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Where is CMRT patch?


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...the non-free contents were pulled front because of economical point of view but not respectfull approach for customers bought RT already.

That sounds pretty paranoid to me. And unless you can produce taped conversations where the BFC staff agree to withhold the patch or interoffice memos to the same effect, I will continue to view such speculations as pure, groundless moonshine.

at least 6.5 months before the problems of RT had been seen but much the sources dedicated to non-free contents already.

So what? As sburke has already explained, the two things require different personnel working on different kinds of problems. Pulling animators and artists off the pack would not have accelerated the development of the patch by a single day.

So patch has delayed because of that . Off course this is my point of view.

Yeah, I am becoming very familiar with your point of view and frankly you are not winning a whole lot of respect from me with it. And believe me, I am straining every sinew to be polite.


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That sounds pretty paranoid to me. And unless you can produce taped conversations where the BFC staff agree to withhold the patch or interoffice memos to the same effect, I will continue to view such speculations as pure, groundless moonshine.

So what? As sburke has already explained, the two things require different personnel working on different kinds of problems. Pulling animators and artists off the pack would not have accelerated the development of the patch by a single day.

Yeah, I am becoming very familiar with your point of view and frankly you are not winning a whole lot of respect from me with it. And believe me, I am straining every sinew to be polite.


"Yeah, I am becoming very familiar with your point of view and frankly you are not winning a whole lot of respect from me with it. And believe me, I am straining every sinew to be polite."

Stop there, this is not your child front of you, this post is not for you to evaluate, let's give the chance to evaluate my manner or thoughts the pacthmakers, it's not your business and there is no need to be so aggressive under your politeness mask.

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Am I in a different universe to you guys? I have bought 'finished' games in the past that were literally unplayable. Crashes to desk top, UI that didn't work, non-existent AI, play it to death (between crashes) in about an hour, wait ages for a patch which doesn't make it much better. £40 written off in an instant.

I don't think CMRT is quite in that league is it? What is it about the game that means a patch is essential? I am having a ball playing it - a patch will be nice, but really!

And as someone said, I would expect the coders are completely different people to the graphics and modellers, so I expect the patch hasn't been delayed by more than days if anything.

Also guys, BFC goes bust, and we get no more CM. AT ALL. EVER. That make you happy would it?

No like, no buy. It's very very simple. BFC are not ripping us off, despite us having no realistic alternative to their product.

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I've been waiting six months for the damn patch. I will not be buying any more products from battlefront period.

whatever floats your boat. I've waited all my life for this game. The patch will come when it's ready. In the meantime I am with Sailor Malan2 and having a blast with it.

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I don't think CMRT is quite in that league is it? What is it about the game that means a patch is essential? I am having a ball playing it - a patch will be nice, but really!

There is a bug that does not allow players to enter single story buildings. It breaks a large number of scenarios, both campaigns, and many quick battle maps.

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"Yeah, I am becoming very familiar with your point of view and frankly you are not winning a whole lot of respect from me with it. And believe me, I am straining every sinew to be polite."

Stop there, this is not your child front of you, this post is not for you to evaluate, let's give the chance to evaluate my manner or thoughts the pacthmakers, it's not your business and there is no need to be so aggressive under your politeness mask.

I am with togi and some people should show more respect with others points of view if they are written constructive. Thanks! :)

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Wow, you guys need to get a grip! I mean that in the nicest way possible - like trying to snap a friend out of a funk. But snap out of it damn it! :) BFC have not been secretly trying to screw you over nor have they sacrificed a bug fix patch to make more money. That I can guarantee. I realize the timing is not what you wanted I think we all read you loud and clear but rest assured that they are not *trying* to piss you off. And getting more and more angry about it will not make the patch appear any faster.

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Wow, you guys need to get a grip! I mean that in the nicest way possible - like trying to snap a friend out of a funk. But snap out of it damn it! :) BFC have not been secretly trying to screw you over nor have they sacrificed a bug fix patch to make more money. That I can guarantee. I realize the timing is not what you wanted I think we all read you loud and clear but rest assured that they are not *trying* to piss you off. And getting more and more angry about it will not make the patch appear any faster.

Sorry, but I understand only the half of your post. Maybe it’s better … :cool:

I paid money for a product and a customer does have the right to criticize the company. It’s a normal strategy that companies prioritize developments that make more money. I don’t understand why you have such a big problem with my/this opinion?

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Sorry, but I understand only the half of your post. Maybe it’s better … :cool:

I paid money for a product and a customer does have the right to criticize the company. It’s a normal strategy that companies prioritize developments that make more money. I don’t understand why you have such a big problem with my/this opinion?

Because a) it is an opinion and B) it is dead wrong. And he knows because he's one of the guys testing the patch. I know because I'm one of the guys that sets priorities.

A quick update on the patch status. Basically, the biggest thing the patch needed to fix is the building entering problem. That took a LONG time to track down and address. Much, much longer than we thought it would (thanks to compiler bugs and other things). Then we ran into some issues with the DRM we use. The latter also delayed the Vehicle Pack release. There was another technical problem that affected both as well. But now it looks like we're clear (enough) of the problems that the patch should be coming out very soon.


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There is a bug that does not allow players to enter single story buildings. It breaks a large number of scenarios, both campaigns, and many quick battle maps.

Yup, which is why the patch has been continually delayed. That bug was a major problem to find and solve. The primary cause of it turned out to be a bug in the code compiler we use and how the resulting code interacted with specific hardware/software configurations. Anybody that programs knows how "fun" such bugs are to find.

Every patch we make takes time to test, release, and then support after it is out. We felt it was not in anybody's interests to put out a patch we had little confidence would address the primary technical complaint. Which is why it's not in your hands yet.


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Yup, which is why the patch has been continually delayed. That bug was a major problem to find and solve. The primary cause of it turned out to be a bug in the code compiler we use and how the resulting code interacted with specific hardware/software configurations. Anybody that programs knows how "fun" such bugs are to find.

Every patch we make takes time to test, release, and then support after it is out. We felt it was not in anybody's interests to put out a patch we had little confidence would address the primary technical complaint. Which is why it's not in your hands yet.


I get that, and the bug doesn't personally effect me so I've been able to enjoy CM:RT since release. I was just defending some people getting a little testy. Which, I think, is fair in this situation.

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Steve, could you maybe comment on when or if wego tcp lan is expected to have a look at?

Realtime lan without pause is and has been running like a dream on my systems(pc).

But anything that has to do with pausing the game in tcp lan, breaks the game!

Realtime is rocksolid, have not had a crash since i cant remember, and we are playing 2 hours 2500 point or more games, red thunder and cmbn.

Love the game, just wish wego tcp would work, which it never have, since the day it was announced. Sorry if you having trouble.

Ps. Great with vehicle pack. Flamethrowers and more vehicles i can choose to buy if i wish to.. And i do

Best regards


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That is one of the things that has caused delay since we fixed the building problem. Within the last week we have fixed some TCP problems, but we're sure we haven't fixed all of them. We are suspicious that something subtle has changed in the networking APIs that our code, for whatever reason, is unhappy with. This is not exactly surprising since we wrote the original networking code 8 years ago and have been modifying it as needed. Sometimes APIs are changed assuming software is no longer using X or Y method. Also, sometimes APIs are themselves buggy.

Our inclination is to release the patch with possible TCP WeGo problems BUT less than before AND with the building bug fix AND other fixes. Figuring out what is going wrong with TCP for some people could take days or weeks. There is no way to tell :(


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Thanks for reply steve. Its much appreciated. Sorry to hear you are having troubles.

The bugs in tcp only shows in regard to pausing the game.

Normal tcp realtime is NOT buggy at all.

Am sad to hear that wego tcp probably still will be buggy. Forgive me for saying: but then maybe you should remove the advertisement for tcp wego. And just keep tcp realtime.

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There is a bug that does not allow players to enter single story buildings. It breaks a large number of scenarios, both campaigns, and many quick battle maps.

I am aware of that, and am perhaps fortunate in that it doesn't affect me. However there are still lots of playable scearios. I wasn't joking when I said I have bought games that are really unplayable - CTD, no opponent AI, multiplayer bugged so as to be impossible.

Just out of curiosity, show me a map where it is actually essential to enter a single story building.

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Just out of curiosity, show me a map where it is actually essential to enter a single story building.

Why? Play a scenario and remove a basic tactical capability. It will be a frustrating experience and depending on the situation greatly change the outcome of a battle.

Play a battle without the ability to enter one story buildings. Play a battle without the ability to use the target ability. Sure you can do it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't ruining the game in a fashion.

I've designed scenarios and I don't put houses around for ****s and giggles. They are there because they create tactical problems for the player and on occasion I design unit balance based on the location of these houses.

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Then we ran into some issues with the DRM we use.

Yes, I was completely frozen out of my CMRT game for 3 days testing the patch by the DRM! :mad: I could not unlicense/re-license/re-instal, etc. All the while PBEM turns were piling up. :eek:

I considered reformatting my Hard Drive and re-installing Windows, but thought that was a bit drastic.

I don't think you guys would have appreciated that. ;)

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Pelican Pal: Thanks for the defense. Frankly, I have given up on this board because there are so many _holes around.

With regards to the game, I did play around the bug for a while, but I was just running into too many situations where I did strange things because I couldn't enter buildings, so I stopped playing. While I am glad to hear a patch is underway, it seems to me that the problem was fixed in CMFI over a month ago (when the 3.0 patch came out), so I was baffled at why there was no fix for CMRT. Are the DRM issues really that different between the two games? Now BF releases another pay-for product and still no patch.

My perspective is that six months is a long time to fix a bug. It either wasn't a high priority, or there was a competence issue. Either way, it makes me reluctant to give BF any more of my money.

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I considered reformatting my Hard Drive and re-installing Windows, but thought that was a bit drastic.

Somedays I think of putting it on the driveway and driving over it too and fro with my tracked J-5 Bombardier. But like you, I consider it a bit drastic. Though I think I'm underestimating the feeling of satisfaction I'd get!

I don't think you guys would have appreciated that. ;)

True! I also think that few of you guys know that there's a Luddite in me screaming to get out :D


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