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CMRT - BETA AAR - German Side


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Now, moving the armor forward is much more of a bold move.

I think it depends on the quality of the lines of sight you can obtain from your tanks' present location. If they can't effect the battle and will leave your infantry unsupported against enemy armour then I'd say advance.

The other thing worth mentioning is that it'll be risky reposition your hetzers, if enemy armour gets a good visual on the cluster of buildings they're currently hidden behind. In this kind of scenario there's a strong possibility that the hetzers are going to expose their flanks when leaving their cover, which is likely to lead to their demise before they can get a shot off.

The third option would be to leave your panther (if it can obtain a good overwatch position from the building complex) to cover your SPGs' advance and going hunting with the hetzers!

That's just my two pennies worth anyway.

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I think it depends on the quality of the lines of sight you can obtain from your tanks' present location. If they can't effect the battle and will leave your infantry unsupported against enemy armour then I'd say advance.

The other thing worth mentioning is that it'll be risky reposition your hetzers, if enemy armour gets a good visual on the cluster of buildings they're currently hidden behind. In this kind of scenario there's a strong possibility that the hetzers are going to expose their flanks when leaving their cover, which is likely to lead to their demise before they can get a shot off.

The third option would be to leave your panther (if it can obtain a good overwatch position from the building complex) to cover your SPGs' advance and going hunting with the hetzers!

That's just my two pennies worth anyway.

My armor is set up very far in the backfield. If they come under fire when they move out then he has snuck past me in ways I'll never understand. :)

Just got a file.....I'll post again in a few minutes.

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Well, success comes in small forms. Consolidating the platoon to the east has given me the first known kill. Popped one.


Not only that but they have turned away a man from a different unit (you can see the dead guy going down in the background)


I am even able take a long range shot at a man going up the middle. I think things are about to really heat up. Even though I have kilt a guy and chased another away, that platoon won't last long there. I will probably pull them back after a couple of turns.

I mean look at this....that kind of grouping in dart is great but in the woods against Bil is something else



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My understanding of Bils style of play is that he methodically recons and pinpoints enemy positions and wipes them out handily. That is what staying in place means to me with this game. Keeping him wondering where I am or moving from where he thinks I am, is critical to me having a chance. Also, trying to keep him off balance is going to be something I need to do. The gathering of the platoon on my left will hopefully provide me the ability to flank him when he attacks where he looks to be gearing up for attack. Or it should give him something new he has to think about, possibly causing him to change his plan or delay it to deal with a new threat. I will not be moving them as far forward as I had planned with all the sound contacts I've gotten on my left in the last couple of turns. I am going to set the platoon up with the best cover and longest line of sight I can get. The further I can keep him away when the shots get fired, the better chance I will have against his machine guns.

That is a perceptive strategy on the face of it, but I am dubious that you posses troops of the necessary quality and numbers to pull it off. But the proof is in the pudding and you might yet show me wrong.

Hoping you've found the best place to set up and duke it out toe to toe does not feel like the best strategy in this battle. I think a static defense with him is just a quick death.

You might be misunderstanding what is being advocated. Not static defenses, but having your men keep still and quiet in ambush while Bil's troops are moving about and making noise. Then, when he comes within range, surprising him by opening fire for a turn or two and then pulling quickly back before he can organize a response, arranging a new ambush &etc. Rinse and repeat. The idea is to inflict more casualties than you suffer. So far in this game it has gone the other way because your troops were doing the moving when contact was made.


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I'm a bit leery of repeated ambush defense. Assuming you're going to successfully get the drop on him over and over is dubious, even with the most careful preparation. I'm reminded of those old westerns, the gunslinger relying on his ability to draw his six-shooter first. Except in this case the opponent is wielding a PPSh. ;)

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I'm a bit leery of repeated ambush defense. Assuming you're going to successfully get the drop on him over and over is dubious, even with the most careful preparation. I'm reminded of those old westerns, the gunslinger relying on his ability to draw his six-shooter first. Except in this case the opponent is wielding a PPSh. ;)

Well yes. On the other hand, letting the guys with the SMGs get the first shot doesn't seem to be working out too well so far either.


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I'm a bit leery of repeated ambush defense. Assuming you're going to successfully get the drop on him over and over is dubious, even with the most careful preparation. I'm reminded of those old westerns, the gunslinger relying on his ability to draw his six-shooter first. Except in this case the opponent is wielding a PPSh. ;)

Ambushing (laying prone, and STILL) should allow Elvis to spot, and fire first giving him the edge on the contact more successfuly. When Elvis is moving, and Bil is moving there is no advantage of surprise. After being ambushed, Bil's, or anyone’s response will be area fire into the suspected spot, and then move in. If he moves in and finds no one there because Elvis has relocated further back (beginning of next turn with the evade command) he must proceed slowly with caution eating up time, and ammo area firing. The woods are best for this tactic with limited LOS. Stick, and move. Now I am not saying he might not lose any troops during these skirmishes, but the chances of getting the better of them are enhanced ambushing rather than moving to contact. Elvis, think like a Viet Cong ;). Try some wedge, that morph into vee formations pulling only the contacted squad back behind squads still in place. This will allow a layered rolling ambush defence that leapfrogs back. If arty starts coming in either HIDE, or run back.

I think being more aggressive with the armor is a good idea since it is my understanding German armor for the most part is better than Soviet. If you can get the armor upper hand then you will stop Bil cold.

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The question is can he complete the buddy aid before another round comes in. It is a race - bandager vs loader. :)

He completed the aid on both guys pretty quickly. After the kill shot was fired Bil backed up being a low ridge. I tried to get a good screen shot but nothing came out interesting/informative enough to post. But since it is now out of LOS, it makes me think that maybe now is the time to move my armor up and try to get a shot or two off. My biggest hesitation is that any shot I take will be at his front.

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I'm still getting lucky with my spotting rounds landing just where I want them. I am looking forward to reading what Bil makes of this


My faithful out to the west has earned his pay again. He caught this guy hunting along the woods edge. That may be enough to deter me from running my armor that way.


This will give you an idea of where he is on the map.


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New turn and Bil has moved back to the area where I kilt a man...just to watch him die... But I have pulled back a little since then and only one squad can see him. The squad holds it fire...and I am happy about that because I want him to come closer.


Here is where I have pulled back to.


I LOVE this teams set up position. I think they are about 15m away and have no line of sight to the guy I've spotted. GREAT concealment. When he moves forward I should be able to get the jump on him.....They'll probably die by the time the smoke clears but I think they have a chance to take a lot more down with them.


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