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v2.01 IS HERE!

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Thanks for the patch.

I tested it with a new install of the game and infantry combat is a lot different now :).

Even on the table map test, 2 mgs do a better job than 4 or 5 before.

Flanking fire is devastating and i think that now, hmgs do their job and are really an important part of the game. No more charge in the open and it changes tactic a lot.

Lmgs and small weapons fire is great too.

No more fanatics super tanks crew and super pistol:):).

Just a great improvement for the game i think, really almost a new game.

So thanks a lot to all BFC team, developers and testers for those changes i've been waiting for so long.

Thanks for listening to us and for your effort to improve the game.

Keep the good work, and i can't wait to play with modified CMFI and the next modules.

I noticed 2 things :

Hmg don't respect the 15 sec delay to dismount when leaving a building.

When inside building, i saw bullets hitting the building wall and ricochet backward, not all the burst but a few bullets.

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What does this entry mean?:

* Corrected an accuracy problem with on-map indirect fire

Mortars are more or less accurate?

I expereinced some really inaccuate mortar fire with 2.00; some were hitting several hundred yards away from my target point. Tested this today with 2.01 in a quik mission and it appears that it's way more accurate now.


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Glad you guys are liking the new features. That's what they are there for ;)

* Sandbags, wire, foxholes, hedgehogs, and trenches are correctly treated as "lower down" for spotting purposes.

Anyone noticed these being harder to spot yet?

We did some tests on this and it definitely made a difference, but of course it is condition specific. Some circumstances will probably not be a lot different than before, but in others it should be extremely different.


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I might have to fire this up again as it has been a while. Got to admit that before I felt moving around MG's was a bit too easy, so curious to see how much this has changed. I'm also wondering how less effective pistol wielding AFV crew members will be as well after bailing out. Drove me bonkers when they'd come piling out of their smoking iron horses and then nail some poor guy on the AT team with uncanny pistol accuracy.

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HURRAY, I loaded the update but did not even think about what it was improving, only had one game going on in 2.0 at the moment. So have not noticed the differences.

But Thank You, Thank, You, Thank you for the adjustments in Mg's and Pistols. That right there makes for a much better game.

I just have to remember, good things will come. I just have to wait long enough.

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Vin's animated text (any version before the v2.01 version he just uploaded) is probably the culprit. But also, if you installed v2.01 patch with mods in your z folder, that also may be causing the problem.

The presence of the Z folder during installation does not itself cause a problem (i.e. you do not need to reinstall if you installed with the Z folder in place). If you have a problem, and you have mods, you should remove all mods (Z folder) to determine if they are causing the problem.

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I don't own 2.0 yet, but was just wondering whether the "New And Improved" 2.01 MG behaviour has had the side effect of letting MGs rapidly attrite non-moving dug in infantry using their now intensified ROFs.

Has anybody checked out the effects of HMG offensive fire against troops in foxholes or bunkers?

Good question. High casualties for troops moving under fire is great. But are all those now-easily-pinned troops just getting wiped out? Small arms fire in CMx2 has always used what I would call artificial inaccuracy to give its end result.

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I'm not noticing much difference? Maybe a little


The difference in thickness is between a target command placed on a unit and a target command placed on an area, not between TARGET and TARGET LIGHT, which is what your screen shows.

Does the MG42 even fire at 1000m? Last time I tested it, it wouldn't shoot at more than, IIRC, 800m (MG34 was 600, as was the BAR).

HMGs, including HMG42 and HMG34, can fire beyond 800m. LMGs (including LMG34, LMG42, Bren and, as of 2.01, BAR) can fire out to 800m.

* SS leaders have correct poncho camouflage pattern. - not work, always splinter camo.

It is fixed as far as I can tell, but possibly not retroactively in save games. Either that or you may not have installed correctly.

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Updated to v2.01 in the middle of two PBEM games with no problems. Haven't had a chance to see much effect yet as things are not hot and heavy in either of them.

The place where I could REALLY use the increased MG effectiveness is in a FI PBEM game I'm playing ..... HURRY !! :-)

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Glad you guys are liking the new features. That's what they are there for ;)


I really like it. It is a real game changer. The German halftracks with there on board machine gun are a powerful asset now. Even in close combat (one halftrack was unsuccesfully ambushed up close and promptly returned fire with it's MG to deadly effect) they are really dangerous. Tanks with their coax mg too.

I feel that the Germans gain a bit more by these changes. But so it should be. They built there squads around their MG42 for good reason. In most cases they should have fire superiority against the Amis and the Brits with their brens and BARs.

Also their tripod MG42's are really powerful now. If they zero in on a squad even from a long distance, the squad is in trouble. I already usually kept my squads out of the buildings on the outer rim of a village, but now it is really suicidal if you don't. If they break fire discipline and are spotted and those heavy MG42 start pouring lead on them from long distances, they better get the hell out if they can or they are toast.

It has been said before, I'll say it again: this game just got a whole lot better!

And now a few Market Garden bones would be nice :-)

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