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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

Logically, since young people are likely to not be aware they are virus carriers and need have little fear of dying from it, they should be wiped out (or at least interned) asap to protect the rest of society which is more vulnerable.

So lets intern them. No lets intern everyone. Better safe then sorry.

They could be Terrorists as well? Or maybe one of them?

They could be Communist spies as well? Oh wait, that is an old script. Nevermind that.

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6 hours ago, Erwin said:

Logically, since young people are likely to not be aware they are virus carriers and need have little fear of dying from it, they should be wiped out (or at least interned) asap to protect the rest of society which is more vulnerable.


You've seen the millennial hashtag for the virus?  #boomerremover  I have to admit to laughing at that despite being a boomer.

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On 3/20/2020 at 7:02 PM, Liveload said:

Impressive and fascinating article. Thanks!


The solution is obvious--wargaming, reading about wargaming, reading military history, building models, painting minis, posting about these and more. There's no excuse for boredom. Frankly, I find the expression "I'm bored" incomprehensible. Ref call centers, they are a people heavy entity and not conducive to preventing virus transmission. Besides, if they stay open, someone might decide to attack them. Never underestimate how irate people in home quarantine can get!


If you bothered to read the article, it's not some crazy assemblage of of ideas. I worked directly on BW protection and decontam, know quite a bit about the history of BW, have had to see and read horrificCW, BW and N things in conjunction with my work, etc. With 11+ years as an intelligence professional and who worked on everything from TOW to the military derivatives of the National AeroSpace Plane, plus a bunch of other things, what I read caused me genuine major concern. The novel intelligence from Michael J. Kahnke showing 14.5 million Chinese were almost certainly dead in a not far advanced 2020 only heightened that concern. If this is BS, it's super high grade stuff and I see no payoff, given the way it's been deployed. But let me draw a distinction between what's apparently been happening in Wuhan and surrounds and here. What we have here can't possibly be what the alleged Chinese spook calls the Agent, for there's no way in this society that such news could be hidden from the American public, especially prior to the declaration of National Emergency. That this isn't your cup of tea I get, and I certainly DON'T want what I've seen in CORONA UNMASKED and the Chinese telecom data to be true, but for me to sit on what I've found and know about would be grossly irresponsible on my part. What I've posted here is entirely On Topic, but it happens to be so ghastly the mind wants not to think about it as even a possibility.


I tweeted POTUS based on the analysis I did. That analysis embodied direct experience evaluating BW threats and protection against them, 11+ years as a Soviet Threat Analyst, the parallel 1979 Sverdlovsk anthrax leak from a TOP SECRET Soviet BW manufacturing facility (later confirmed by a scientist who'd worked there and defected), Chinese historical behavior for millennia and more. My initial conclusion was that the story was credible on multiple axes, and my concern was heightened considerably by the Chinese telecom data. As I said on FB, the information is such that I would've had zero compunction about taking it to my boss, his boss and up. With far less information that what I had here, I've uncovered all sorts of things, including a CODEWORD orbital protection scheme (outed before some 250 assuredly NOT CLEARED personnel when several known CIA types abruptly stood up and publicly demanded to know how I knew, since it was CODEWORD) and critical system vulnerabilities on a missile program. Ref the latter, I was informed some time later that what I'd found had been quietly address by seamlessly replacing certain modules in the missiles, with no one the wiser, unless cleared. Bottom line? I know my stuff. My job, as a US citizen with a unique blend of knowledge and extensive relevant experience, is to pass the word. It matters not whether it makes people happy or enrages them.


Was NOT aware of that. That's a lot of armor, which I wish I could see better. More info I turned up on that video and its provenance.


On a lighter note, a prepper would have a reasonable chance of hanging onto survival supplies with an enhanced bed like this one.



John Kettler


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On 3/20/2020 at 8:14 PM, Commanderski said:

One thing that I also noticed is that over the past several days I haven't received any robo calls or calls from telemarketers. Maybe they shut down those call centers because of the virus...😀

This just occurred to me this morning. Peace and quiet. No phone calls for about a week so far I think.

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7 hours ago, John Kettler said:

Little point in having mobile subscription when stuck at home in stringent lockdown for 3 months. Did you miss that the fixed line subcribers to home broadband remains steady.


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John think it through....

A  -   Hmmm let me think I am stuck at home, earning no money and I have the ability to reduce my outgoings.  Wonder what I would do....

B - Or it could be they all died....

I know which explanation I would choose,  a large degree of A and a bit of B...

No conspiracy here...

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1 hour ago, Wicky said:

Little point in having mobile subscription when stuck at home in stringent lockdown for 3 months. Did you miss that the fixed line subcribers to home broadband remains steady.



That just means they died and have not been able to cancel the subscription! 


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On 3/24/2020 at 7:32 PM, nik mond said:

Boomerplague link page

for all your boomerplague needs

(Despite my efforts) I did catch some radio news yesterday. The newsreader came with a total casualty count for the The Netherlands and the average age of the supposed casualties of the, well lets call it pandemic then; 85... 

So another; make of it what you will.

Edit: I wondered will they admit that age in writing?: https://www.rivm.nl/nieuws/actuele-informatie-over-coronavirus  Says the average was 82 years, for the 23rd. Almost...

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Looks like clear evidence that worldwide social security type admins have conspired to figured out a way to reduce the often mentioned "looming Social Security crisis".

Also, we are told by global warming and ecological activists that all these problems are being caused by too many people.  So, there is another pool of suspects.



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Am going to eschew posting the link, but anyone interested in the CV as Chinese BW angle needs to see, including scientific evidence that China is burning a lot of bodies in Wuhan, generating SO2 levels seen nowhere else on Earth presently. Not only are crematoria and the like going great guns, but there was a huge SO2 emission from a large open field near Wuhan. The website is called NeonNettle, and the post is from March 25, with the first part of the title reading "These people are sick!"


John Kettler

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John in a few weeks it is likely there are going to be a lot of dead people in London, we don't turn the Excel Exhibition centre into a hospital lightly. 

Sure the Chinese are dealing with a lot of dead, the number we will soon see for ourselves. Spain is now being hit hard. NYC seems likely to be when America starts to understand if folks have not already....

I don't dispute people are dying...


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25 minutes ago, John Kettler said:


Here's what you don't know about it. It's anything but disinterested, fair and balanced.



John Kettler



JK - please tell us about the valididity of the website you sourced - why does it have more credibility than factcheck.org




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1 hour ago, John Kettler said:

Am going to eschew posting the link, but anyone interested in the CV as Chinese BW angle needs to see, including scientific evidence that China is burning a lot of bodies in Wuhan, generating SO2 levels seen nowhere else on Earth presently. Not only are crematoria and the like going great guns, but there was a huge SO2 emission from a large open field near Wuhan. The website is called NeonNettle, and the post is from March 25, with the first part of the title reading "These people are sick!"


John Kettler


These aren’t satellite images and they don’t show evidence of mass cremations in Wuhan

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In short, this looks like just another more example of the difficulty of separating rumours and misinformation in a subject as sensitive as the coronavirus. Many take advantage of the traditional opacity of the Chinese authorities to multiply the most gruesome speculations.

The World Health Organization itself or the major social networks and Internet platforms have created special pages to try to stop false rumours about COVID-19.

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Nothing is needed: No fact-checkers. No alternative theories. No special pages to stop whatever.

Just look at the actual evidence the mainstream press presents. Not the stories, the sheer size of the media impact, the big claims of horror that they want to protect you from every once in a while. Just their evidence, logic and consistency, or usually: the lack of it.

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If the Chinese government (at all levels) routinely requires that interaction with it be exclusively conducted by cell phone, never mind all the other things that people do with their phones there, how can someone afford NOT to have mobile service? Isn't an emergency the time when your cell phone becomes more important than ever?


John Kettler

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