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About Rake

  • Birthday December 29

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    From the Blue Waters of the Chesapeake Bay to the Hills of Tennessee
  • Interests
    Erstwhile Fly Fishing Guide, Field Engineer, Tactical/Operational Wargaming, Photography, Photoshop


  • Biography
    Former fly fishing guide, gamer since Tactics II, AW (USN) way back in the 70's
  • Location
    Small town somewhere between the Blue Waters of the Chesapeake Bay & the Hills of Tennessee
  • Interests
    Wargaming, Fly Fishing, Photography
  • Occupation
    Field Engineer/Surveyor

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  1. You can't... Check this thread: Missing Core Units
  2. Is anyone else having an issue with this? Chrome, Firefox & DDG are all flagging this as a virus or malware. I haven't yet DL'd the file, but my first thought is to allow the download (Chrome won't, Firefox at least asks), and then run ESET & Malwarebytes. I'm having issues with MM's SCanCade... it only creates the Pictures file, but it's empty. There are a few campaigns I'd really like to pop open.
  3. I am well aware of Adobe's space eating requirements. I have the old (CS5 & earlier) disks which I load, negating the need to run the PS subscription... Light room,too. I dont need the features that have been added since then. But, I do run Acrobat Pro & Illustrator off the service. My company reimburses for Acrobat, and may for Illustrator once I learn it reasonably well. Still, that's a lot of HD space, and the reason I will like go with a 4 TB SSD for my main. 1 TB just isn't what it used to be. And, I'm moving over a 1 TB M.2 drive that holds backups for all of my mods, scenarios, etc. I also have a brand new 2TB Samsung NVMe that a friend handed me a couple of years ago... I just don't have the slot for it in my current machine. Here's the rest of the specs that I'm looking at: 1000 Watt PS Asus ROG Strix Z790-E (I'm going with Intel, I'm comfortable with them) 2x32 DDR5-5200 Haven't yet decided on the Nvidia, GPU, but it won't be the 4090. Possibly 4080, but likely 4070 Edit: 2 TB SSD main, 4TB M.2 storage, plus my old 1 TB M.2
  4. Thanks all... I'm going to continue to shop. Overclocking is likely out the window for me. I'll wait a bit, maybe look at the AMDs, though I've always had Intel. I AM looking at water cooling...
  5. Pretty much confirms what I've been able to figure out. "Supposedly", Intel has an grasp on what's causing its stability issues, and much, it seems has to do with Mobo configuration. I was primarily aking if anyone has experience with Intel's Turbo Boost feature which is supposed to crank up the processor speed in whichever core the CPU determines is carrying most of the load. Since CM only uses one core, theoretically, this would boost the speed at which the game runs. I've been fortunate to rarely have major issues with CM. I can (almost) always get 14 -16 fps, at Best settings, on even the largest maps. @George MC 's "Heart of the Dying Sun" crashed the first time I opened it, then struggled a bit once it did run. I'm relatively happy with how the game runs; but was hoping to find just a bit more on these monster maps. Turning settings down very far just isn't in my DNA.
  6. I'm looking at purchasing a new box, and trying to decide on a CPU. This machine will not just be used for CM, but for Photoshop, Illustrator, and possibly video. With that in mind, I'm looking at the i9-14900K My issue is that the base speed is 3.2 GHz. I've considered overclocking as the max is 6. My question is, to anyone running an i9, are you seeing any increase in speed from the "Turbo Boost" technology that Intel touts on their product brochures? I understand that these newer processors don't leave a lot of "head room" for OC, so I'm concerned about stability. It appears this CPU would be perfect for my intended graphics usage, but I'm a little concerned on how CM might run on it since the engine seems to be almost entirely bound to the CPU. TIA
  7. Well, somehow (do NOT ask me how) I got this fixed. I opened the CMBN Utility shortcut properties and tried changing the path to my CMBN folder. Problem was, when I tried to save that, I got an error saying the path was not valid. I hit "Cancel" and the properties window closed. But when I looked at the file in Explorer, I noticed the date had changed to today's date. I ran the shortcut and it worked! Now, instead of the shortcut's path taking me to Windows\System32, the shortcut is: %COMSPEC% /C "CM Normandy.exe" -showui Yet, I NEVER typed this into the "Target" space in the Properties window. What I had typed was: “F:\Games\Combat Mission\COMBAT MISSION BATTLE for NORMANDY\CM Normandy.exe” -showui All I had done was type exactly what the target was from CMSF2, changing it to the path for CMBN - this is what caused the invalid path error. Just MCS*, I guess. Anyhow, issue resolved. (*Mysterious Computer $H!T)
  8. Am I the only one having an issue with this? I just Dl'd BP2 for CMBN. When I open the activate new products app, a window pops up and disappears. The very same thing happened with Downfall for CMFB, and the only way around it was to reinstall. For CMFB, that wasn't too big a deal, but for CMBN, with the game and all of the modules, it's a big PITA. My games are all stored on a separate drive (F:), and the utility is in the correct folder. The (utility) shortcut directs to: C:\Windows\System32 There is no further instruction. I presume this is the command window that opens and immediately closes. Following the shortcut for CMSF2 (which works) leads to my CMSF2 folder. What gives?
  9. Has something changed for the mods folder location in this series? I've been away for a while (I've gotten very interested in a regimental-level ACW board game) and came back to update all of my CM games. My primary hard drive is nearly full, so I took the CMBN Data and Games files folders out of my Documents folder and moved them all to the "Z" folder in CMBN>Data >Z. No matter what I've tried, I cannot get my mods to show up. I've been in the series since its incarnation, have every bit of every game, and they're all heavily modded. I've not had any problems with any of the other games, but the CMBN mods will not show. I wonder if deleting the CMBN folder on my C : drive has something to do with this, but it hasn't affected FI, RT, FB, or the others... Thanks in advance
  10. Sorry to jump in here with an off topic post, but I figured Bootie would see it here since I can't get into TFGM. I'm not sure what's up, but I just tried logging in and the site wasn't able to find my username or the email that I registered under. Is there anything going on with the site? I've not been very active, so I guess it's possible that I was unenrolled, but I would have thought I'd receive an email first. No email s other than a few for watched topics and the one when I joined. I've been chipping in a bit every month on Patreon; I'll certainly cancel that if I've gotten the boot...
  11. Been away for a bit and just saw this patch. I opened my game and saw I only have v1.00. The patch download page shows a v1.03, but both links are for Mac. Is there another patch version that I need before installing 1.05?
  12. This! @Bil Hardenberger, in his blog, has recommended using other move commands to a potential hull down location, changing the last waypoint to "Hunt" upon verification that you are hull down, or partial hull down: https://battledrill.blogspot.com/2013/09/movement-technique-005-hull-down.html And, IIRC, I believe I've seen him mention that he doesn't (or only rarely) use the Hull Down command. If there is indeed artificial protection from using the Hull Down command, I suppose I should start trying it again. I'd given up on the command after several tanks stopped without achieving LOS to a targeted area, or even worse, kept driving across the berm and met their fate. So, is this "Protection Bonus" a real thing?
  13. I've not read the entire thread, so I could easily have missed this: More translucent colors for setup zones and target arcs,or a toggle to turn them off.
  14. Nevermind... I've searched some posts and decided I'm just going to stick with Intel.
  15. I'm looking at dropping some serious bucks into a new rig. I've always had Intel machines and haven't had many issues running CM (other than user error, dohh!). I am not computer illiterate, but I'm no computer guru either. I could probably build my own rig and be sure everything is working, but overclocking is beyond my comfort level... and I'm not even sure it would help in CM. I've somewhat followed some of the issues early on that seemed to indicate that there tended to be more issues with AMD chips than with Intel. I've been comparing some of the single-thread benchmark numbers of Ryzen versus I9 processors, and for the most part, the Ryzen chips seem to blow away the comparable I9. I'm just wondering whether there's any significant issues with how CM runs on either chip Thanks in advance!
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