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[scenario] Ambush at Al Edel

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Greetings! Have been playing CM on and off for years now and have mostly been a lurker at the forums. Now that I have too much time on my hands I decided to try my hand at creating a scenario for the community to pick apart and hopefully enjoy. 

This a "mediumish" scenario of an ambush by Syrian guerillas on a US Stryker Infantry platoon. 

The setting is a guerilla zone located in the Latakia Governorate in the northwest of Syria.


The region is fairly mountainous and forested which should be a welcome change from the mostly flat deserts of Eastern Syria. 



Mission Briefing


For almost 2 weeks the Americans have conducted what appears to be a battalion-sized sweep of our guerilla zone located in the eastern part of the Latakia Governorate. So far, we have merely observed their movements and frustrated their attempts to engage us in any decisive engagements. This seems to have frustrated them to no end. In their desperation to locate our main units, they have fanned out in several directions and spread themselves thin. The extremely mountainous terrain in this area has also made matters even worse for them as their columns are advancing along routes separated by deep valleys. This will make it difficult for their units to support each other. We must make them pay for this mistake.


After studying the dispositions of the enemy during their advance, we have managed to pinpoint a weak spot. An isolated platoon on their extreme right flank is making its way southward towards the village of Al Edel. We shall concentrate a superior force there to ambush and annihilate this unit. Wiping out this platoon will not only provide us with captured arms and ammunition; it will also deal a huge blow to the enemy's morale and may also potentially influence public opinion in their home country against this war of aggression. 

Friendly  Forces:

Our main force of 2 undersized platoons (1 HQ team and 5 fire teams each) will be concentrating for this operation.  The zone's operational command has also allocated 2 machine gun teams, 3 RPG teams, a pair of snipers and 2 IED operators as added support. 

Our fighters who will be taking part in this battle have been steeled during the past few years of struggle and are fearless in the face of the enemy. We have also made sure to provide them with adequate supplies. 

Enemy Forces:

Our target is a platoon of infantry in Strykers. It is on the extreme right flank of the enemy's southward advance so its only immediate reinforcement is another infantry platoon, also in Strykers, located on its left flank on an adjacent ridge about 3-4 kilometers away. Several of our harassment teams that have been shadowing this 2nd platoon will try their best to delay them as long as possible once the ambush starts. However, assume that they will be able to reinforce their comrades within half an hour. 

Several Strykers with mortars have been spotted towards the rear of their advance. Attack helicopters have also been seen in the area recently.

Based on information supplied by our intelligence network, it looks like they are on the tail end of their operation and are poised to withdraw from the area. The absence of any engagements seems to have lulled them into a false sense of security and they have started to become careless in their movements. However, you must not underestimate the enemy and remain vigilant.


Although strategically the enemy has vastly superior weapons and numbers, we should use the terrain, the element of surprise, and our superior numbers at the tactical level to offset this advantage. 

Study the terrain carefully and decide where to locate the "kill zone" of your ambush. This is where you should position the bulk of your forces who will be tasked with annihilating the enemy. 

The remaining forces should be located in secondary positions to ensure that the enemy remains boxed in within the "kill zone". They will also be tasked with pinning down any possible reinforcements to keep the enemy in the "kill zone" isolated. 

Once the ambush is sprung, speed of execution is crucial. Try your best to complete the mission and withdraw before enemy reinforcements and air support arrive. Do not stand and fight. Prolonging the battle unnecessarily will only allow the enemy to concentrate their superior forces against us. War is not only about destroying the enemy's forces but preserving our own forces as well. Our fighters are ready to die for our cause, but try to avoid any unnecessary casualties. Also, don't waste ammunition as supplies are generally limited. Only fire at identified targets as much as possible. 

Depending on the development of the battle, our forces may withdraw in 3 different directions marked on the map.

Playable as Red vs. Blue AI. 

The Red setup zone is fairly large. It will allow the player to try different dispositions and tactics to carry out the ambush.

There is only 1 AI plan so far but I'll eventually work on some additional plans for even more replayability.


Operational Map:



Tactical Map:



Some views of the scenery before you blow stuff up:

I tried to replicate the stepped fields they use in the region as best as I could. Could be better, though. The fields are pretty "squarish" for my taste. The plots should hug the contours of the terrain. I initially found the "elevation" tool in the editor pretty confusing (my excuse) and didn't want to redo everything as soon as I got to a certain point in creating the map. Now that I've got the hang of it I'll probably do better next time. 



A view of the mountain spring just north of the village....



A view from the north-east this time....



I have playtested the scenario several times and think it will provide a challenge to players of varying skill levels. I'm looking forward to people trying it out and providing me with their feedback. 

As the great Bootsy Collins once said: "Funk away!"

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lha9pzu76x45x7/Ambush at Al Edel.btt?dl=0

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Thanks, everyone, for the kind words! Hope you all have fun wrestling with the tactical problems hehe....Please get back to me if you can with your feedback. I think the mission parameters need tweaking. Not really sure if I got it right. Still learning. 😁

8 hours ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

This is a really nice first offering!  So many first maps are flat as a pancake, but you embraced elevations wonderfully. Looking forward to it.

Also, major props for a Bootsy quote.

I love the outdoors. Can't go outdoors right now because of the COVID lockdown/ restrictions in my neck of the woods. I miss it a lot. I guess it came out in this map. Just realized that fiddling around with the scenario editor is like Minecraft for grogs haha!

Also, Bootsy is the best, Baby Bubba! 🤩

6 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Impressive looking map and the scenario sounds great too.....Playing Red in CM:SF is a real challenge as a rule.

Which is why I enjoy playing Red. Noticed that there is a dearth of Red scenarios from the uncon perspective. Might try to fill that gap with all the spare time on my hands right now. Even considering making a campaign for all the masochists out there....anyone up for it?


5 hours ago, Falaise said:

great, thank you
your briefing to the scenario is really good and made me strongly want to play this scenario
the map is really good and atypical

Was a dice-chucker (ie. RPG nerd) when I was a kid. For me, a well crafted briefing goes a long way in helping the player immerse themselves and feel invested in the scenario. Glad it gave you the urge to play!


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5 minutes ago, dr funkenstein said:

Even considering making a campaign for all the masochists out there....anyone up for it?

I might be willing to contribute to it!  ;)

5 minutes ago, dr funkenstein said:

Was a dice-chucker (ie. RPG nerd) when I was a kid. For me, a well crafted briefing goes a long way in helping the player immerse themselves and feel invested in the scenario. Glad it gave you the urge to play!

Me too (mostly Runequest & Traveller).....Feel exactly the same way.  B)

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Haha! Don't we all?

Regarding a campaign: was thinking along the lines of the insurgents starting out as a small group that eventually builds up into a large force. The scenarios would more or less follow that progression. Small unit actions against isolated detachments/ checkpoints/ patrols at the start progressing towards larger coordinated attacks against "harder" targets. 

Is there some way the insurgents can use captured NATO weapons in a scenario? I'm guessing you would need mods to do that, right?

Edited by dr funkenstein
spelling hehe
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47 minutes ago, dr funkenstein said:

Regarding a campaign: was thinking along the lines of the insurgents starting out as a small group that eventually builds up into a large force. The scenarios would more or less follow that progression.

That was the route I was following with my CM:A Blue Campaign 'Abdul Gul's War'.....I drove myself mad constantly updating and reimporting the core unit file as I tweaked it or added new units, but I've recently discovered that I probably needn't have (in CM:SF2 definitely so).

47 minutes ago, dr funkenstein said:

Is there some way the insurgents can use captured NATO weapons in a scenario?

Yes, to some extent, but only so long as you really want to start your scenario with a bang.....Rather than me attempt to make a poor explanation here, you can see one way to do it (with a simple pre-made test scenario) in my thread, here:


It seems the AI is mostly mad for M249 SAWs, but it will grab anything sexy, up to and including a Javelin CLU and missiles!  B)

Basicaly the upshot of all this is simply that you need to provide some dead-dudes (with the required gear), on the same side as the guys who you eventually want to use it.

PS - Discussing this has just made me realise that I can almost certainly use this technique to get both NVG & Breaching Charges into the hands of Uncons....Oh happy day!  :D



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Haven't got time to test this - but as others said, the map looks good, I might have a look at how you've done the terraced cultivation as I could think of a couple areas in which to set scenarios where that would be useful.  The screenshots seem to show that you've made a pretty good job.

As to Parameters - @Ithikial_AU has done a brilliant VP calculator which is really good for sorting your VPs and Parameters out.  The mechanics of them are simple enough and fairly well explained in the manual that even a sums dummy like me understands them.  I use them a lot more than I used to balance scenarios and they are very effective for that purpose.  Any questions just ask mate.

Congrats on your first scenario.

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6 minutes ago, Combatintman said:

As to Parameters - @Ithikial_AU has done a brilliant VP calculator which is really good for sorting your VPs and Parameters out.  The mechanics of them are simple enough and fairly well explained in the manual that even a sums dummy like me understands them.  I use them a lot more than I used to balance scenarios and they are very effective for that purpose.  Any questions just ask mate.

*Cough* https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/uncategorized/ithikials-combat-mission-victory-calculator-version-2/ *Cough*


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Thanks for the tip! Brilliant use for an Excel file. Use it a lot for work hehe.

True the manual is pretty straightforward in explaining the parameters. My question, though, is does "casualties" and "conditions" include the reinforcement that was meant to arrive but didn't because the AI accepted a ceasefire before they were able to show up? 


Edit: Just read up on Jon S's excellent tutorial. He basically doesn't use the parameters and tends to use the terrain and unit objectives more to calculate VPs. Makes more sense to me.

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2 hours ago, dr funkenstein said:

Thanks for the tip! Brilliant use for an Excel file. Use it a lot for work hehe.

True the manual is pretty straightforward in explaining the parameters. My question, though, is does "casualties" and "conditions" include the reinforcement that was meant to arrive but didn't because the AI accepted a ceasefire before they were able to show up? 


Edit: Just read up on Jon S's excellent tutorial. He basically doesn't use the parameters and tends to use the terrain and unit objectives more to calculate VPs. Makes more sense to me.

Yes - the Scenario Design Manual was one of the reasons I didn't use parameters much before.  However, I learned that you can do a lot with them in terms of ensuring that a player gets a fair result and keeps them in the game to chisel out a victory.  Parameters are absolute so yes when you set the parameter it needs to take into account every single unit whether they show up or not.  To be honest if the AI ceasefires then the player gets a win anyway so I don't see it as a factor but if you are using the 'reinforcements that never arrive' trick to stave off an early AI ceasefire - say by adding a platoon to arrive 30 minutes after the scenario time limit - then all members of that platoon need to factored into your parameter calculation.

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Excellent scenario. On the first try, got three vehicles (two with IEDs, one with RPGs), but the slat armor ate almost all my ammo.

After analyzing the first playthrough, I gave the scenario another go. This time all vehicles destroyed, two with IEDs, two with RPGs (in total 3 rockets fired). Slat armor caused no problem this time. Had 2 guys killed, one wounded, the rest retreated. Total play time of the second run was nine minutes - destroyed the vehicles (most of the infantry was killed while inside) and evacuated.

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I think I did all right on this map. Annihilated all of those pesky crusaders, except a single Stryker crewman who managed to hide. However, it did cost me 5 dead and 5 wounded, including commander.

I got 2 Strykers with IED and the other two by RPG. The infantry started pouring out of 2 of them, and I had to mop them up in the vegetation.

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