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why is the game so expensive


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It's not a font (seems to be whatever the default here is, though, albeit Bold Underlined), but point size. Took me a while to get the two sorted out. I have to keep telling myself "Font is the typeface (e.g., the distinctive way the letters, number and characters are shaped, proportioned and spaced). Point size is how big they are."  You'd think I'd remember this stuff, since I worked in financial printing before going into military aerospace. In my defense, that was a long time ago!


Font creation is an art unto itself, and a font conveys a message by its very appearance. Times New Roman is all about classic(al) design and conveys authority and solidity, as opposed to Comic Sans MS, which is lighthearted and fun. For a look at just how much intricacy and thought goes into the text we see all around us, this typography blog is quite the thing.




John Kettler

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I'm offended that I need to have a computer to play this game. That's not "fair". I should be able to buy the disk and not need anything else.

What?! No wonder I thought this game sucked wind, was incredibly boring and the UI was awful. . . Not to mention the lack of graphics. Hmm so what am I supposed to do with this disk? And what am I supposed to use for my beer coaster now?

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It's not a font (seems to be whatever the default here is, though, albeit Bold Underlined), but point size. Took me a while to get the two sorted out. I have to keep telling myself "Font is the typeface (e.g., the distinctive way the letters, number and characters are shaped, proportioned and spaced). Point size is how big they are."  You'd think I'd remember this stuff, since I worked in financial printing before going into military aerospace. In my defense, that was a long time ago!


Font creation is an art unto itself, and a font conveys a message by its very appearance. Times New Roman is all about classic(al) design and conveys authority and solidity, as opposed to Comic Sans MS, which is lighthearted and fun. For a look at just how much intricacy and thought goes into the text we see all around us, this typography blog is quite the thing.




John Kettler

Really? You felt obligated to point out it is font size not just font? I am gonna go out on a limb and guess you aren't married nor in a relationship.

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Thewood1 and slysniper,


I'm not a font grog, but I have a friend who's done all kinds of print work, Is a Photoshop ("A" list Hollywood projects and celebs) and Adobe Illustrator pro, has designed video packaging, does top to bottom website design and does his own typography. Most of what I know I about typography I sort of picked up by osmosis.




Are you seriously going to tell me and everyone else here you've never corrected someone on a technical detail here on the Forums? Believe that assertion fully meets the criteria for "incredible"--in the original sense of the word. The final sentence from you was gratuitous.




John Kettler

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I don't give a crap about any font obsession...I am just tired of coming to the site looking for information and finds from the community then having to wade through post after post from you in particular.  With most of it just stuff you have googled.  I really wish there was a part of the forum built for you to post your stuff.  It would save me some time.


Examples...again...first 9 of ten threads in the tech section are from you.  A couple of them are OK and reasonable, but most look like they are from someone who does't understand the game or how to use the computer its on.  At this point, I skip any thread started by you.  But your posts push interesting stuff off the page and force me and others to go digging.

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Because it sells enough at that price to keep the content creators comfortable and permits them to continue developing the product. It's not rocket science. Well, the coding's probably comparable, but the economic reasons are pretty straightforward.


Don't like it at that price, don't buy it. There are demos to give you a pretty good idea what you're getting for your money, which, by the way, is an absolute metric buttload. And all for no monthly fee.

Have you played kerbal space program? rocket science isn't so bad. Conservation of momentum. Hot gasses rush out really fast so big thing go up. Not too hard. It's guidance that's hard!!!

And coding. Bugger that for a game of soldiers - great respect for those caffeine machines that can though. 

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  1. Thewood1 (if you're actually reading this),


I just went through the CMBS Technical Support threads in which I was Op, to determine whether your charge had substance.


1.   Stinger range. BadgerDog concurred on goodness of idea. Fruitful discussion followed.

2.   BTR ARTY observation vehicle in ADA battery. Conclusion? It was technical error.

3.   Sought icon for HQ AFVs, received info on Alt-Z. That one was ignorance on my part, but I still think the idea is sound.

4.   PBEM file incompatibility issues with Sublime. A technical problem reported to Technical Support!

5.   Show All Targets. As properly amended to Show All Target Orders, this is something other Members want, too.

6    Setup zone in 6K QB in disarray; also there was a map issue. Got some coaching on dealing with all the icons, and MarkEzra (maker of all the QB maps) agreed there was a map issue and issued a fix.

7.   QB Deep OT Clock. Both BadgerDog (are you going to argue he's ignorant when it comes to CMBS?) and I thought it was an issue, and I presented it as such. Legit.

8.   AH-64D Longbow with bombs. Outright gross technical error which I properly cited and reported.

9.   Click & Drag for Setup. Useful feature request, with which Vinnart concurred. 

10. Seeing AFV interiors when I shouldn't. This is an issue I've seen come up many times on the Forum and have myself formally reported those and related problems (men partially embedded in the structure, legs hanging out through the floor boards) before, though for CMBN.

11. Tiny QBs & enormous forces under Computer Selects.  Vinnart concurred, and ensuing broader discussion IDed need to restore certain QB capabilities in CMx1.


Where you see only a handful of legit posts by me in Technical Support, the evidence everyone can review in no way supports your sweeping allegations.  Of 11 OPs I made, only 1 was the direct result of my game ignorance and thus unnecessary in your view. Seems to me your argument is built largely on quicksand--and really bad math. If you're going to get on me over asides, observations and humor in the threads, then be sure to call out everyone else who does the same. The various practices were all going on when I got here in 2000. Your issue about Googling intrigues me. If I cite, for example, my direct military aerospace experience, you bemoan that. If I say I can't find some item of info, then I get dissed over my defective Google Fu. If I state something and don't provide a citation, then I'm accused of fabricating. And if I present something I found via Google, you don't like that, either. You seem to have an issue with me so major you are now making rash public statements about my posts which even elementary school math can disprove. 




John Kettler

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  1. Thewood1 (if you're actually reading this),


I just went through the CMBS Technical Support threads in which I was Op, to determine whether your charge had substance.


1.   Stinger range. BadgerDog concurred on goodness of idea. Fruitful discussion followed.

2.   BTR ARTY observation vehicle in ADA battery. Conclusion? It was technical error.

3.   Sought icon for HQ AFVs, received info on Alt-Z. That one was ignorance on my part, but I still think the idea is sound.

4.   PBEM file incompatibility issues with Sublime. A technical problem reported to Technical Support!

5.   Show All Targets. As properly amended to Show All Target Orders, this is something other Members want, too.

6    Setup zone in 6K QB in disarray; also there was a map issue. Got some coaching on dealing with all the icons, and MarkEzra (maker of all the QB maps) agreed there was a map issue and issued a fix.

7.   QB Deep OT Clock. Both BadgerDog (are you going to argue he's ignorant when it comes to CMBS?) and I thought it was an issue, and I presented it as such. Legit.

8.   AH-64D Longbow with bombs. Outright gross technical error which I properly cited and reported.

9.   Click & Drag for Setup. Useful feature request, with which Vinnart concurred. 

10. Seeing AFV interiors when I shouldn't. This is an issue I've seen come up many times on the Forum and have myself formally reported those and related problems (men partially embedded in the structure, legs hanging out through the floor boards) before, though for CMBN.

11. Tiny QBs & enormous forces under Computer Selects.  Vinnart concurred, and ensuing broader discussion IDed need to restore certain QB capabilities in CMx1.


Where you see only a handful of legit posts by me in Technical Support, the evidence everyone can review in no way supports your sweeping allegations.  Of 11 OPs I made, only 1 was the direct result of my game ignorance and thus unnecessary in your view. Seems to me your argument is built largely on quicksand--and really bad math. If you're going to get on me over asides, observations and humor in the threads, then be sure to call out everyone else who does the same. The various practices were all going on when I got here in 2000. Your issue about Googling intrigues me. If I cite, for example, my direct military aerospace experience, you bemoan that. If I say I can't find some item of info, then I get dissed over my defective Google Fu. If I state something and don't provide a citation, then I'm accused of fabricating. And if I present something I found via Google, you don't like that, either. You seem to have an issue with me so major you are now making rash public statements about my posts which even elementary school math can disprove. 




John Kettler



Holy hell man, learn to let go.

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It's just a decision battlefront made a long time ago.  Keep the price high.  A lot of specialist games are like this.  Every so often one of us suggests they get on steam or do a sale and it gets thwacked.  They sorta have competitors.  WeGo though is what I really though, and that's unique.

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It's not that the price is high (or "too high"). The problem is that wages are too low. Obviously, this is not fair. The only redress is a world-wide "game fairness tax". Of course that sounds bad. We'll call it the "leveling the playing field for all" act, and impose "fees" on anyone buying...milk. Or eggs. Or cheese. Because dead cows are in the game, so people who use cow stuff should help. It's only fair. I mean, if they can eat cow stuff, then I should be able to pay for my game without making a choice about giving up my own milk, eggs, or cheese. (Cows do make eggs, don't they?) Really, why should I work for something which fills a need or desire in my life? Others can afford it, and I can't. It's not fair.


Hang on, I just heard my Mom come back in.


"Hey! Mom! I'm hungry and the basement is chilly! Cook me something and turn up the heat!"


Where was I? Oh, yeah. It's not fair. BFC needs to give up some profit.



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A reminder that this Forum does have an IGNORE feature. It's imperfect, but some have found it improves their experience.



To be found at: top right,your username, click triangle, manage ignore prefs


I wish I had that in real life.

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Except, of course, the price of the game *isn't* high. Steam is a parasite company. Why do people keep suggesting BFC attach a parasite to its neck just to suck its profits? BFC prefers to keep its own profits for itself.


This is what I tell the pizza delivery guy all the time. He is a parasite because he didn't cook the bloody pizza, he just facilitated it ending up in my hands, in exchange for my money. I really hate that guy, thinking that he is offering a service and getting paid for it.




The game isn't expensive though. $60 isn't real money anymore.

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The game isn't expensive though. $60 isn't real money anymore.


This. (Been there, when $5 had to buy 2 days worth of lunch or I'd go hungry one of those days, so if $60 is a budget breaker, then you need to step away from playing computer games and focus on your work, bills, debts, and opportunities.)

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can someone tell me why is the game so expensive for a game so old and still 60 euro

Honestly, if your a fan of the CM series then the price is not exorbitant for the amount of hours you get back.


I played the CMx1 games for a decade and have played the CMx2 games since 2007.  


If you think of the costs as a through life gaming experience then it works out to be one of the cheaper forms of entertainment around.  Try taking 4 folk to a cinema on a Friday night with Hot Dogs, drinks and popcorn.  You will pay more than 60 Euros for that one evenings entertainment.

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