom.  Surely if that's true though it couldn't be the only factor.]

[Edit 3: Part 1: https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Strategic-Misdirection-An-Alternate-Framework-for-Understanding-Russia’s-Play-in-Ukraine.pdf?x91208  Part three is yet to be released I believe.

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13 hours ago, fireship4 said:

[Edit: Thanks for the article.]

I have seen Germany criticised for the pipeline - giving Russia leverage over Europe.  I always wondered if it was more about trying to stabilise the Russo-European relationship by making them reliant on each other.  Am I wrong?  Is it more to do with just needing the gas, not wanting nuclear power or what?

[Edit 2: I also heard it might just be corruption on the German side... with a guy who works for Gazprom.  Surely if that's true though it couldn't be the only factor.]

[Edit 3: Part 1: https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Strategic-Misdirection-An-Alternate-Framework-for-Understanding-Russia’s-Play-in-Ukraine.pdf?x91208  Part three is yet to be released I believe.

Well, Germany already uses Russian gas. It is just coming through third party countries (*) which charge for passage. Money is definitely involved in the pipeline project.

(*) including Ukraine, who need that money

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/25/2022 at 8:25 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

It seems that things may be calming down:


Ukraine have a bunch of shiny new antitank toys and apparently they want to keep the gas flowing too.  ;)

Was very happy to see this too!  Here's to hoping our little favorite modern warfare game remains fictional!  (Well, for the most part...you know what I mean. 😁)

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Yes, good to hear things are cooling down.

No one wants war, but the tension in the air, sometime can be beneficial to countries that face the threat of internal struggle.  Sometime it can even be even profitable.  Maybe the leaders from both side were conspiracy together to use this crisis to short selling global stock market :) 

Here is another reason why I think at this moment the war will not break out , quote from Putin back in 2019


But when he was asked at the conference on Friday if he would take sides in the trade war between the United States and China, Mr. Putin said he was citing a Chinese proverb that “when tigers fight in the valley, the smart monkey sits aside and waits to see who wins.”

Putin is a smart guy. 

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35 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Zelenskyy seems to have finally woken up to what's going on around him:


I hope he can regain control of the situation in his country and enter into meaningful dialogue with Russia.


They've been trying.  "Meaningful" apparently is very subjective.  I'm reading Russian troops are flooding into Belarus now too with that autocratic jerk in charge.  Things look up and then they look down.  The Ukrainians are very impressive in their stoicism and bravery though.

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Looks like either authorities just don't want to make panic moods among population and show feign imperturbability or Zelensky to the last minute will keep a hope that this is just a bluff of Kremlin, that will end soon and he at last can "see in Putin's eyes", during direct negotiations. On our TV the all - president, representatives of president's administyration, minister of defense, all they make a calming statements - there will not be a war, keep calm and prepare to May barbeсue. And on the other hand allies sent cargo planes with a weapon one by one and warn Ukraine about worst scenario is becoming more and more probable day by day. Even Sullivan, loyal to Russia, said "I think Russia don't wan't a war, but puts a pistol on the table". On this background today's plea of Zelensky to allies don't feed the panic, which negatively reflects on Ukrainian economy and his dispute with Biden during the call about possibility of Russian invasion remind me this meme

Мем: "THIS IS FINE" - Все шаблоны - Meme-arsenal.com

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5 hours ago, Chibot Mk IX said:

Putin is a smart guy. 

Don't forget, this smart guy told about "Ukraine historically is our land, which artifically was seceded by Lenin and bolsheviks". Also this smart guy said this "Why do we need such world, where will not be a place for Russia?" and about hypotetical nuclear war: "We will go to the paradise like martyrs, and they [USA&NATO] just will croak, because even will not have a time to repent". We have a deal with irrational crazy man.

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50 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

Don't forget, this smart guy told about "Ukraine historically is our land, which artifically was seceded by Lenin and bolsheviks". Also this smart guy said this "Why do we need such world, where will not be a place for Russia?" and about hypotetical nuclear war: "We will go the to paradise like martyrs, and they [USA&NATO] just will croak, because even will not have a time to repent". We have a deal with irrational crazy man.

Yeah.  Not a fan of that guy at all.

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Russia's military buildup near Ukraine has expanded to include supplies of blood along with other medical materials that would allow it to treat casualties, in yet another key indicator of Moscow's military readiness, three U.S. officials tell Reuters.


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4 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Russia's military buildup near Ukraine has expanded to include supplies of blood along with other medical materials that would allow it to treat casualties, in yet another key indicator of Moscow's military readiness, three U.S. officials tell Reuters.


More from the article:

6 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

The disclosure of the blood supplies by U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, adds another piece of context to growing U.S. warnings that Russia could be preparing for a new invasion of Ukraine as it masses more than 100,000 troops near its borders.

Maybe Ukraine should try doing some thinking for itself.  :rolleyes:

Seems to me like the west (& especially their media) are fully ready to fight Russia, right down to the last Ukrainian.  :mellow:

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9 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Apparently a coup is suddenly on the cards:

Putin is not military, he is former KGBist, so, first of all he tries to achieve own goals in indirect ways. It's ridiculous, Russian authorities on TV-shows talk about "USA and  NATO want to grab our reach resourses", about "alien western mentality", "spiritualess thinful Western lifestyle", teach own citizenship about patriotism and suggest militaristic moods because "Russia in a circle of enemies", "NATO at the gate", but... Russian elites, including Putin, have billoins in western banks and huge amount of luxury real estate in "enemy western world". Many Russian top-officials have citizenship of EU, UK or USA. Their children study there or already have own business. This is main safety catch for open large scale invasion. For now. 

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