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Task Force Spartan Resolve

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I am glad you are liking the campaign. Good luck!

Thank you very much for creating this campaign. I haven't begun playing it yet but I've been downloading all the files you've suggested in your text file. If I may make a suggestion, could you say where each mod file (such as Mord's) is located in the repository? I've been struggling to find some of them.

Thanks again for all your efforts.

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Thank you very much for creating this campaign. I haven't begun playing it yet but I've been downloading all the files you've suggested in your text file. If I may make a suggestion, could you say where each mod file (such as Mord's) is located in the repository? I've been struggling to find some of them.

Thanks again for all your efforts.



Here are the main non-SR mods that I highly recommend, in no particular order:


Mord's Vehicle Radio Chatter. I really like the radio chatter. I think every US veteran has that SINGGARS beeb burned into their subconscious somewhere. The radio chatter adds a lot of immersion in my opinion.




Send a PM to AKD and he will send you a Dropbox link for his outstanding sound mod. I personally use AKD's sound mod with the voices and some other extra sounds from WaClaw's also excellent sound mod, which can be found here:




I personally like AKD's general combat sounds better as they sound more authentic to me, however WaClaw has some outstanding soldier voice mods and background ambient combat noises that I really like (although I did delete some of the voice mods as a few sounded too 'Hollywood' to me).  I recommend experimenting with both and picking and choosing what you like. Its a free country so have at it!


Send a PM to Vein and he will send you a Dropbox link for his outstanding effects mod. All I can say about this particular mod is that you should never play Black Sea without this mod! EVER!


All of Kieme's mods are great too, check those out here on the forum and grab what you like.



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I'm back to report how the 4th and 5th battle went. Both very good fights, great maps and very good AI plans, so good in fact that I lost the 5th battle... Thanks for the hours of fun again!


The 4th battle felt like three separate battles, pushing the three platoons each up their lane. I lost one of my drones in the first turn because I had forgotten that some of them can be shot down by missiles... arg. On the right flank I tried a nice right flanking maneuver but got caught out in the open by an armored counterattack. But when the tanks showed up I thought this is going to be be easy, until two of them lost their gun to 30mm shots. But the Tunguska saved the day, taking out a mean grenade launcher that stopped my troops in the center for quite a while. On the left I did not need tanks, the Javs cleared the tanks, than the Humvees and the infantry cleared the rest. The enemy surrendered befor I got to charging onto the center and right objective.


The 5th battle started bad, went OK for a while and ended in disaster. I misjudged where the forward enemy positions were, so one of my BTRs ran straight into an ambush and everybody except for one private did right away. After that I was more careful, the first village was lightly defended but I still lost vehicles to 30mm cannon equipped BTRs hidden way in bushes and trees. I had the second village half cleared when the counterattack came and my troops were simply overrun. My tanks got caught in crossfire the Airforce took to long to show up and when they did they shot one of the many already burning wrecks. I think I only took out 3 of the many, many tanks. I could have cease-fired to preserve to get away with win before they took the second town, but I thought that was cheap... I will not play this again, I don't think it is an easy win with better tactics, I can only guess that it is meant to be really hard. So I will go with this result and see where it takes me.

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I'm back to report how the 4th and 5th battle went. Both very good fights, great maps and very good AI plans, so good in fact that I lost the 5th battle... Thanks for the hours of fun again!

The 4th battle felt like three separate battles, pushing the three platoons each up their lane. I lost one of my drones in the first turn because I had forgotten that some of them can be shot down by missiles... arg. On the right flank I tried a nice right flanking maneuver but got caught out in the open by an armored counterattack. But when the tanks showed up I thought this is going to be be easy, until two of them lost their gun to 30mm shots. But the Tunguska saved the day, taking out a mean grenade launcher that stopped my troops in the center for quite a while. On the left I did not need tanks, the Javs cleared the tanks, than the Humvees and the infantry cleared the rest. The enemy surrendered befor I got to charging onto the center and right objective.

The 5th battle started bad, went OK for a while and ended in disaster. I misjudged where the forward enemy positions were, so one of my BTRs ran straight into an ambush and everybody except for one private did right away. After that I was more careful, the first village was lightly defended but I still lost vehicles to 30mm cannon equipped BTRs hidden way in bushes and trees. I had the second village half cleared when the counterattack came and my troops were simply overrun. My tanks got caught in crossfire the Airforce took to long to show up and when they did they shot one of the many already burning wrecks. I think I only took out 3 of the many, many tanks. I could have cease-fired to preserve to get away with win before they took the second town, but I thought that was cheap... I will not play this again, I don't think it is an easy win with better tactics, I can only guess that it is meant to be really hard. So I will go with this result and see where it takes me.

If you want to try again, there are 3 AI plans (for every scenario) so you might have run across the most difficult plan.

Glad you are having fun!

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Gave this a final run through to see if I could win with using what I considered realistically careful tactics. Played WEGO. (BTW: Any AAR needs to state if the game was played WEGO or RT as each calls for considerably different tactics. It makes a BIG difference if you can PAUSE anytime something happens vs having to plan ahead for 60 seconds and tough if something happens.)

Stayed with my original strategy of running one MG team and the crack snipers to the lower edge of the first objective. Once they spotted what was there, I had the FO join them and call for the 120mm mortars.

At the same time I left two teams from two different squads back at the start positions to join with the vehicles when they arrived. Both to acquire more ammo and also to escort the vehicles.

The rest ran for the road with two teams leading and hunting at the end. I really wanted to avoid the enemy patrols. But, every time I have played this it is impossible as the enemy seems to patrol back and forth along the road. So, one has to fight through them. And after fighting through the patrols a couple of enemy vehicles turn up so one has to fight them as well.

I tried to behave as if this was my first time. Managed to kill three 3-man patrols plus a 5 man HQ unit, and then two vehicles plus occupants with no friendly casualties.

With a little more haste than I felt comfortable with I got to the ambush site just as the enemy was passing through. Killed the tail end vehicle but the others had already passed through. Now, my previous playthroughs became valuable as I knew the enemy would simply stay at the objective.

The 120mm barrage arrived around now and that is what did most of the killing. As soon as the 120mm was exhausted, my guys moved in and cleaned up the shocked/suppressed survivors. Somewhere in all this I lost one guy. Then I realized that two of my snipers were WIA. Have no idea how that happened since they were hiding in cover. There was some random enemy arty that may have landed close.

Then everyone raced to the SAM objective. It seemed to me that was the 2nd most important objective so I planned to ignore other objectives as I didn't think I had time.

The vehicles were escorted by the two teams I left behind. If there had been any enemy patrols left, I am sure that the vehicles would have been KIA quite easily without inf escorts. This group reached a position overlooking the SAM site before the rest of the force. So, it could spot and see what was there.

The rest of the inf force were tiring or tired so I had to have them MOVE most of the time just to get to the SAM site. It picked up a couple of the minor 100VP objectives along the way. But, those are red herrings and potential traps - not needed to win. Once I got the FO with LOS to the SAM site he called down the 105mm. It seemed to me that in RL, one uses indirect fire to achieve as much as possible. With the vehicles in support, I was able to run over a two man scout onto the green area and back with no casualties. At that I CF'd and won a major victory without the hassle of getting everyone back to evacuate. 3 WIA and one KIA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished the campaign,  having been forced to do a second run in order to be able to play the last battle with the correct time limit. 

It was a great experience.  All missions were well designed and some were quite unique. The last one was great both the map and the overall challenge. 

PS Has anyone managed to get anything better than draw in the "acts as valour" mission?  That was a really tough one. 

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I just finished the campaign,  having been forced to do a second run in order to be able to play the last battle with the correct time limit. 

It was a great experience.  All missions were well designed and some were quite unique. The last one was great both the map and the overall challenge.

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it. FWIW, I'm working on v3 with some fixes for several of the scenarios as well as a 'bonus' mission. Folks won't have to play through the whole thing again as I'll also provide it as a separate battle, but in v3 of the campaign it will follow the last mission if won.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. I may have made the scoring a little too tough. In testing though a major victory was achieved.

I got a Draw in Mission 3 as well. Yeah I've had some losses (but AI had nearly 4 times more) and reached all 5 hide objectives and all but two CP. I think it has to do with AI objective called CP10 costing whole 500 points, which (despite me scratching all but two positional objectives off the checklist) outweighs my score of 900.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, was looking to play this campaign.  My installation didn't create a campaigns folder for me to put this in.  I created a path exactly the same as I have in CMBN.  But the campaign doesn't show up on the list.  Do I need to do something different?  This campaign looks sick.  Thanks for the work you put into it.

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Actually I think it works best if you download it too a folder on your desktop, then cut and past the campaign file into your Black Sea campaign folder. Then you can put the SR mods into the appropriate folders as well, if you choose to use them.

A v3 of the campaign will be out soon!

Edited by Imperial Grunt
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Thank you for a great campaign.  Excellent maps and AI is very challenging.  Had to play it 3 times before I could get a satisfactory win against the AI and despite the difficulty it was very rewarding game play.

Spoiler Alert:

For the first scenario I sent a MG team and a 3 man team to scout the roads while advancing towards the village where the AA assets were.  The rest of the troops to clear out the left flank and walk down the ambush area on both sides of the road.  Not encountering anything I walked to the little bridge there and covered the 4 corners of the intersection  by the little bridge there.  When the enemy patrol came by I was able to easily the whole lot.  

Clearing out the other sites before going to the AA assets proved problematical as I lost a squad when they past by the house where the command unit was hiding.  However once they opened up I brought up the humvees and armoured trucks to smoke them out with their HMG's and MMG's.  

For the final push moving slowly towards the village, I was able to spot the guards watching the entrance over the bridge and hosed them down with MG fire to suppress and do a rush charge and give the coup de grace.  Calling in the mortars onto the town took a few minutes but after a couple of adjusting fire , the rounds hitting on target pretty much stunned what troops were left and made it easier to assault into the town and finish off the survivors.


The rest of the scenarios are also challenging and well laid out with excellent map detailing.  Good job!

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished the campaign,  having been forced to do a second run in order to be able to play the last battle with the correct time limit. 

It was a great experience.  All missions were well designed and some were quite unique. The last one was great both the map and the overall challenge. 

PS Has anyone managed to get anything better than draw in the "acts as valour" mission?  That was a really tough one. 

I managed to get a Tactical Victory. I don't know whether this result will affect  which subsequent  mission you'll get. Since the brief tells that our forces withdrew from Chapajevka.

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I would be really interested to know how you did it.

My plan is to spread out my forces and use several initial given squads securing the closest target area Obj Hammer quickly. One BMP-2 with one inf squad crossed river to secure the right flank of Hammer, CP325.  Two or three squads and US advisors with support of the vehicles securing the right flank, CP333. Then you know, one lonely beast T-72B3 stopped my attack to Obj Anvil. I have to say the T-72B3's optics is too good. So I just shift my three tanks to the left until I discovered two ATGM teams.  At that moment, I found that Russian has reinforcements! One platoon fresh T-72B3 with hordes of BTR-82A! I doubt I can defeat these forces frontally, so just leave one BRM-1 to call arty killing ATGM teams, order tanks and other forces to retreat a little bit monitoring the Obj Anvil from its left side. The rest of the mission is defend task for me. Drive tanks from position to position trying to get good ambush spot. Call F-16 patrolling the air. Lost two tanks unfortunately and the last one got hit on the track and immobilized. I am quite desperate at this stage, however, I struggled for the rest 20 turns I think until time runs out. At last stage I try to touch as many CP as possible to get points. Touch 7 CPs giving me 350 points plus inflicting enemy casualty which giving me 100. Russian didnt achieve any objective but only inflicting heavy enemy casualty which is 100. So at last 450 vs 100, tactical victory. 

Edited by melm
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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks for this excellent campaign. I really enjoyed the third mission and somehow it gave me movie vibes (quick reaction force with lots of hmmwvs --> Blackhawk Down, Green Zone). Only downside of this campaign was that it was so freaking hard to stop playing it :D I constantly found myself thinking: this is the last turn.... ok maybe one more... but the precision strike is coming next turn... now seriously stop playing!

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Hello CM Warriors!

I apologize for the delay, but v3 of the Spartan Resolve campaign has been uploaded to The Scenario Depot III. Corrections were made regarding the scoring for some of the scenarios and all of the AI plans were upgraded. Should be a "little" harder!

Also, v2 of the Mod pack has been uploaded to CM MODS III.

And there is a new scenario, a SOF mission related to the campaign entitled Operation Relentless Fury. That scenario has been uploaded on The Scenario Depot III as well.


The Scenario Depot III and CM MODS III



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