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Status update on "Black Sea"

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First off forgive me as i am too lazy to read all 40 pages of this threat I read the first 4-5. Seeing as this takes place in 2017 are we going to be seeing modern equipment? Or "future" equipment? I am hoping this doesnt turn out like ArmA III with all the weird looking near future equipment

No "future" equipment, by which I take you mean that we would make a bunch of stuff up and have it look all futuristic-like. ;) By 2017 militaries are going to be for the most part still be using the same platforms they have now, although these platforms are continually being upgraded. That's not to say that the equipment isn't going to change at all. UAVs, precision artillery, active protection systems, more ERA, airburst HE systems, more satellite networked C2 systems (and a lot more)... that tank might have a familiar silhouette, but there are new cutting edge systems on it and around it that are going to make the battlefield quite different.

In addition, we're giving the Russians and Ukrainians access to some of their best equipment, even if it's bordering on hypothetical because it is either available in very small numbers or not yet being fielded: items like the Oplot-M tank, BTR-4, T-90AM (which we're using as a domestic version of the newest T-90 variants equipped with Relikt armor), etc.

Future combat systems like the next generation of tanks and IFVs and such are appealing, but the fact of the matter is that there is very little concrete information available on these systems, and definitely not enough to make a detailed representation of it in the game. We'd basically be taking wild guesses about how the vehicle would look and perform. It's a losing proposition for now. Maybe some time in the future when more information is available, these sorts of future systems would make for great content.

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No "future" equipment, by which I take you mean that we would make a bunch of stuff up and have it look all futuristic-like. ;) By 2017 militaries are going to be for the most part still be using the same platforms they have now, although these platforms are continually being upgraded. That's not to say that the equipment isn't going to change at all. UAVs, precision artillery, active protection systems, more ERA, airburst HE systems, more satellite networked C2 systems (and a lot more)... that tank might have a familiar silhouette, but there are new cutting edge systems on it and around it that are going to make the battlefield quite different.

In addition, we're giving the Russians and Ukrainians access to some of their best equipment, even if it's bordering on hypothetical because it is either available in very small numbers or not yet being fielded: items like the Oplot-M tank, BTR-4, T-90AM (which we're using as a domestic version of the newest T-90 variants equipped with Relikt armor), etc.

Future combat systems like the next generation of tanks and IFVs and such are appealing, but the fact of the matter is that there is very little concrete information available on these systems, and definitely not enough to make a detailed representation of it in the game. We'd basically be taking wild guesses about how the vehicle would look and perform. It's a losing proposition for now. Maybe some time in the future when more information is available, these sorts of future systems would make for great content.

Thanks for reply Im very happy to hear this... I am very excited for this release i cant wait to play as Russia

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I don't know what the outcome of the game will be and when, but looking everyday at the Russian news on TV (being abroad) and seeing many newsreels about the civilians housing damages and combat materials destroyed with tanks turret resting aside burned tanks hulks, I can only say one thing, for them it is a war and it Will end when their objective will be attained. Meanwhile we are tempering as much as we can the fire that is burning more and more. Remember 1933, 1936 and 1939 it began somehow the same way. I just hope to be wrong so that we will have the time to play without any bad taste in the mouth at the promising CMBS.

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I wouldnt worry too much Snake Eye.

Im also waiting with anticipation to use the new map editing tools.

I havent got the upgraded CMBN so it will be new to me to be able to overlay images and create that way.

I am also excited to mod the content as well. Hopefully the Russian reconnaisance units will have the correct uniform and issue hooded digital parka, which will be reskinning in due course ha.

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snakeeyes: if there is a real war in the real world between Russia and the West, there wont be a bad taste in your mouth because you'll likely won't have one anymore. There wont be much left after the inevitable massive nuclear exchange and the survivors will envy the dead. The actual Russian doctrine doesn't distinguish between conventional and nuclear warfare. Nukes will be used as soon as the shooting starts. MAD (mutual assured destruction) is still very much a reality. People have forgotten that and that's dangerous. We will all be dead or dying. 30 mins at most for Russian ICBMs to destroy everything you hold dear. Even less with the new SLBMs on the ultra-quiet new boomers the russian have that can launch near the the US coast on low orbit trajectories (10 mins) This is serious stuff best left in a hypothetical game for us to enjoy. Sorry for my bluntness but people must be told the truth to avoid the worst and I don't like the casual way people and the media currently contemplate such an horrific possibility.

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Well I just installed Mac 3.0 upgrades on both CMBN/CW/MG and CMF/GL :D

The Apple "OpenGL 36% curse" is no more ... on both games :D

With Mac 3.0 upgrades including Graphics, Gameplay, User Interface, Editor in both games it will take me a while to play with each new feature.

ChrisND will have CMBS out ... "soonish" :) if we are all going poof anytime soon ;)

MAD (mutual assured destruction)? *"Sorry for my bluntness but people must be told the truth to avoid the worst and I don't like the casual way people and the media currently contemplate such an horrific possibility.*

I understand - Contemplating nuclear annihilation (and I have studied a lot about the medical components nuclear war and survival) is not a day brightener. Attempting to educate the public about this is ... in many ways a Sisyphus you don't want to roll.... IMO.

The good thing is Battlefront makes games .. good games... not wars :)

"Wars are about killing and being killed for goals which may, or may not, have value. Wargames are about the tactics and weapons of those wars" Steve@BFC

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snakeeyes: if there is a real war in the real world between Russia and the West, there wont be a bad taste in your mouth because you'll likely won't have one anymore. There wont be much left after the inevitable massive nuclear exchange and the survivors will envy the dead. The actual Russian doctrine doesn't distinguish between conventional and nuclear warfare. Nukes will be used as soon as the shooting starts. MAD (mutual assured destruction) is still very much a reality. People have forgotten that and that's dangerous. We will all be dead or dying. 30 mins at most for Russian ICBMs to destroy everything you hold dear. Even less with the new SLBMs on the ultra-quiet new boomers the russian have that can launch near the the US coast on low orbit trajectories (10 mins) This is serious stuff best left in a hypothetical game for us to enjoy. Sorry for my bluntness but people must be told the truth to avoid the worst and I don't like the casual way people and the media currently contemplate such an horrific possibility.

Tit tut, not me. All that nuclear energy is gonna give me enormous superpowers and a neat spandex outfit. Probably a nifty hairdo as well.

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MAD ! You are going far from what might be expected tomorrow. A war, yes it is highly probable, They are doing the usual psy ops into the media on the Russian side. Yesterday almost 30 minutes, while on the European side there is just 2 minutes at the most

I am amazed today after all the years that had come by, the wars I witnessed and or went through that some old matters we thought settled are indeed not

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At a bit over 45 thousand views there appears to be interest in CMBS progress;)

I am also guessing ...we will see something by the end of the month and maybe hear a more detailed written update once the CMRT patch and hotfix including the workaround for the Mac version of CMSF are released... but then I am guessing :)

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Gentlemen, we still have several days of September left. If the speculation about the release schedule is correct then we should see something by the end of the month.

'fraid not. We have a lot to show you guys, but we're still working on it. There will be a lot of Black Sea news very soon, though!

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Chris ND... ".... you guys will know will know when we're very close to release. We won't pull a Fortress Italy this time, I swear. :D ...We have a lot to show you guys, but we're still working on getting it. There will be a lot of Black Sea news very soon, though!"

Is it "very soon" yet :)

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