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More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)

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I stopped worrying about the price of BFC's products long ago. Why? Because I realized I'm not buying a game, I'm buying a drug :D And a powerful one at that.


You can do as many of the cheaper drugs as you want but you'll never get as high as the good stuff. And lord knows you don't ask your dealer for half price because "This bag has the same stuff in it as last time".

"Hi, my name is rocketman, and I'm a CM-oholic."

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3 getting to interact with a bunch of folks I have a very high regard for, both BF employees and beta testers

Aaaaw, that is so kind of you to say, sburke. I love you too man! But you already knew that, because I gave you a very special cap :)

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Now, if you have some CONCRETE ideas as to what you'd like to see in Bulge in exchange for the full game price (beyond what ChrisND posted), let's hear 'em.



An engine upgrade, which as things stand is going to be released after Bulge (with the Jan 45 -May 45 module being my best guess).  I have ideas that I'd like to see in an engine upgrade, but I'm not sure now is the time to list them verbatim and I'm sure BF already have plans for v4. I also wasn't impressed by the vehicles listed as 'highlights''. A lot of the German ones are already available in CMBN, as are many of the Allied ones. Given we're paying for a new game rather than a module I don't think it unreasonable that Bulge runs from Oct 44 - May 45. I know this is longer that what BN, FI, or RT have offered, but there is much less work involved for BF, as the vast majority of units are already made and in a Western theatre game which we have already paid for along with the numerous BN modules!  


On aside note it's annoying we're going to have to wait for the module before we get hold of Commonwealth forces - which I already have in CMBN, but will unable to use in late war encounters without purchasing the Bulge Jan-May mod! 


I'm not going to post any more about the subject as I'd hate bore Ian further :P , but I'll just finish by stating we already have a Western European title in CMBN, and personally I'm unhappy this is going to be broken down into two titles, for little return in new content (going by what ChrisND has posted). Now the precedent has been set, BF are unlikely to have compunction about breaking down the Eastern Front into numerous titles; so just how many games are we going to end up having to purchase? Based on ChrisND's summary I feel like BF will be dropping the level of value it has offered us over previous titles and as a consumer I feel I'll be getting a poorer deal for it  :(

Edited by Odin
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Odin, keep the faith. Just wait until the release and all the final details are known. Then decide if it is worth your while. I am confident it will be.


I am pouring considerable time in right now to make content that I hope will be good fun to play. I want this game to be good and try to help within my capabilities. It's great to make some kind of contribution. A great engine is useless without good content. It is what keeps games like this alive.


Some really talented folks (much more so than silly ole me) are busy doing the same. Like sburke I hold them in high regard and consider it a privilege to be a small part of it.


This game has grown over the last years. Bit by bit. It is the best out there IMHO. BFC seem to know what they are doing.


*turns off fanboi mode now ;) *

Edited by PanzerMike
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I used to not like the idea that the Ost Front would be divided up by roughly "summer to spring" segments but now I see it as a good thing.

If you don't like late war, you can just wait til Barbarossa for example and buy that family only versus HAVING to buy the Bagration family and get Barbarossa as a module.

If BFC went with the single family approach, many folks would/could/might cry foul that is requires an evil marketing ploy to buy periods of the war you do not enjoy. 

Nothing is perfect. You can't please all of the people all of the time.



I still think that BFC might benefit from the Diamond Customer Club. Pay $2500 now, get all families/modules/mouse pad and a lap dance.

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I used to not like the idea that the Ost Front would be divided up by roughly "summer to spring" segments but now I see it as a good thing.

If you don't like late war, you can just wait til Barbarossa for example and buy that family only versus HAVING to buy the Bagration family and get Barbarossa as a module.

If BFC went with the single family approach, many folks would/could/might cry foul that is requires an evil marketing ploy to buy periods of the war you do not enjoy. 

Nothing is perfect. You can't please all of the people all of the time.



I still think that BFC might benefit from the Diamond Customer Club. Pay $2500 now, get all families/modules/mouse pad and a lap dance.

Agreed with the above except...lap dance from whom? It makes a difference! :D

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Hmm ponders the significance of an offer of $70 for a bulge, sheep and a lap dance.  Am I back in the Peng thread?


I guess I can now finally mention that the title of this thread rather reads like a "Carlos Danger" email subject line.

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Beg to differ. It's about this dread condition, which, despite the prevalent imagery, is gender neutral. Once you understand that, the thread title makes perfect sense!




The suggestion has been made that the ability to produce IP (Improved Positions) be tied to Experience level. I believe that where you'd see that show up would be in the ability to effectively camouflage such positions, which would typically be built combat engineers, under their supervision with locally gathered or engineer supplied items, such as timbers, or from plans and material provided and enforced by officers and NCOs. Soldiers aren't generally issued lumberjack gear, pickaxes  or shovels, as opposed to ETs. Building a foxhole is one thing, but building proper overhead cover, which won't collapse on its occupants if looked at cross eyed, is something else again. And if frozen ground has to be dealt with in order to create proper positions, that takes specialized explosives. Even if we posit everything is built to spec and starts camouflaged to the same standard, the camouflage measures will be to one degree or another undone over time (things like empty ration cans simply thrown out of the fighting position and left lying on the ground, natural vegetation left to dry out and not replaced) by poorly trained and/or lazy troops, unless they have good NCOs, at least, to ride herd on them. There are standards for building various sorts of IPs, as seen in Chapter 2 from FM 21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier.


Here is how it was done in the CMBN period.  The planning process is in the front of the FM, but the fun for us begins on page 24. 


US Army Corps of Engineers FM 5-15 Field Fortifications, 14 February 1944






John Kettler

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To me, many of these long threads take on the air of a huge party, a 2 or 3 story house cram-packed with party goers. Steve's house? Anyway, you hack through the crowd to go take a leak and grab another beer. On the way..you pass by John Kettler over by the fireplace...there he is in his turtleneck sweater sipping an appletini rambling on about something to an attentively listening female with thick glasses but some large sized breasts. Behind her back I give John the thumbs up sign....


I hear loud screams and look outside to see that sublime just did a cannonball off the 2nd story balcony into Steve's pool. Followed by sburke and mjkerner?


BFC Diamond Club Parties! gotta love 'em...

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We all know Kettler would never drink an appletini. It'd be an organic carrot smoothie he'd have in that glass.


Don't forget Bil Hardenberger, walking about in his smoking jacket ( see here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/110127-allied-cmbn-market-garden-beta-aar-the-better-beta-beater-reader/page-34#entry1461738 and


) with a retinue of aids surrounding him. As the women vie to get his attention, his aids keep them away. They'd only distract him from his tactical ruminations...



Edited by c3k
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To me, many of these long threads take on the air of a huge party, a 2 or 3 story house cram-packed with party goers. Steve's house?


BFC Diamond Club Parties! gotta love 'em...


Wherever it is, so long as there's booze, DUKW's, and Schwimmwagens it's good!


As the women vie to get his attention, his aids keep them away. They'd only distract him from his tactical ruminations...


I think you mean aides, not aids.

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You cracked me up! I do have a turtleneck, but have never had an appletini, though I hear they're tasty. In truth, I haven't a martineye, as Dad you used to pronounce it in his inimitable style, in ages. This is the man who referred to El Segundo, California as El Segrungy, and that was one of the tamer ones!  


I'm surprised no one found the field fortification stuff of any interest. How else are we ever going to CM: Combat Engineer off the ground? Those IPs don't build themselves, you know! As the chart on typical time to do various fortification related things shows, longer CM games allow time to dig foxholes and similar during the game. In an operational context, much else becomes doable in the course of one day. Likewise, there are numbers for wiring in a position, clearing fields of fire, laying mines and such. I believe we need some real progress on the combat engineer side of things, for the engineers figured very heavily in the course of the Bulge Campaign. Also, we need the ability to do things like lay AT mine fields on the road using the ones seen in the side carriers of Armored Infantry halftracks. Tends to discourage charging up the road while otherwise hemmed in. Such mines, coupled with man portable infantry AT weapons and/or ATGs make useful impromptu roadblocks. It would be great to finally get the daisy chain mines back into the game, too. Sorely missed! Everyone used them, and Airborne should be able to deploy Hawkins mines from within any squad, since the scale of issue was one per paratrooper. Because these weapons are organic, I would argue defending Airborne should get some sort of free AT mine field, whether the player is formally allotted such fixed defenses or not. While Daisy Chain is one possible configuration, there are other nasty things which can be done to ruin an attackers day, such as placing a mine where an obstacle forces a detour. Using Compisition 2 plastic explosive, Airborne should also have the capability to do things like drop trees onto the road. Kaboom! Instant abatis!




John Kettler

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I'd love to see actual Combat Engineer abilities in the game, especially pontoon bridges, or those crazy extend-o-matic bridges they carry on modified tanks. We already have rhino tanks for busting bocage, flail tanks for clearing mines, and flame tanks for knocking out bunkers and pillboxes. One can only hope bridge tanks, DD tanks, and maybe bulldozers eventually make it into the game. Imagine being able to dig hulldown positions for your tanks on the fly!




Sorry, I couldn't resist the urges! ;)

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