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New Website status update

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An endless series of glitches caused this to be much later than we expected.  As MikeyD correctly pointed out, though not exactly for that reason, timing is really important.  Flipping the switch on a brand new website can cause all kinds of headaches.  Best to do that during the beginning part of the work week instead of what should be a weekend of relaxing.

I am happy to announce that the change over happened an hour ago.  It will take 24 hours before most of you will see it (I've still not seen it) and 48 hours for those of you with an ISP that is attached to the Internet by a couple of tin cans and a bit of string ;)

Hopefully there won't be too many technical glitches.  The big one is definitely going to be people resetting their passwords.  A large number of people can be relied upon to not read instructions.  It's the way the world works, eh?

Thanks for putting up with the old site for so long!


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Congrats. Even Australia's infamous tin can and string internet seems to receiving the new site. :P

Main page looks a bit bland on my mobile phone (android) as it's just a lot of text on a black background. Functions well it's lacking any pics or the logo. No probs on desktop.

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For you IT geeks out there...

One of the major glitches that tripped things up was related to the fact that we secured the www.battlefront.com domain in 1998 and haven't switched it since 2007.  10-20 years is more than a few lifetimes in the IT world.  I had to spend 2 hours on the phone with GoDaddy trying to sort out things which don't exist any more, yet were part of our profile.  Can't edit an A Record if you can't see it :(  Apparently we were part of some legacy transition of something GoDaddy bought and that needed to get sorted out.

Rather annoying.

The other causes of delays were bugs in the coding of our site.  Some data migration issues also crept in to cause delays.  Turning the old store back on wasn't even remotely a good idea, so you sat without your links working and we sat with $0 per day earnings.  I might be a bit biased because that money is used to buy food and pay the mortgages, but I think we got the worse end of the delay.  Just say'n!


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Just now, Ithikial_AU said:

Congrats. Even Australia's infamous tin can and string internet seems to receiving the new site. :P

Main page looks a bit bland on my mobile phone (android) as it's just a lot of text on a black background. Functions well it's lacking any pics or the logo. No probs on desktop.

The blandness is just for the next week or so because we need to get the word out about the mechanics of the new site.  After a bit the homepage will show other news and it will look prettier :D

I'd be curious to see a screenshot (or picture or whatever) of how it's showing up differently on Android.  It's supposed to look the same as the desktop.  I don't have an Andriod but I'm sure some of our testers checked it out on it.


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On 7/12/2018 at 5:16 AM, Battlefront.com said:

They are still a work in progress, as we discover oddities with people's accounts, but here's the basics...

Customers have a Username and Email associated with their old store accounts.  These have moved over, no problem there.  The problem is people don't necessarily know what one or both of them are!  They reply on their browser to do that when the log in.  A browser MIGHT still suggest the correct information with the new store, it might not.

When you try to reset your password with the new store make sure to enter your Username and Email from your old account.  If you do not remember it, guess by putting your email in both fields.  Username has a character limit and might truncate your email address.  Don't worry, that's fine because if it does that it's stored in the database truncated as well.  The important thing is for the two to match, not be a useable email address.  That's what the Email field is for 😉

If your old account has an outdated email address, then you have to contact us at Support and we'll verify your info then reassign your email address to something that works for you.  Then you can reset your password.

My sense is that most people will get in first time no problem.  Another big chunk of people will get in after a bit of frustration.  Some won't be able to get in at all and we'll have to help out.  Pain the butt for everybody, but that's the price of progress.

People should *NOT* create new accounts.  That messes things up for you long term because we can not merge your order history into your new account.  Meaning, sooner or later you will need your old count fixed and so you might as well do it from the start.

Note that your credit card info was never stored on the old server EVER.  Just a reminder.

There, now aren't you sorry you asked for the raw version? :D


I did it ok, just a quick additional point that might be a small trip for people. When requesting a new password, the username field length is limited, and it accepted my truncated email address. You then get an email with a link to the page you need to go to login with your new password. In this screen, the username field is longer than the username field for the original password request screen, so you can then enter an untruncated email address as your username - this will not work, you need to enter the truncated one instead.

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Sorry for the site being down!  Little did I know that this Forum's domain was linked to from our DNS entries.  Which, unfortunately, I had to totally nuke as part of the process.  Hence my 2 hour phone call to our domain Registrar on Monday to make sure that was the only workaround to the legacy problems.  Sheeh :)

OK, I found a bit of a logic error in some scripting that was affecting codes and download links for old orders.  I have a brute force fix in there until our ecommerce host can put in a proper fix.

There were other odd behaviors that were caused by the DNS change finally kicking in fully.  I had a ton of hardcoded URLs in scripts and pages that needed to be updated.  That could explain some of the things noted.  Images, links, etc. were definitely affected for a while.




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1 hour ago, AlexUK said:

Hi Steve. Potentially it has a different behaviour set. When I tap on it nothing happens. When I try a longer tap (just now) a drop down list appears.

OK, that's what I thought would be the case.  It works like that on my iPad too.  The problem is it's a dropdown menu and it's not coded to instantly spring up.  I'll file a ticket and see if we can get that behavior fixed.


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Worked fine for me

Any time BigDaddy is involved in a website project I'm asked to work on I get a feeling of dread as they hide away the functions in the domain control panel that most others provide willingly upfront. Saying that they have improved their online support from the days when they were only contactable over the phone.

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