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AXIS : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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The other thing missing is the crew from the 76mm ATG. Did they abandon and plan on rejoining? Wishful thinking I know...

Nah, they've been missing since I first spotted this gun. They must have hide orders, or else the crew simply has not been spotted. The other gun that I killed earlier in the game I only ever saw one crewman even though I know these guns have several in the crew.

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Interesting that you can see the ATG and not the crew but you can spot the M10 with the crew inside.

I wonder if the UI would show abandoned if the crew left the Gun?

Not complaining ... this is definitely better than what we had .... I still think FOW terrain is where we really want to be though

Thanks for showing this off Bill :)

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Keep on getting permission to show us more stuff!

Yee-Haw! thanks.

So, all along you have clipped off the blank unit info stuff waiting on "HQ" to give you permission?

You'll never know. ;)

Hey! Try and squeeze on over to the OMG module and see what they gots hidin'!

My lips are sealed. :P

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Notice anything missing from these screenshots?

Uh, not a response to your question, but one of my own (I'm allowed one, remember?). Why do all of those pieces appear to be sitting on hexagons?

Followup: Is this something new to the game, or just a peculiarity of your personal graphical set-up?


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Uh, not a response to your question, but one of my own (I'm allowed one, remember?). Why do all of those pieces appear to be sitting on hexagons?

Followup: Is this something new to the game, or just a peculiarity of your personal graphical set-up?


Yeah the latter. Same as the icons. I really should have stripped those mods out before doing this AAR but forgot. So there you are.

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The tactical meaning of blitzkrieg involves a coordinated military effort by tanks, mobilized infantry, artillery and aircraft, to create an overwhelming local superiority in combat power, to overwhelm an enemy and break through its lines.

Uh, there's need to slap a Germanic label* on it - that's just "combined arms."


* worse, a label which the German military didn't really recognise or use.

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One MG guy taking a nap, a guy who feels his foxhole offers less cover vs DF than do two layers of substantial parapet, a sun-dappled TD and an antigravity ATG. No wonder you're spotting GAJ's toys so quickly. They're "unwarrantedly exuberant" and are apparently levitating as a result. LOVE the improvements to FOW and would like to see more. FOW in CMAK was enough to cause fingernail depletion by chewing!

Isn't there a war on?


John Kettler

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More FOW means more reward for the effort of using a disciplined approach to intelligence gathering - I think we're all learning more than a little bit about that.

Bil, do contact icons fade more quickly in higher difficulties? Do you lose track of stuff?

Again, thanks for your work - great stuff.

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Bil, do contact icons fade more quickly in higher difficulties? Do you lose track of stuff?

Beats me I've never timed the fading of the icons. ;)

I sometimes lose track of enemy units of course. But if you keep track of where you last saw the contact then you should be less surprised when they pop up again.

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FOW in CMAK was enough to cause fingernail depletion by chewing!

There are two ways of depleting fingernails, chewing, and clipping. Chewing infers a nervous state of mind, clipping, the opposite. Therefore, we, the audience, could of inferred from the text which method was being applied. So, consequently, IMO, the comedic effect was somewhat diminished by that unnecessary addition to the sentence.

See me after class :- )

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This is EXCELLENT news !! :) :)

Wonderful, I ( once again ) doff my hat to the programmers.

Took awhile ;) but sooooo welcome. I'm chuffed as chips :)

Edit: I note that you can still tell it's an 81mm mortar not a 60 - but I'm guessing that changing all the pics would be extra work. But please don't let such a minor cavil lead you to believe I'm anything but overyjoyed to see this improvement.

I could not have said it better myself - well done. I look forward to the details of what is shown / not shown at each level.

Bill what level are you can GAJ playing your game at?

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Maybe they are giving us features like this little by litlle , (to get hooked and buy all his games, great job Battlefront ;-) ) and no overwhelm new players (like me) with a too "complicated and detailed game". At the end, we will have all the features we want (and more) and maybe Combat Mission Campaings, how knows?

Thanks for the AAR, the wait is more easy and I'm learning new things


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The Twenty-Fifth Minute

1st Platoon runs into a hail of lead from GaJ's forrward team/squad (team I suspect). The one member of this enemy team that I can see has a Thompson and those things throw a lot of rounds.. so I take two casualties. A lot of suppression fire is coming in now that i know exactly where he is located though.


One of my Pz-IVs opens fire on the location where GaJ has his M10 sitting. no effect but at least this will tell GaJ that I have eyes on that piece of ground.. so maybe he'll pull that TD back.



On Hill 109 the MMG team comes back out firing at my 2nd Squad team coming over the ridge. He causes one casualty.


On the right, 3rd Platoon is slowly moving forward.. I do not believe that GaJ has much other than the MMG team, sniper, and one or two other teams along this treeline where the sunken road is located. I now have two halftracks in the area for support.


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The Twenty-Sixth Minute

1st Platoon has the enemy team surrounded, I lose two more infantryman to his fire (total of 4 so far) but take out two with grenades. This team has been extremely tough.. half of the platoon is pinned, luckily I have the other half on its flank and in its rear.

If GaJ has bought infantry with these high volume short range weapons I need to be careful how I engage them with my infantry. I need to keep them at arms length and ensure I have plenty of fire support on hand.

I will probably stop the advance of this platoon for a while until I am can move my halftracks forward in support... and this won't happen until the S-Ridge is in my hands. Right now I am very nervous about moving the halftracks too far up as I know he has an ATG on the S-Ridge.


The assault on Hill 109 heats up... I have mortar fire straddling the MMG team's position, fire from that team was very sporadic during the turn.. I also have several MGs suppressing the mortar team in the foxholes. The mortar hasn't fired a round in a couple turns, so either GaJ has pulled them out or they are suppressed.

My foremost 2nd Platoon scout team is just on the opposite side of the ridge to the MMG team.


The assault element (3rd Squad 2nd Platoon) going in to Hill 109 is bounding forward. Now that the MMG team is getting suppressed I can pick up the pace of this assault. A halftrack, using the terrain and smoke on the hill as cover from the Tame M10 and the ATG (I hope) has joined in a support by fire position and is also firing on the MMG team's position.

2nd Platoon HQ (not pictured) is back in an OP position calling in fire on some of GaJ's long range assets.


On the right side of the map I have a halftrack on the far side of the woodline who's main purpose is to stretch GaJ's defense along this sector in front of 3rd Platoon. The halftrack did receive some fire this turn, but only from single rifle shots and probably from very long range, so perhaps a sniper?

In the bottom image, 2d Squad 3rd Platoon bounds forward into the treeline as the rest of the Platoon, a couple halftracks, a mortar team and an HMG team provide overwatch.

This Platoon is going to require resupply soon. I will need to slow down my assault in a few turns and pull individual teams out to resupply from the halftracks.

Finally, I still have a full pioneer platoon mounted on trucks that I have been saving, as well as 6 or 7 mortars that have not been used at all yet. I am considering bringing that pioneer platoon up to the front, perhaps to relieve 3rd platoon so it can resupply without losing the impetus of their advance. The mortars are all going to be moving forward in the next few turns.


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You probably do these photo shop things semi-unconsciously but a quick question on the "floating red arrow thingies with lower shadow effect" (FRATWLSE).

Is this all manually done, create the red arrow thing with line commands then copy and paste and eyeball translate it a hair over but on a lower layer in a blurred dark tone?

Heck, never mind, I will fire up paint.NET and try and make some of those "frat-wilzies".


Aww, crapper, mine blows...

I love your AAR's.


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