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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

down load speeds 100kb/s


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so here is the deal - and I am not quoting to not single anyone out, this is just a general perspective


1. BF has told pre orders that they are getting early access and they should not announce it as it simply causes a flood on the servers (this goes back a long way before their current service)


2. The forum goes nuts with F5 monkeys refreshing as if having the game today versus tomorrow is somehow going to fundamentally change our lives


3. BF has a cloud service that takes time for the installer to be distributed to the cloud servic e to make the cloud actually function as intended.

4. The pre orders that get the email immediately announce they are downloading

5 the non pre orders start complaining about how their lives are being ruined and they should have the game now!!!


6. Chris announces fine, they are opening it up


7.  Everyone starts downloading and as was probably predictable it causes issues.


8 It is BFs fault for announcing late


9. It is BF's fault for announcing early

C'mon guys, lighten up and chill a little bit.  The game is released, you'll be playing it soon enough and yeah you are damn funny to listen to.

1. NO, the problems were magnified because they released it to non pre orders too soon.

2. No logic in this statement because the problem would still be there if everybody waited until tomorrow unless the server issue was

fixed. In which case this should have in place before announcing release to the world. Maybe we should have drawn lots. Somebody has to

start downloading.

3. BF's server wasn't ready to cope.

4. Point 1 applies.

5. Despite the fact that pre orders should have been allowed at least a 24 hour window, the non pre orders have paid their money as well

and are entitled to be annoyed.

6. Thing obviously were not fine.

7. Be better prepared. BF knew how many pre orders there were. What did they expect to happen? Again, point 1 applies.

8. It's somebody's fault.

9. See point 8.

You obviously have had the game and these issue didn't apply to you. This is the second post I am aware of were you think

it is funny. What exactly is funny? I know what is funny to me. It is that you are the only one of the usual suspects who

has jumped to BF's defence so far. There are usually so many more ready to hop on the bandwagon.

People are entitled to be annoyed when they have waited for hours on a download to complete only for it to constantly fail without the condescending attitude of some people on these forums.

I finally have the download after 15 hours from initial attempt. Off to work now. Hilarious.

"No plan survives contact with the next turn button"

Edited by joebloggs
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I find this all highly amusing.  And this is why:-


When the CM:BN installers went live, I downloaded the 10GB package (one of the few players I would think to have done so - I mean if you've already got the content why download the installer).


After approx 10 hours at a ridiculously low download it crashed out at 80% complete.

I complained about this on the BN forum (as a few others did also) and it's true that Bf were simply dismissive of the issues: "Client side server issues"!


Regardless, Bf should have realised at that point that there really were download speed issues.


So today, my forum buddies, I write this feeling smug & tacitly amused because I knew that, regardless of the distance Bf tried to create from the issue then, as soon as BS was released, complaint chaos would reign.......


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got my install sorted last nite..

for me this was a very rare bad experience with battlefront. that being said, everybody makes mistakes and i'm confident that battlefront will learn from this. i do believe as a pre order type we should have the field to ourselves for 24hrs. just my 2 cents

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1. NO, the problems were magnified because they released it to non pre orders too soon.

2. No logic in this statement because the problem would still be there if everybody waited until tomorrow unless the server issue was

fixed. In which case this should have in place before announcing release to the world. Maybe we should have drawn lots. Somebody has to

start downloading.

3. BF's server wasn't ready to cope.

4. Point 1 applies.

5. Despite the fact that pre orders should have been allowed at least a 24 hour window, the non pre orders have paid their money as well

and are entitled to be annoyed.

6. Thing obviously were not fine.

7. Be better prepared. BF knew how many pre orders there were. What did they expect to happen? Again, point 1 applies.

8. It's somebody's fault.

9. See point 8.

You obviously have had the game and these issue didn't apply to you. This is the second post I am aware of were you think

it is funny. What exactly is funny? I know what is funny to me. It is that you are the only one of the usual suspects who

has jumped to BF's defence so far. There are usually so many more ready to hop on the bandwagon.

People are entitled to be annoyed when they have waited for hours on a download to complete only for it to constantly fail without the condescending attitude of some people on these forums.

I finally have the download after 15 hours from initial attempt. Off to work now. Hilarious.

"No plan survives contact with the next turn button"


Good lord what a pathetic ill informed rant.  I take away only one thing from this  Any idea to have this community more involved in the game development process is fundamentally flawed in that it does not take into account the immaturity and ignorance of this community for even trivial hiccups in process.

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1. NO, the problems were magnified because they released it to non pre orders too soon.

Yup, and that's something we will keep in mind next time. However, I know the numbers and, based on what happened, it's clear to me that the preorder people alone would have run into problems. So it's compounding, but not the cause.


3. BF's server wasn't ready to cope.

A clarification (for the millionth time) is that it isn't our servers. It is the same server farm that provides downloads for Amazon and countless other companies. Therefore, we have no control over what goes on EXCEPT waiting for the image to be populated around the globe before allowing *anybody* to download.


7. Be better prepared. BF knew how many pre orders there were. What did they expect to happen?

Not what happened, obviously. Unless you think we are either moronic or uncaring.


It is that you are the only one of the usual suspects who has jumped to BF's defence so far.

And you are only one of the usual complainers. So it's a universe that is balanced.


People are entitled to be annoyed when they have waited for hours on a download to complete only for it to constantly fail without the condescending attitude of some people on these forums.

Oddly enough, condescending attitudes are in the eye of the beholder. Take your post for example.


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You can't blame people for getting annoyed when they pay money and get a horrible service experience in return. No one is to blame for that but Battlefront. After all, people pay money to you, not Amazon. You can see many people complain about the launch of the game. Don't attack your customers by ridiculing them and talking down on them, no matter how annoyed you are by their posts, that simply won't help. If you don't like it that your customers are complaining, do a better job next time.


I don't want to speak for everyone, but I'm fairly sure people are willing to forgive if you act more humble and respectful. If you don't, expect to rub more people the wrong way.

Edited by BlackAlpha
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You can't blame people for getting annoyed when they pay money and get a horrible service experience in return.

Nope, I never fault someone for being annoyed. But the customer gets to choose how to express that annoyance, and some make better choices than others. A few hours frustration, even a day's worth of extra wait, should be kept in perspective. The game took us a long time to make and people will be playing this thing for many years to come. By the sounds of some people's rants here, you'd think that the download problem neutralizes all of that. I find such a reaction difficult to respect.


No one is to blame for that but Battlefront. After all, people pay money to you, not Amazon. You can see many people complain about the launch of the game. Don't attack your customers by ridiculing them and talking down on them, no matter how annoyed you are by their posts, that simply won't help. If you don't like it that your customers are complaining, do a better job next time.

I am not ridiculing or talking down to our customers. I have not run away, but instead explained the situation and stated, quite clearly, that we are going to do things differently in the future based on the problems experienced today. I'm not sure why that's such a bad thing.


I don't want to speak for everyone, but I'm fairly sure people are willing to forgive if you act more humble and respectful. If you don't, expect to rub more people the wrong way.

Respect is always a two way street with us. I expect to take flak for bad downloads and I don't have any problem at all with accepting the criticism. Customers who go beyond that should expect to find their reactions criticized. It's always been that way with us, and it always will be. If a customer does not like the fact that we aren't here to be a virtual punching bag, they are welcome to find some other company that is.


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Well, I'm not going to tell you how to run your PR because you've made it clear many times that no one tells you what to do, but keep in mind that people pay you good MONEY and in return they expect a good product and good service. It's perfectly reasonable for them to get annoyed and start to talk crap when you don't deliver.

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Good lord what a pathetic ill informed rant.  I take away only one thing from this  Any idea to have this community more involved in the game development process is fundamentally flawed in that it does not take into account the immaturity and ignorance of this community for even trivial hiccups in process.

You hit the nail on the head. Key words "ignorance" and the big one, "immaturity." It is absolutely pathetic.

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Well, I'm not going to tell you how to run your PR because you've made it clear many times that no one tells you what to do, but keep in mind that people pay you good MONEY and in return they expect a good product and good service. It's perfectly reasonable for them to get annoyed and start to talk crap when you don't deliver.

Every product I've bought from BF has been a superb. The service I've been given by them has been spot on with no complaints what-so-ever. I've had years and years of enjoyment from their deep combat mission series of games. Any issue which may have come up, they have always taken care of given reasonable time.

Edited by Frankster65
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Wow, what a lack of perspective from several posters. Get a grip indeed. BFC have always delivered excellent products and excellent customer service. Your download isn't working? Perhaps try not letting your panties get in a knot and do something else and try again later. These rants show a lack of respect and good manners, and have been responded to in kind. I can't believe any adult would behave in such a way, pathetic.

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I normally do not mind when Steve put people in their place.


But I must agree, this is not the time to do it. No matter how they act. Even if the comments are out of line.


Yes , I am sure you will likely make sure not to do it this way again. But the fact is. It was released and no matter the logical reasons. Downloading the game for many has been a frustrating event. So let them vent.


But I also can see that when the next game is ready, and its just before the week-end . BF will say screw it. Don't release the game til next week and we know its up and installed on all the servers in the cloud system (or whatever IT magic it takes to get it right) I sure know I don't understand it all and how it works.


Anyway fantastic product and worth every cent. ( and everyone will get it soon, so chill, its not like it will be out of style to play the thing a week from now)

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...in return they expect a good product and good service. It's perfectly reasonable for them to get annoyed and start to talk crap when you don't deliver.


Well the product is good and the service - somewhat bollixed by ( ironically enough ), BFC trying to get it to more people faster. Lose - lose for them in people's opinions apparently. :(


Must be a new generation thing - in the old days, you'd discover that the game you're waiting for has "gone Gold" - you'd get all excited ...and then you'd wait .. days ... for the postal service to deliver your CD.

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