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CM Final Blitzkrieg - ALLIED (Defense) BETA Battle Report

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TURN 15 (1:16-1:15)

RECTANGULAR WOOD:  Team Punishment's Shermans continued to fire on the Rectangular Wood... the Jumbo fired three rounds and the Easy 8 fired four, all hit inside the wood.. I hope those rounds caused some pain.  ;)


Enemy units continue to move to the wood, and now for the first time Baneman sends a couple teams out the other side moving towards the outskirts of the town.  


HELLCAT RIDGE:  I now know that there are at least two infantry teams moving toward the Hellcat Ridge.. possibly three.  they are close to entering the little woodline along the road just below the ridge.  I am still in watch and wait mode, letting the situation develop before I do anything about this movement. 


L SHAPED WOOD:  Panther-2 moves back some and its forward position is taken up by what could be a halftrack.. I do not have eyes on this vehicle so am unsure whether this is the Stummel or something else. 


The JagdTiger moved towards the road, and could possibly be on the road, this movement happened towards the beginning of the turn.   its possible he is intending to support his movement towards Hellcat Ridge with this TD, I have outlined a projected path on the image if that is what he intends...


Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Hey Bil,

If you have time for a question....We saw some new uniforms for the axis side. Any new items of winter apparel for the allied side of the house? Perhaps the officer's Mackinaw jacket or shoe-pacs or other? Can you comment on any new options in the "appearance" dropdown menu? :D  Thanks!

This is for Kohl.. sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this Phil.  When set to snow you have three uniform options.. I actually meant to randomize my soldiers but forgot  and they all got Greatcoat... the three options are, Standard, Winter, and Greatcoat::



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Bill, with regard to your last post, it is interesting to see how the picture is developing, this is what you posted very early on in this thread:

ENEMY:  This component of METT-T will evolve throughout the battle.  As of now I know almost nothing, but I do expect to see something like the following:

  • Pz Grenadier or Motorized Infantry Battalion (-) - I expect any infantry to be mounted either on trucks or halftracks.  
  • Tank Company (-) 
    • Expect to see mainly Panther tanks (perhaps two platoons)
    • Expect to see at least one JagdTiger or SturmTiger (Intel says at least one of these is in the area)
  • Light to medium artillery of at least one battery, could be as many as three

I'm guessing that you are still fairly happy with that initial assessment - my question is, do you ever go back into the QB force pick menu and play around with the points to refine your force strength assessment or do you just stick with what you see and rely on judgement/experience to refine your assessment?

Combat-Man, sorry this took so long.. I have consolidated my expectations of what I am facing into the following table.  As to some of your questions:

Yes I am fairly happy with my original assessment and I constantly update that guess as I uncover information.  I don't normally go back and check enemy unit points... in a quickbattle he could have chosen any type of infantry formation, and unless you have had some clues or there is an obvious uniform association it can be tough to differentiate them.  I do however use the scenario editor as an Order of Battle template file to compare OBs to the sightings and unit identifications seen in the game.  The Order of battle (OB) might clarify itself over time, then you can turn your guesses into firm probabilities.


  • Green fields indicate confirmed units or formations.  
  • White field indicates units I expect to see but have not identified yet.  
  • Red field indicates destroyed element.
  • Amber field indicates formations that I am not convinced are present in these forms
  • Gray fields indicate units/formations that I might not be able to isolate, but base their existence on numbers and types of units spotted while playing
  • PROBABLE -  term to indicate that a guess is highly likely based on a multitude of factors and other sightings
  • POSSIBLE -  term to indicate that a guess is less than probable, but is conjecture based on other factors (like templated enemy OB)


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TURN 16 (1:15-1:14)

TEAM PAIN - SHERMANS:  After sitting in the same spot for several turns I thought it was time to move Team Pain's Shermans, they are re-positioning next to the HMG Jeep section across from Hellcat Ridge.


L SHAPED WOOD - HELLCAT RIDGE:  The scout teams heading towards Hellcat Ridge were joined by another team or teams near the map edge.. while the first scouts are now following the narrow strip of woods they are in, the new scouts are headed straight for the Hellcat Ridge.  

The JagdTiger contact jumped back to close in to the L Shaped Woods this turn.. so last turns suspected movement may not have happened.  UI contacts can be misleading, you need to watch them for several turns to make sure you understand what is going on.

Panther -1 has moved from the back of the map to the location in the image below... I know it was Panther-1 because it has the impact decal from the Hellcat engagement.  I strongly suspect Baneman was trying to get angles on my Shermans... 

Panther-2 seems to be in the same location as last turn.

I suspect the halftrack contact is the Stummel.  

So I think I have a good picture of his armor force on this side of the map.  If there were more I think I would have seen or heard it by now.  I have been seeing the same contacts since I first started to notice them.


COBRU:  The Recon Section HQ spotted an enemy HQ unit crossing the road at the entrance to Cobru and opened fire.. dammit.. I forgot to limit their engagement range.. they take down the second man in this team, one of the guys with a PF.


This recon team also heard a UI (halftrack) at the end of that same street... the only halftrack I know is in this area is the 251/1 I spotted very early in the game... however I do expect to see another Stummel, and this could be it.  We will see.





Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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Combat-Man, sorry this took so long.. I have consolidated my expectations of what I am facing into the following table. 


No dramas about the delay - your answer was pretty much as I expected - while I am absolutely a details guy there is a law of diminishing returns sometimes and I absolutely agree that time spent in the editor doing anything other than deriving outline ORBATs is overegging the pudding.

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No dramas about the delay - your answer was pretty much as I expected - while I am absolutely a details guy there is a law of diminishing returns sometimes and I absolutely agree that time spent in the editor doing anything other than deriving outline ORBATs is overegging the pudding.

Heheh, "overegging the pudding" is not a saying we have in the US.  ;)

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TURN 17 (1:14-1:13)

L SHAPED WOOD:  The situation around the L Shaped Wood and the Hellcat Ridge is developing very slowly...  

One important development this turn though, is that the UI halftrack that I suspected was the Stummel, solidified into an Sdkfz 251/17, that is a 20mm flak vehicle.   Interesting.. so my thinking that I pretty much had his armor force on this side of the field figured out turned out to be erroneous.

In true c3k form, I dub this vehicle "Pinnochio".


COBRU:  Two events in Cobru this turn... the halftrack that was on the road being overwatched by the recon Section HQ turned out to be an Sdkfz 251/1.. possibly the same one I had spotted very early in the game, but its possible he has several more of them.  This vehicle was carrying an infantry squad, which disembarked way up the road.. so at least they were forced to deploy earlier than Baneman might have wanted... that's something.  

My Recon HQ team escaped with no casualties from the HMG fire, and are now back in their jeep.


On the other side of Cobru, I had an HMG Jeep providing harassment interdiction fire on the enemy infantry in and around the Rectangular Wood.. well, Baneman got what I believe to be a Stummel (either the same as was previously spotted near the L Shaped Wood, or a different one) into position to fire at my jeep.. one close round was enough to knock the jeep out of action and cause one casualty.. though the survivors did dismount with an MMG.. so, that's something.  With nothing to carry them out of the town they will take up the best position they can and die in place, or maybe, hide and remain behind to report on enemy activity from their rear.


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In true c3k form, I dub this vehicle "Pinnochio".

If my only CM achievement has been to get Bil to adopt my battlefield ID technique, I can rest easy, knowing that I have reached a gaming pinnacle to which many aspire. A Pinnochio pinnacle, but a peak, nonetheless.

Of course, that halftrack will probably try to stick its nose where it doesn't belong. ;)

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Nice report Bill. Is it possible to scrounge weapons and ammo from knocked out vehicles know?

On the other side of Cobru, I had an HMG Jeep providing harassment interdiction fire on the enemy infantry in and around the Rectangular Wood.. well, Baneman got what I believe to be a Stummel (either the same as was previously spotted near the L Shaped Wood, or a different one) into position to fire at my jeep.. one close round was enough to knock the jeep out of action and cause one casualty.. though the survivors did dismount with an MMG.. so, that's something

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Would you mind sharing how you did a few things with the screenshot above?

1. You have men in a non-translucent building. How did you manage that? I've been going crazy with my own graphics trying to hid translucency of occupied buildings.

2. Are the windows actually functioning here? Is that something that was always there and I missed it, or did you show a view of the street (and trees/buildings in other windows) beyond some other way? 

I'm amazed at your graphics! :)







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That's an incredible long shot for a stummel to take out your jeep in town. Wow!

Your accidental fire in town that got the panzerfaust man earlier plus these little incidents may be very convincing that you're going to defend Cobru and force a lot of caution on the German's part, which will burn a lot of time he could have better spent elsewhere. If he doesn't catch on soon enough...

Edited by Bud_B
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  Great action as always.  I really liked your three comparison pics of the troops.  I think your choice of greatcoats was the best one for this battle.  It feels right for the setting.

  Really enjoying the screenshots.  It is keeping us right in the snow alongside the pixeltruppen.  Very immersive.


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Would you mind sharing how you did a few things with the screenshot above?

1. You have men in a non-translucent building. How did you manage that? I've been going crazy with my own graphics trying to hid translucency of occupied buildings.

2. Are the windows actually functioning here? Is that something that was always there and I missed it, or did you show a view of the street (and trees/buildings in other windows) beyond some other way? 

I'm amazed at your graphics! :)

Bud, there is no trick here, first of all I almost never use zoom, so if you are using the zoom controls to get into the building then it will remain translucent. 

What I do is simply move the camera into the building, once I am inside the building it is not transparent, and the windows can be seen through.

Shoot me a PM if you can't get it to work. 

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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