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"Oh man tell me folks wouldn't want to see US Marines fighting the Red Army!!!!"

Actually, not really...

Vietnam sounds interesting, but just never ending jungle and mist. The best games on Vietnam have been operational or strategic. That's cos it's best handled in the way GMT games and others do it, giving the political and economic aspects prominence. Militarily it was a bust. Win the battles, lose the war...

There are many specific topics out there similar to the ever popular Battle of the Bulge. Stalingrad needs a module for the very specific bombed-out urban setting. That could include Battle for Moscow streetfighting, simulating what might have happened if the Nazis ever got that far.

North Africa should be a biggy. I loved CMAK. Hopefully CMSF terrain can be used, so that's partially done.

Also, Balkans, Greece etc.

India-China is the most probable future war between near equals as they compete for the same resources and territory. I just got back from Bhutan and Nepal, and you can see how the Chinese are seeping across the border into these countries via immigration, owning all the businesses etc. (Actually, same is happening in the Balkans according to my Croatian pal oddly enough.)

The topics are only limited by imagination.

The real innovation would be an operational level "game" - doesn't have to be sophisticated, just something to give context to the small CM battles.

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I think my top five, in order, would be:

1. Combat Mission: Blitzkrieg (Iron Tide would be a cool name, btw.)

2. Combat Mission: Vietnam

3. Combat Mission: Arab/Israeli Wars

4. Combat Mission: Bush Wars*

5. Combat Mission: North Africa

*Think how cool modern African wars would be. Tons of cool kit, but much could be recycled from Shock Force and even the WWII games. Intervention forces, all kinds of weaponry, all the sweet Rhodesian kit. Tell me you wouldn't enjoy doing a Fireforce mission, dropping Rhodesian troops onto fleeing insurgents. Or leading mercenaries through the Congo. You could even cover Somalia.

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Stalingrad: Would buy in a heartbeat

Module or Stand Alone devoted entirely to the battle of Stalingrad. Try to get the level of detail down even further, with smaller action squares, and smaller units.

North Africa: Would buy in a heartbeat

Anything post WW2.......I'll need a lot of convincing, unless it's "Combat Mission: Future Wars" with totally made up stuff.

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I did the OP prose was a little odd, but it was way past my bedtime of 9 when I read the OP.

In the spirit of the thread I think the future of BF lies in space. One could argue CM is the spiritual ancestor of AH classic Squad Leader so why not do a game on space marines and bugs like Starship Troopers a book I read and a game I bought from AH, but never even got around to playing...

Thats would certainly be a huge money maker.

Get creative and base some of the game off the movie and include a pixeltroopen of space cadet Denise Richards and you'll have a sure fire winner.

Who wouldn't want to see that Wild Thing DR run and gun? It might even be enjoyable to see her impaled by a bug or something else for that matter...

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A CM:Vietnam tale, based on a chapter of "A Bright and Shining Lie" by Neil Sheehan-

You select a Battalion of South Vietnamese for a COIN op against a suspected Viet-Cong sympathising hamlet:

- three companies turn up, but two of them are ghosts.

- the troops that are there get to their start lines (eventually), then sit there and do nothing while you bash the keyboard, scream and generally have such a good time that your neighbours call the cops because they're worried for you.

- you call in arty and the fast movers, then count the charred corpses. Label them all as enemy combatants, write up AAR the and call it a day. Winning.

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Cm Vietnam or Korea would be great. In fact I'd rather see those than cmsf 2, not that cmsf 2 would not be great, but I have a lot of others games to get a modern warfare fix on (steel beasts, wargame air land battle, Dcs world, command modern air/ naval warfare). Not many games out there covering Vietnam or Korea with high fidelity like cm would.

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This is sidetracking this wonderful thread, but I feel a Falklands/Malvinas game could be pretty good.

Technically similarly-equipped forces, company-size night attacks, minefields, ground surveillance radar, some artillery but not overwhelming, different night vision technologies. Small scale but fierce.

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This is sidetracking this wonderful thread, but I feel a Falklands/Malvinas game could be pretty good.

Technically similarly-equipped forces, company-size night attacks, minefields, ground surveillance radar, some artillery but not overwhelming, different night vision technologies. Small scale but fierce.

How can you side track a thread that was mostly just intended humor :D

Yeah maybe my sense of humor sucks, but it is what it is.

I'd love a Falklands/Malvinas game...... gee does it show that I'd take just about any bone they are willing to throw?

Except North Africa - rocks and sand.

sand and water, sand and water, you know what sand and water is? Mud!

anybody recognize that?

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Forgive me, as I know practically nothing about the Falklands War, but wasn't that pretty one-sided? IIRC, the Excocets and the unfamiliarity of the RN pilots with the weather conditions gave the Argentines some help at sea, but I always thought the British absolutely demolished on land. While I'd love to play a naval simulation, or even a large-scale operational/grand tactical game of the war, it seems like a tactical game would be pretty unbalanced.

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I think the only real problem is the scope is too small, but it was not a totally one sided affair. Goose Green is reported to have been a tough battle and also found the following

Meanwhile, 42 Commando prepared to move by helicopter to Mount Kent.[notes 7] Unknown to senior British officers, the Argentine generals were determined to tie down the British troops in the Mount Kent area, and on 27 and 28 May they sent transport aircraft loaded with Blowpipe surface-to-air missiles and commandos (602nd Commando Company and 601st National Gendarmerie Special Forces Squadron) to Stanley. This operation was known as Operation AUTOIMPUESTA (Self-Determination-Initiative).

For the next week, the SAS and the Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre (M&AWC) of 3 Commando Brigade waged intense patrol battles with patrols of the volunteers' 602nd Commando Company under Major Aldo Rico, normally 2nd in Command of the 22nd Mountain Infantry Regiment.

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A Vietnam game would be neat. There were some really interesting battles in that one. My uncle was at the Battle of Dak To with the 173rd Airborne.

I've always wanted to see a CM style game set in WWI though. The late war especially was not all that different from WWII so I don't even think the game would change that much. Imagine leading teams of stormtroopers during the big 1918 offensives. The game would need deeper trenches though.

Or how about one of the lesser known theaters, like in Africa or the Middle East? You could have German-led native African askaris fighting British-led Indian troops in east Africa. There were lots of small, pretty evenly-matched engagements that would be perfect for a CM scenario in my opinion. You could have extreme long-distance artillery duels over wide open African savanna, with a few companies of askaris skirmishing in between.

Any WWI game probably wouldn't sell though. *sigh*

A Spanish Civil War game would be cool too.

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Mord... "Nam is my wargaming Nirvana! Don't piss on my Nirvana!"

Should be a new sig line Mord.

Baneman … “ just napalm the jungle already!

Aye ... Just DO IT!

Migo441… songs by Jefferson Airplane, Three Dog Night, et al.

With associated "morale adjustments" after R&R.

db_zero… “Viet-Nam ...epic battles…not just Guerrilla warfare. .. NVA very tough and competent regular units…”

US Militarily won the war. NVA took over the country!

Michael Emrys … “your Vietnam game would tank early and be a financial disaster that could destroy or at least severely cripple the company.”

Don't let Mr. Emrys fool you. He probabaly has a 1960s vintage bong in his closet... for research purposes ;) Michael is "in country" all the way to departure from Saigon.

sburke …CM Vietnam you know you want to do it.

Pull the pin and toss it bro!

CM: Vietnam - Think about it:

-Caves and tunnels, bunkers buried into the terrain With FOW- you know you HAVE to have sewers and cellars for East Front 1942 or it will be a total flop for Stalingrad so it HAS to already be in

-LIVE Dogs & Water Buffalo and blood trails

-Napalm (I Am the God of HELLFIRE and I Bring You....)- pffft

-riverine patrols with yes- boats!

A great future product for Battlefront customers.

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CMVN the smell of victory...

When you think about it the Combat Mission game engine is well suited to the conventional side of the Viet-Nam War that focuses on the major battles, skirmishes and operations.

The TOW game engine where you have individual soldiers, vehicles and helicopters is well suited to the guerrilla warfare, special operations and other very small unit actions.

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Well maybe the TOW3 engine is not the way to go. I avoided it in the past when I read the issues users had getting it to start, but today I decided to give it a try...

I just purchased Korea, downloaded and tried to run and it doesn't run. Not good when you spend $45.

You buy, download and expect it to start up.

I've tried running as admin, in XP compatibility mode downloading the hotfix and submitting a helpdesk ticket-which after years being released all of the above should not be necessary.

Wierd as I have TOW Kursk, Caen and both run with no issues.

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Falklands as a standalone game would not work as sburke said in his opening statement. When it boils down to it you have the initial Argentine invasion and then half a dozen battles after that - Goose Green, Longdon, Mt Harriet etc. The final battles (eg Longdon, Mt Harriet) were essentially fought over similar terrain with similar forces (a UK bn versus a similar sized Argentine force).

I would love to see the Falklands done but realistically and rightly BF would charge about 45 bucks for it and for that you would get about 3 Brit TO&Es, about the same number of Argentine ones, a very small number of vehicles (which had little impact at the pointy end of battles which is what the CM series simulates), a single campaign of about 8 missions and maybe a handful of standalone missions (capture of Stanley by the Argentines, same for South Georgia, recapture of South Georgia by the Brits and perhaps the Pebble Island raid). I doubt many folk would pay that amount of money for such limited content. If the Falklands is going to be done it would need to be a module of a post colonial wars series.

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