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CM Final Blitzkrieg - ALLIED (Defense) BETA Battle Report

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.. I notice you hunt in packs (minimally two tanks) and you have successfully bagged one SPW already. Nice AAR as usual....

Always.  I try to never work my armor in isolation... I almost always get in trouble when I fail to work in at least two-tank teams.


P.S. on a separate note do you still work on that platoon-level game for Panther?

Nope.  I have left that development effort.

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EVENT 1: The Shermans from Team Pain are on the move!!  See if you can predict where they are headed and what their mission will be

EVENT 2: The remaining three Hellcats (those not near KT1) are on the move!!  See if you can predict where they are headed and what their mission will be!


Although you have provided good pictures (both close-in and the map) it is a bit difficult to see all the finer details of the lay of the land but my guess would be

that you plan to move team pain to the area around the VL in Coburn..

Getting some armour here will make it difficult for Baneman to advance his infantry, currently grouping in the wooded area further north into Coburn i think...

This will in turn more or less force Baneman to commit his armour...Revealing their possitions...

If this is the plan though i'm not sure why you decided to use Pain and not Punishment that 'had' that flank...


Regarding the Hellcats... I honestly don't know B)


I think you have them deployed just fine where they are (atleast the most forward ones)...

It would undoubtedly be a gutsy move to advance them even further to try and catch Baneman of guard somewhere up ahead...

But in my oppinion it is not you that needs to advance..It is Baneman.

Baneman has atleast on JagdTiger somewhere back there in ambush possitions...Why risk loosing any armour by pushing forward more then neccesary ?

If you remaine in place you will se him comming and he will need a sizable armoured force to be able to push past the reverse slope hellcats...

I think you have your left fairly secure as is...


But thats just me...You are without a doubt more agreesive then i am...;)







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You have finally embraced my combat methodology: your Sherman is being used as bait. You've told the crew that Adolf Hitler is in a kubelwagen just on the other side of the hill. Their bravery and initiative could end the war...today. Simultaneously, you've told the Hellcat TC's that you've been noticing a bit of shakiness regarding the Sherman crew. If they crack, and do something odd, like charge the enemy, then the Hellcats could best support their sacrifice by being in position to pick off any Germans which give away their position.

Am I close?  ;)

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B) !


The life as a commander is a lonely one...It's hard making friends...Especially among those Sherman guys...A strange bunch ! ;)

But honestly...

I don't think a Sherman advance to that location would be a suicide mission...Atleast by the looks of it...They have a fairly covered approach to that location...

and unless Baneman have some hidden AT assets already in place to engage the approaching Shermans it is him that will need to move into possition while under observation of enemy guns....(after the Shermans have arrived)

Atleast that was my thinking ! B)



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TURN 9 (1:22-1:21)

SOLUTION EVENT 1 and EVENT 2:  Thanks to those of you who contributed solutions to my little interactive questions... well except for Ken.  :P  I was actually surprised that most thought I was going to attack or support my right (Baneman's left).. surprised because I have the least information on my right thus it would be premature to conduct an offensive action on that flank.


My plans were for the Hellcat section (x3 TDs) was to take up hulldown positions on the ridge overlooking the L Shaped Wood and attempt to get eyes on that enemy tank that has been sitting in the same position since the beginning of the game.  If this is the JgdTiger then hopefully I can get a flank shot or two off before it can react.. by the end of this turn I had one Hellcat in position (#1), another almost in position (#2), and the final Hellcat (#3) will be in position next turn.

The Sherman Section is going to drive down the road, take up hulldown positions on on or near the road in order to attack the infantry in the L Shaped Wood.  

The Hellcat section near KT1 will provide overwatch for this attack, protecting the flanks of the other two sections.

After several turns of my opponent moving very slowly and that enemy tank contact not moving at all, I thought I had an opportunity I could not miss.



SITUATION:  In Cobru I am conducting some misdirection.. I am moving a few jeeps around the town to hopefully provide some UI contacts for Baneman to puzzle over.  I will do this for a few turns then I will withdraw from the town and this flank and let him attack an undefended position.  My hope is that the UI contacts will convince him that there "might" be defenders.  After the town and the woods on this flank the terrain opens up and will be more to my liking.


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TURN 10 (1:21-1:20)

HELLCAT SECTION:  Wow, a lot of action with these guys this turn... the stationary tank was not the JagdTiger, it was a Panther...


The Panther never got a spot on my Hellcats, though I suspect Forsyth's Hellcat on the right (left in the above image) might have been spotted.  The Panther never fired.

Also spotted in this area was a Stummel which was moving towards my Hellcats.  It was in view for only a few seconds before it disappeared in a treeline.  


Finally, in this area opposite my Helcats was the freaking jagdTiger!!!  This behemoth was in view for several seconds and never spotted my Hellcats, it was spotted by Olson's TD... though Olson was busy firing on the Panther.. I had ordered a withdrawal for Olson after 45 seconds and with this pull back I lost the spot on the JT.  Range to the JT was about 400 meters.


This image shows these new contacts and my setup... should get real interesting in the next few turns.


The Shermans are both on line now for their attack on the infantry in the woods, the Easy 8 got off a few well aimed rounds and at least one landed right in the middle of where i suspect one infantry concentration to be located.  next turn both of these tanks will be firing on this target.


Olson had fired once at the Panther, but missed short.

As the turn wound down, two Hellcats, Olson's and Forsyth's both had a round in the air... both targeted at the Panther.  Range to the Panther is about 760 meters  


Mace's Hellcat on KT1 started receiving mortar fire again.. one round hitting way too close for comfort.. though no damage was done.


SITUATION:  I now suspect that there is more than one platoon in the L Shaped Woods.. from two Platoons up to a full Company.  Some of the infantry thatwas in the little treeline next to the L Shaped Woods has started moving toward the center... perhaps away from my blocking force on KT1.  Also spotted were some new infantry, an HQ of some sort and some support teams, including an HMG started running from the small village on the map edge toward the Rectangular woods. There is probably more than one platoon in that wood mass as well. 

I now know that Baneman bought at least one Panther to go along with his JagdTiger.  If nothing else my Hellcat advance has uncovered some very useful intelligence.

I am still gobsmacked that his infantry is almost entirely dismounted... any maneuver on his part is going to be very slow and plodding, while mine should be fast, should have little problem outmaneuvering him, well, his infantry at least.



Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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  Shhhh, don't tell the guys it is a JagdTiger.  Tell them it is just a fat Mark IV.  You don't want to rattle them too quickly.  ;)

  Thanks for the cliffhanger...TWO rounds in the air heading for the Panther.  Arrghhh...

  If his guys are floundering in the snow on foot, then you can slow your fallback action a bit.  Great action...like Flounder said, this is GREAT!


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Congratulations on spotting the JadgTiger. 


In a few games I did what you're doing now: moving units around purposely to make an enemy get lots of activity before them to give a false impression of my strength. Rommel did it upon arriving in Africa, but I always wondered if what I was doing was a bit crazy. Seeing you do it is really gratifying!

Edited by Bud_B
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...I am still gobsmacked that his infantry is almost entirely dismounted... any maneuver on his part is going to be very slow and plodding, while mine should be fast, should have little problem outmaneuvering him, well, his infantry at least.

Visible mounted infantry at this stage of the game sounds like high-cost AT food to me.

Bil, if you were the Germans, would you be risking that at this stage? The price of that dead HT was only one AP round. 

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Visible mounted infantry at this stage of the game sounds like high-cost AT food to me.

Bil, if you were the Germans, would you be risking that at this stage? The price of that dead HT was only one AP round. 

Agreed. I would do the same thing Baneman has. Dismounted infantry take loses in ones and twos, mounted infantry are lost in squad-sized chunks.

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Agreed. I would do the same thing Baneman has. Dismounted infantry take loses in ones and twos, mounted infantry are lost in squad-sized chunks.

And, destroying dismounted infantry means probably staying engaged for more than shoot and scoot. It costs more time than vehicles/mounted infantry, which means the enemy has more reaction time and a larger window to spot and solidify his intel picture.


Edited by Macisle
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Hats off to whomever put together that halftracks texture. sure its not really a "good" white wash. but it looks really neat with that one winding band of white. also the white washes are fantastic in general. White is a very fickle color to work with, and the white washes look just chalky enough to look like an extra blobby layer of paint haphazardly applied.

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Hats off to whomever put together that halftracks texture. sure its not really a "good" white wash. but it looks really neat with that one winding band of white.

I agree...It looks really cool ! 

The veihcles over all seems to have more of a wheatered look to them right out of the box this time...


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Visible mounted infantry at this stage of the game sounds like high-cost AT food to me.

Bil, if you were the Germans, would you be risking that at this stage? The price of that dead HT was only one AP round. 

And, destroying dismounted infantry means probably staying engaged for more than shoot and scoot. It costs more time than vehicles/mounted infantry, which means the enemy has more reaction time and a larger window to spot and solidify his intel picture.

Agreed. I would do the same thing Baneman has. Dismounted infantry take loses in ones and twos, mounted infantry are lost in squad-sized chunks.

It can take the loss of only one or two dismounts to stop a dismounted infantry advance in its tracks.

Right now in the terrain he is in dismounted is okay I guess, the problem is going to be when he has to exit that terrain, not as much cover as the terrain moves towards the second Phase Line objective... he is going to be moving very slow and could be caught in the open by rampaging armor.  I would at least have a good portion of my force mounted and ready to perform a deep attack to take advantage of any hole in the defense I could identify, any dismounts would be scouts...

Baneman seems to have his entire infantry force (at last what I have identified so far) dismounted.. and yes I question that decision, his reactions are simply going to be too slow.  It's possible he still has a mounted force in hiding and if so, then bravo.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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I meant to include these gifs in the Turn 10 report but didn't have time last night and I wanted to get the post up.. so here they are:

Hellcats v Panther.. the Panther is the contact all the way to the left, if yo uwatch carefully you will see the JagdPanther contact pop up and disappear...


The Sherman section moves into their positions opposite the L Shaped Wood.. note the transition from road to snow...



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Is it worth sliding the TDs on KT1 a bit to the left in an effort to see 'past' the end of the L-shaped wood to the side armour of the JgPz VI? If that mortar fire is "aimed" rather than speculative, too, it might break contact and return a measure of uncertainty to Baneman. Or doesn't the terrain permit that sightline from the "shoulder" of KT1's ridge?

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