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On 08/12/2017 at 7:11 PM, RepsolCBR said:

I'm sure this will be another jewel in the CMRT campaign folder._.

Very much looking forward to this one.._will it include simular 'story telling' as your brilliant - kampfgruppe von Schroif - campaign ? I really liked that feature :)

Many thanks for your hard work !

Thanks, :)I'm not sure re the storyline. It follows larger more diverse units so keeping a set of key characters going might be tougher. Still, I'll see how it pans out. Glad you enjoyed that aspect of KG von Schroif, as it takes wee while to create these briefings, although worth it as it does mean you care about your pixel grenadiers and panzer crews. 

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The gathering darkness and using the ground has worked to my advantage. managed to close with the PAk without further losses and take them out at close range, although the CO of this Panther copped his whack earlier from a ATR round through the napper.


With the AT threat neutralised (I hoped!) I started moving my SPW forward to keep up with the armour. I moved them along a shallow flooded valley to avoid exposing them too much to any long range PAK threat that might still be lurking. During this manouver, they took some fire from several ATRs which the return MG fire from other supporting SPW was soon neutralised.


Another view of the same SPW platoon advancing. You can't see the other platoon (with attached 251/9) in overwatch.

Edited by George MC
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 13/12/2017 at 8:40 AM, Aragorn2002 said:

Is this still the Mühlenkamp-scenario, George? Love those screenshots. You should write a book, with screenshots instead of photos. 

Aye they are - although this scenario is part of the proposed branch and is a fictitious action (the RL actions are the main pathway of the proposed campaign design.  

Great idea re an illustrated book, and I'd love to, but with a wee baby etc I'm bit stuck for free time! Take all the time I have to get this thing finished!

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In another part of the map of the same mission, I had pushed a zug of Panthers to keep an eye on my flank. They ambushed some T-34s, trying to outflank me and shot them up at close range.

I got a wee bit cocky and thought I'd push the Panthers up further. Howevere the T-34s were a full platoon and the surviving T-34 had bogged down in a stream. This spot gave him an excellent ambush position, which coupled with my cockiness caught my three Panthers advancing in single file along a road...

Two Panthers were brewed up before they could even return fire. The zug HQ Panther managed to break contact without being hit and circled around catching the T-34 from the flank. One round hit the T-34s ammo causing a catastrophic explosion.


This is the view of the T-34 being immolated from the other Panthers ambush site. 



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8 hours ago, Combatintman said:

Or he's a forgetful chap .... ;) but knowing @George MC's skill with the editor, your interpretation is more likely true. 

Think you might have hit the nail on the head! :) Baby brain! The T-34 bogged down and I totally forgot there were three in that platoon (most of the enemy tank units in this mission are not at full strength hence why I never thought...). Still after finding out that location is a great ambush spot I'm going to build it into the AI Plan!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Breathing old life into a new scenario?  Something like that.


The convoy moves out!


Panzergrenadiere dismount to cover the ford crossing.


MG-42s seem almost more effective than the PKMs! :D


Air support fires on a suspected Russian position.

I translated the BTR platoon into a PzGr platoon in SdKfz (with the 37mm guy to make up for the lack of firepower and protection of the halftracks).  The BMP platoon is also PzGr with two Luchs in support to be the BMPs :D

Maybe it's just that I'm bad at the WWII titles but I still find it much harder, even though the Russians don't have good handheld AT weapons and need to rely on AT rifles, flamethrowers and a pair of light AT guns.

@George MC what have you done to me?  I feel obsessed at this point haha

Edit: Swapping the FW-190 for mortars or something... Air support looked cool at first, but then it swung around, bombed a building I was occupying, killed two halftracks and strafed my command team. :o 

Edited by HerrTom
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47 minutes ago, IICptMillerII said:

Damn @HerrTom these screenshots are amazing! I especially like the first one. I wish I had the technical skills and patience to create a shader like you have. Truly stunning. 

Same here, I can never get the dam Reshader to work right on my two computers. HerrTom needs to explain in layman's term on how to set it up.

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2 hours ago, JohnO said:

Same here, I can never get the dam Reshader to work right on my two computers. HerrTom needs to explain in layman's term on how to set it up.

I basically have the same issue. I can get the program running, but tweaking it all so it looks just right is where I get lost. I think its just that I don't have the patience and technical expertise to get it looking exactly right. 

I think HerrTom has posted his setup before, but I could be wrong. Its generally more complicated than just taking someone's shader.ini file. There are a lot of micro tweaks that have to be made based on what type of computer, monitor, etc you have. 

At the very least I'm sure we can expect many more great screenshots (and videos) from HerrTom in the future. 

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18 hours ago, JohnO said:

never get the dam Reshader to work right on my two computers. HerrTom needs to explain in layman's term on how to set it up.

+1  pleeeze - crayon level instructions re what to do after downloading.

Edited by Erwin
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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

+1  pleeeze - crayon level instructions re what to do after downloading.

I just installed it and have got it running. I haven't played with the shaders, but with two out of the box preset shaders that come with reshade, I got very good results in replacing the ingame movie mode with better colors and with fully working anti aliasing.

System: Win10, Nvidia GTX960m

Here's what you do:

Download Reshade 3.1


When asked during installation download fx-shader presets? YES

Running reshade it asks for the executable of the game you want to work with. Choose one. I chose FB.

When starting FB it crashed.

Go to the CM game data folder (usually in "Documents"). There you should see a "reshade-shaders" folder.

Rename "Shaders" and "Textures" in that folder to something else (e.g. Shaders_ Textures_)

Create a new "Shaders" folder. Into that folder you only copy those shaders you want to work with.

To have an instantly better looking movie-mode with working anti-aliasing, from the renamed "Shaders_" copy to "Shaders" folder:




For fun you can also copy other shaders, like Nighvision.fx or Monochrome.fx


Start CM.

Press SHIFT + F2

Now you should see the ReShade config menu as an overlay within the game, where the shaders you copied into the folder, should be listed.

Choose one, i.e. "Monochrome".

The changes take effect immediately.

The game becomes b/w.

If that works, deselect Monochrome and select "Levels" and "Technicolor".

Voila! A good looking movie mode with fully working anti-aliasing.


When you are satisfied with your settings, go into ReShade's SETTINGS menu and switch from "Configuration Mode" to "Performance Mode". Which allegedly gives an even better performance.


With these two shaders activated I do not recognize a noticeable performance hit (ReShade allows to display the frame rate!).

Amazing software!



Now it's up to you to share your stunningly looking shaders!

Are they well suited for gaming or is the contrast too high?

Levels.fx + Technicolor.fx is well suited for gaming. I think it's a good compromise between a better look with not too much strain on the eyes.

Edited by CarlWAW
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