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Paying for 3.0?

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I have been off PC for a couple of months and come back to find that 3.0 for CM Battle for Normandy is out - :)!

However, would someone confirm for me that I have to pay $10 for this even if I have v2.12 and have religiously purchased every CM2 game there is? Or is there a way loyal customers like me can download this FOC?

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I have been off PC for a couple of months and come back to find that 3.0 for CM Battle for Normandy is out - :)!

However, would someone confirm for me that I have to pay $10 for this even if I have v2.12 and have religiously purchased every CM2 game there is? Or is there a way loyal customers like me can download this FOC?

Yep, and it is worth it. Think of it as a subscription service to keep the goodies from BF coming.

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Yes, confirmed,you paid for a certain amount of content in Normandy, but they created new content for Red Thunder,that new content needs to be paid for if you wish to play with that new content in Normandy.

You bought a Mustang a year ago, but now you want to "upgrade" your car with tinted glass because you think its cool and would be neat.Im sure the dealership will just give it to you because you bought your cars from them your whole life.Right?

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Yes, you need to buy the upgrade for $10. Command lines, hit decals, and casualty icons alone are worth that. I got my money's worth my first play session.

It is going to take awhile for designers to get a handle on trigger functionality and get scenarios using it to release-ready status. It's still early days.

Upgrade packages don't offer content--only functionality. Therefore, the upgrade package adds the code for flame weapons, but we will need to wait for them to appear in a release that actually offers content.

Yes, tank riders being absent was a disappointment, but adding them requires each vehicle model to be worked on individually. US+CW forces include huge fleets and the workload was just out of the question at this point. BF should have announced that prior to release of the upgrade package, but the lack of tank riders does not in any way make the upgrade not worth it. The price is VERY, VERY fair for what you get.

Tank riders may be added as part of a later release--perhaps post-Bulge module. It's just a question of the workload, really. Most folks (myself included) would rather see Black Sea earlier and tanks riders for CMBN/FI later than hold up the release of any new modules.

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I would look carefully at the features list. 3.0 doesn't add all that much to the game by itself and most of the advantages are in scenario design. Which hasn't seem to have taken off that much.

Importantly, there are no tank riders and currently no flame weapons.

Why did they tell us both were going to be in the new upgrade and then not deliver on either? And while I can see the problem with coding tank riders for each vehicle, adding a flame vehicle or two doesn't seem like much work. This alone should've made the cut.


Yes, you need to buy the upgrade for $10. Command lines, hit decals, and casualty icons alone are worth that. I got my money's worth my first play session.

Command lines? You mean that feature that came free when they put out CM 15 years ago???

And now we have to pay for it...

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I might regret this but....

Why did they tell us both were going to be in the new upgrade and then not deliver on either? And while I can see the problem with coding tank riders for each vehicle, adding a flame vehicle or two doesn't seem like much work. This alone should've made the cut.

OK so not telling everyone that tank riding would not be in the CMBN and CMFI upgrades until after they were out was not BFC's finest hour. I agree. I was expecting it too. But, as you say, I can understand it now that it has been explained. I though it was kind of crappy that everyone had the expectation and then they got surprised.

But flame throwers were never in and they were clear about that. Upgrades are for engine features and modules and packs are for content. So we do know that support for flame throwers is in - cause stuff (buildings and ground cover) smolders when it gets blasted. I am sure there will be some content coming at some point that will have flame throwers in it - but you will have to pay for it so get that check book ready :D

Command lines? You mean that feature that came free when they put out CM 15 years ago???

And now we have to pay for it...

Seriously. Well you paid for it back then BTW and you can get it included in CMRT right now just like the good old days (by *paying* for it when you buy CMRT). The only difference is that now you can get the improvements in the older games too. Remember in the good old days CMBO was just what it was and never changed once CMAK or CMBB came out.

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[quote name='

Command lines? You mean that feature that came free when they put out CM 15 years ago???

And now we have to pay for it...[/quote']

Where does it say you HAVE to pay for it? You can pay for it if you think the upgrade features are worth $10.

See easy peazy...


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Good Lord, it is just $10. Two trips to Starbucks. One trip to the movies. I could go on but the point is CMx is less money per hour of enjoyment than pretty much any other money you will ever spend. If you cannot afford $10 every year or so to upgrade content and pay developers for their effort, you need a different hobby.

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Are we seriously going down this road again???? How many times do we need to???

As many time as it takes. :) People are voicing their feedback on what they like and don't like about the upgrade.

Me, my biggest grumble with this update is that none of the missions that ship with the game were updated to take advantage of the new trigger technology. I understand that campaigns would take a lot of time to update, but at least some of the scenarios should have been updated to show off how good these triggers are.

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Are we seriously going down this road again???? How many times do we need to??? I am starting to really feel like this guy!!!!


I am not sure what is more annoying. The person that is annoyed at BFC, the folks that are annoyed that the poster is annoyed at BFC or the ones that are annoyed at those that are annoyed at the ones that are annoyed at BFC.

I think it is time to post about all these annoyances at another website dedicated to playing these games that start the annoying string. It's all very annoying.



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Yeah, I started to seriously question myself why I spend my free time reading stuff like this. And I keep coming back to it. It's like those freaking Mexican soap operas that my grandmother watched with the exception nobody gets pregnant (I hope, hehe).

She learned Spanish at the old age. So this ordeal was at least good for language learning. What do I learn myself by stalking such threads? :D

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Command lines? You mean that feature that came free when they put out CM 15 years ago???

That was free? Funny, I distinctly recall that CMBO (and its features) cost money to purchase back then. A fair chunk of change in inflation-adjusted dollars. That's like saying your old 1999 Ford Mustang came with a fold-down top so the company should prove you with a fold-down top free of charge for your 2014 Ford Explorer.

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As many time as it takes. :) People are voicing their feedback on what they like and don't like about the upgrade.

Me, my biggest grumble with this update is that none of the missions that ship with the game were updated to take advantage of the new trigger technology. I understand that campaigns would take a lot of time to update, but at least some of the scenarios should have been updated to show off how good these triggers are.

This is what we call in my biz, project creep

People are already complaining about stuff taking too long to be released and then turn around and add more overhead.

The folks who would create those are already busy doing scenarios. Folks have got to learn sooner or later there are only so many elves at santa's workshop and they really do not want to work in santa's sweatshop.

Christ we have one guy saying Chris should spend less time playing on twitch so he can spend it on updates and now this. You guys have got to stop feeling so entitled to everything you want and start understanding someone has to work for it and in this particular instance that person is working for free. Sorry, rant over.

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In an ideal world all the features (Hobart's funnies, flame throwers, etc etc ) of the original game would have been included in the new generation of CM. But, given the total change in terrain, 1:1 unit ratio etc it is a brilliant job that the games designers have achieved.

As customers we have a choice, buy the game or, wait for further developments. Speaking personally, there are still a lot of things that I would like to see. But, in the meantime I'm enjoying CMx2 and don't mind waiting for, and, paying for BFC to introduce the features I enjoyed from the original game, cuz I know that when they do appear they will look so much better than they did in the original game.

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For me, the two most important aspects are :

1) It works.

2) It's fun !

Sure, if you look around you can find stuff to gripe about. If you look hard enough, you can even find stuff that annoys.

But that's because we're demanding, not because the game is poor/bad/rubbish.

And credit to the devs, eventually we get a lot of the annoyances and stuff we gripe about fixed.

$10 here and there to keep that process going seems pretty cheap to me. That's a round of beers for me and 3 friends at the pub - and I don't balk at that.

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There's always one smart-ass in the group. :rolleyes:

No we are two. Nobody has to buy anything. Just as nobody has to develop anything.

If BF would not make new stuff available for CMBN nobody would be complaining. That is why in my opinion complaining is - sorry - stupid. If you are succesfull BF will just stop to put this effort into the game.

So for the sake of us who are willing the spend $10 on a game we spend hours playing please dont buy and dont complain if you think it is not worth the money.

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This is what we call in my biz, project creep

People are already complaining about stuff taking too long to be released and then turn around and add more overhead.

The folks who would create those are already busy doing scenarios. Folks have got to learn sooner or later there are only so many elves at santa's workshop and they really do not want to work in santa's sweatshop.

Christ we have one guy saying Chris should spend less time playing on twitch so he can spend it on updates and now this. You guys have got to stop feeling so entitled to everything you want and start understanding someone has to work for it and in this particular instance that person is working for free. Sorry, rant over.

It has nothing to do with feeling entitled to everything I want but rather just some criticisms I have with the way this upgrade was handled.

About the scenarios: yes, yes, I know, and that's why I stated that at least some of the scenarios should be upgraded to take advantage of the 3.0 triggers. Think about it for a moment: someone new to the game (or who's coming back to the game after a hiatus) sees that 3.0 has added the ability for triggers. They load up a stock scenario and see that, lo and behold, those triggers are not in place. So, they ask here about what's going on, and the reply they would get would be along the lines of: "yes, that feature was added but no, it wasn't retrofitted to any of the stock missions, so you'll have to wait for the community to create missions that have triggers in them. Or, create a scenario yourself." That doesn't really look good.

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