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After Black Sea I will be at a loss for Battlefront's next step


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If China can cross the Taiwan Straits and get a decent bridgehead there wold be a significant land campaign. The trick would be to get that bridgeghead.

T be honest though for moderns I would be mor interested in subjecrts such as a Second Korean War. a generalMiddle East conflagration and 1980s NATO - Warsaw Pact. Maybe future India-Pakistan or India - China although I doubt the latter two would generate sufficient market interest

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There's also rumors about progressively backdating the Med and the Eastern Front theaters, which would give us North Africa and Kursk.

Wise policy. Much greater box office potential. Less Soviet steamrolling and no dreary wind up of the Italian campaign that was becoming a sideshow. And you'll have *most* of the 3D models.

Stand alones or modules?

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I'd like to see a Korean title enter the mix. Or more radical - An American title, extreme views turn America on herself, militia, National Guard, Reserves and Regular forces go blue on blue based on political and geographic presence. Perhaps some Central America forces enter the mix as well as our neighbors to the north. Radical yes, doable.... should be fairly easy, once you get over the idea.

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As i lived in Taiwan for two years I would imagine that a lot of fighting will take place in the mountainous area and woods.

If one can trust this site: http://www.globalfirepower.com/

the Taiwanese army can field about 2000 tanks which is very impressive.

Though you should look at what the figure is made of... ~700 M41 light tanks, ~700 M48 Patton variants, ~500 M60A3's. Not that the M60's don't suffice for the purpose but M41 is hopelessly outdated (it first served in Korean war) and only a fraction of them apparently are modernized with upgraded gun and reactive armour.

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I'd like some early war French, British and allies as well.

I am switching to a mac and am in the process of rebuying everything (except for CMSF). But with bundles and download only, it's only about $275.

Not counting Black Sea, which I haven't ordered yet.

On topic: I'd like a France 1940 vehicle pack. And maybe some scenarios. And some maps. And maybe special Maginot line/ Eben Emael fortification rules. And of course French and BEF troops. And Dutch and Danish troops, too.

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I am switching to a mac and am in the process of rebuying everything (except for CMSF). But with bundles and download only, it's only about $275.

Not counting Black Sea, which I haven't ordered yet.

On topic: I'd like a France 1940 vehicle pack. And maybe some scenarios. And some maps. And maybe special Maginot line/ Eben Emael fortification rules. And of course French and BEF troops. And Dutch and Danish troops, too.

I made a bit cleaner break. Bought CMBN on the PC. Built a Hackintosh 9 months later, and have bought all Mac since then, so only one "overlap" title.

Not sure about this "modern warfare" stuff, tho' CMBS looks interesting. But I agree, I'll be happy when CM covers all of the European theatre from soup to nuts -- early war, late war, netherlands, france, germany, north africa, italy, the vastness of russia. Bring 'em all on.

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I think we've taken enormous strides in the last couple years. The 2.0 version of the engine really was a major upgrade - the rendering pipeline was entirely rewritten. The 3.0 version of the engine included enormous structural and practical performance improvements.

So far this engine still seems to be the best of it's kind. For me at least, the continued upgrade of the existing is working pretty well. For such a small company, I think you guys are doing a great job.

I do feel that the animations could use some love. Especially the running and hunt animations. That would make a big difference, at least for me. And yes, special effects could use a boost. Immersion, immersion, immersion.

But this engine has enough life left in it to soldier on (with gradual improvements) for quite some years IMHO.

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So, since advice is free..here are my ideas:

1) I would love to return to the Middle East....a US/Iran game would offer a lot of unique twists...the Iranians have an interesting mixture of US/Soviet equipment....very different forces in their regular/Revolutionary Guards forces (which are basically Iranian Waffen-SS troops)...and you could add in some very capable irregular forces as well. Combined with the terrain variation and the ability to include US/British/Arab Gulf forces...it could make for a huge combination of equipment and forces to play with...and maybe some IDF special forces too, huh?

2) AND of course, I would also love an early WWII game...just think of the German/French or German British tank battles you could have. I have been reading up that the 1940 campaign was not the runaway German victory history has portrayed, but a very near run thing that could have very well turned out differently....and, of course, I would love to make some Operation Sea Lion scenarios.

In the meantime CMBS is preordered...CMFI/GL is on the way...it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

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I'd like to take a shot at why Mac titles might be selling so well for them. Battlefront positions themselves in the computer games market in much the same way crunchy war games are sold in the board gaming sphere. Smaller volumes are sold due to a narrower appeal (historical war gaming versus fantasy dragons or steampunk), thus they are sold at a slightly higher price point. Also, the age of the consumer tends to trend higher.

My guess here is that Battlefront's games have a much higher ratio of 40+ gentlemen that play their titles than most other computer games out there. Those guys might be a bit less tech savvy, or are just over fussing with PC's when a Mac is much simpler to use and generally keeps on working through updates easily.

Oh, but as for expansions I have one I would love to see.....


I think the Winter War is a bit too early for the WWII time frames, but I'd love some Finn on Ruskie action. I also would love me some Lapland War German on Finn action. Oh to see the Finns on both the Axis AND Allied side of the options.... But then again, I love me some fictional match ups.

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My guess here is that Battlefront's games have a much higher ratio of 40+ gentlemen that play their titles than most other computer games out there. Those guys might be a bit less tech savvy, or are just over fussing with PC's when a Mac is much simpler to use and generally keeps on working through updates easily.

I'm 58, and use a Mac actually because I'm quite computer savvy.

That may be the case for some (simplicity), however, I use a Mac because I need the Unix base for programs I run for my research work. At my office on campus I have an HP desktop that I can reboot into Linux for the same reason (or use our Linux server).

I have quite a few PC based games and run Parallels Desktop with Windows7 on my Mac. The latest versions have been fine for running any of the games I want and I'm sure would run CM just fine (I run Matrix Command ANO, BFTB, War in the East and have no problems). These days I'd be fine with BF going PC only however, I really like that they returned to the Mac platform, and if games are available for Mac I'll always go that route.

To the person who posted that BF games run like crap even on high end systems, I have a 4 year old MacBook Pro and it runs just fine, even the larger scenarios (I have 16GB of RAM and a 1GB graphics card).

Anyway, not trying to start a Mac/PC war - just a reason that I'd rather have the Mac version.

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I'm 58, and use a Mac actually because I'm quite computer savvy.

Ha! I knew I should have dropped that tech savvy bit. My emphasis was more on the second part.

I use my PC at home exclusively for games, but a Mac for work. I am much less tech savvy than you, more likely than not. I just email, do some word docs, and dink around on spreadsheets to keep inventory accounted for / sourced.

So far I have been rocking 3.0 CMBN (no expansions), and I purchased CMSF, but may have lost my key/download. I'll be remedying that for myself next month, as I stock up on all the expansions. And I'll buy whichever module has Finns (RT I assume) I'll snatch that up at the drop of a hat! How is it that I've let this game sit on my digital shelf for so long!?

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NOOOooooo!!! More WWII :D:D:p

^^^THIS^^^!!! At least back to France and Barbarossa. Something less than the uber-tanks has always been much more fun for me. Modern day, robot-controlled warfare just doesn't hold my interest :confused:

Maybe I'll try CMBS and change my mind, but SF isn't on any of my computers any more. I bought it solely to learn the CMx2 system and haven't played more than a half-dozen scenarios. I've always enjoyed JT's Panzer Campaigns as an operational game, yet his modern warfare series (Fulda Gap and NGP) is sitting underplayed on my hard drive. When I need a break from CMBN, FI or RT, I always head back to Smolensk '41 or Kharkov '42.

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