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Normal Dude is a funny guy, but not abnormally silly :D Yes, he's been on the payroll since Sept 2011. We couldn't go around telling people about it for a long time because then we'd have to explain what his job was. Since that was making Fortress Italy, which was top secret for nearly a year, we kept things on the down-low on purpose. By the time Fortress Italy came out we were so used to him we kinda forgot you guys didn't know he was a full timer. He does have a spiffy credit line in the CMFI Manual!

So there you go. Normal Dude is our newest member to the team, even if "new" means 1.5 years. You'll be seeing a lot more of him in the future because obviously if we're paying him we do expect him to, you know, do stuff ;)


Having met both Chris and Phil at the SF bay area preview of CMBN I would like to congratulate BFC for your hiring of two stellar individuals.

And speaking of previews, are they a thing of the past, or will you consider granting sneak peeks for v3.0 when it is close to release?

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The only thing missing would be a more in depth/detailed handling of the air to ground war. Now that would definitely be "something nice" :D

My sketchy understanding of the air to ground war is that if the air finds the ground, the war is swift and one-sided... Unless we'll be simulating the deployment and operation of pretty wide scale air defense networks as a sort of sub-layer to the actual tank v tank v infantry things we're used to seeing from CM games.

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Italy 1.02 patch

Something Nice

Will the spiffy little extra bits over and above FI's implementation of v2 that made it into BN v2 get ported to FI in 1.02? If not, that's my speculative suggestion as to what "something nice" might be. And if that's wrong: Steve, are there plans for those things coming to FI, or will they be brought into Italy as part of the upgrade to v3?

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Not to worry :D I purposefully did not add any specifics for Packs and probably left out a Module or two. The reason is we want that stuff to be flexible and pre announcing too far ahead doesn't help with that. Note that the only two Modules listed are the ones we have been talking about for a long time already.


Thank you, I was worried that CM:FI would not get the love/patches/modules that Battlefront usually provides to its other games. I am re-assured, but please announce asap! :D

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My sketchy understanding of the air to ground war is that if the air finds the ground, the war is swift and one-sided... Unless we'll be simulating the deployment and operation of pretty wide scale air defense networks as a sort of sub-layer to the actual tank v tank v infantry things we're used to seeing from CM games.

This may be fodder for another thread but how can you simulate a modern conventional war between 2 of the worlds largest armies without addressing the air to ground war and in a much more detailed way than CMSF or CMx2 does currently?

I agree that comprehensive air defense capabilities would need to be simulated to prevent this from becoming a one sided affair, but I look forward to making a decision between purchasing an AD battery or another armored company. Also the tactical considerations involved around the placement of those AD assets would also be a an interesting diversion from the mundane infantry/Armor only match ups.

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My sketchy understanding of the air to ground war is that if the air finds the ground, the war is swift and one-sided... Unless we'll be simulating the deployment and operation of pretty wide scale air defense networks as a sort of sub-layer to the actual tank v tank v infantry things we're used to seeing from CM games.

It gets more complicated once you start looking at a conflict between two more advanced "first world" combatants, and especially in any hypothetical conflict where there are significant ground units in close contact. Even with all the modern sensor gizmos, IFF is still tricky from air to ground; just look at all the fratricide incidents that have happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...

One of the ways to make IFF easier is to get lower, but front-line units of first world militaries have all sorts of low-level air-defense systems that are very dangerous, especially to the slow movers. And even if they don't actually shoot down the air support asset, fire from things like shoulder-fired guided missiles can easily force an attack helicopter or low-level fixed wing to abort its attack run. This would clearly have a direct effect on the CM-scale battle.

So however abstractly, I think CMSF2 is going to have to find some way of taking the air defense capability into account as this is going to affect how and when air assets can be used. In CMSF, air support is binary. Either you have air assets that are "on call", presumably loitering nearby, and you can use these assets to hit any target you can see at any time, or you don't have air support and can't use it at all. As long as your targeting is good, you never have to worry about shoot down, aborted attack run due to AAA, or anything like that.

I think that once you start talking about ground forces armed with man-portable stuff like current generation Stingers and SA-24s, and supported by AA vehicles like the Avenger and the Pantsir, especially the lower altitudes get very 'hot' for the flyboys, and this is going to affect how and when air support assets can be used. I'm not sure these AA assets necessarily need to be explicitly modeled on-map, but their presence needs to be taken into account in some way.

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Something Nice will be Combat Mission for Windows Phones. :D

God I hope not.

Anyways thats a good point about the AAA. I feel even CMBN and FI really could use some sort of abstraction like the CMx1 'firing into the sky' and having a % chance of driving the enemy plane off. Or even something more abstracted, but it's bad enough in WW2, with 2012 equipment Russia vs US the air-power will be out of control if it's not realistically counterbalanced by it's real world 'predators'.

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Or even something more abstracted, but it's bad enough in WW2, with 2012 equipment Russia vs US the air-power will be out of control if it's not realistically counterbalanced by it's real world 'predators'.

Just don't give the US side air support in most scenarios? It isn't like you get air support all the time nowadays and the threat of anti-defenses is one-step above being non-existent.

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Don't forget Russia has some mighty fancy AA assets these days. Missiles with nicknames like "AWACS killer" and "B2 killer", the names alone is enough to make your blood run cold.

Airwar is asymetric - not planes versus planes but planes versus everything they got that could knock down a plane... or crater a runway... or jam a radar... or blind a pilot... or scramble GPS coordinates. So in a modern war title airpower may be considerably less decisive than in the usual 1st world vs 3rd world conflict.

I recall writing up orders for a CMSF scenario. In one draft I explained the dearth of allied airpower due to a successful SCUD gas attack against the primary coalition airfield in Iraq. I don't think that detail made it into the final orders.

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To follow up with some answers...

Anything that is applicable to CMFI that made it into CMBN v2.01 will be ported over for the v1.02 patch. They both share the same code base so it's relatively "easy" (he says with experience telling him not to say that!) to make those features available for v1.02.

Air to Ground is one of the things we think will make its debut in CMSF2. But it will be juuust enough to make it useful and not too much to distract us from the ground war. We really have to remain focused on it since there is so much you guys want to have happen there.

Winter stuff will be in soon for sure. There's a couple of games that could use some snow before we get to Bulge.


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When you say air to ground will turn up in CMSF 2, you hopefully do not mean AA units will be lacking until then, Steve? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that Flakpanzer and such will turn up in the MG module? Or do you mean the anti-air role of these weapons (not against ground targets) will be implemented in CMSF 2?

Glad to hear winter is coming. Even in the Netherlands we have snow at the moment. I miss it on my battlefields.

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They will be present but no Air to Ground combat for a while longer. As we've said to you guys since 1999... there is a case to be made for not having aircraft at all in WW2 games as most often the action did not take place during a CM style tactical battle. Because it's a borderline feature for WW2 we really don't want to be distracted by it. I'm sure people would rather us put our efforts into the other missing feature of war... battlefield fire. People love to watch stuff burn. OK, by "people" I mean guys :D


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Hello Steve,

I can't see any detailed explanation about schedule of CMFI product. we have bought this game and have completed stock scenarios as single player or multi. According to your schedule, it seems this product can't be touched till mid of 2014 and you had planned to touch new theater EF first. Why don't you plan to complete CMFI with North africa and Road to rome first? if I knew this schedule , I wouldn't buy and wait for the decision of completenes or completed product.

In general , why do you complete theaters totaly before jumping to other? This will lead iddle products in our hands , because scenario creators will seperate their efforts too many theaters , that is my point of view , I can respect to others

Note: Off course I guess the answer but I would like to listen from game creators for sureness. Also can you give us information about CMFI schedule? A you know , origin of this question for learning CMFI schedules.

BTW: someones say QBs for an option, I don't like to play QBs, it's very hard to create balance with force selection and map manually so I like to play with tested scenarios


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That's why I like to watch Mythbusters. They know how to make things burn...;-)

They also like to blow things up. A few months back I watched an old episode on Netflix where they were trying to blow up a cement truck. Persistent chaps that they are, they kept increasing the charge until it was finally scattered over the landscape.


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They also like to blow things up. A few months back I watched an old episode on Netflix where they were trying to blow up a cement truck. Persistent chaps that they are, they kept increasing the charge until it was finally scattered over the landscape.


Yeah, splendid, they also recreated the attempt on Hitler of 20 July 1944. Very convincing too. Some time ago they were experimenting with shooting a moving target. It proved to be surprisingly difficult, especially when the target, while running, was returning fire, although not very accurate. Reminds me of my time in the dutch army, a long, long time ago. On static targets I performed very good, but as soon as the target was moving it was another story. Took quite some practice to become good at that.

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On static targets I performed very good, but as soon as the target was moving it was another story. Took quite some practice to become good at that.

I know what you mean. I was always a very good shot against static targets at any range, but I went bird shooting exactly once. A pair of doves flew by and I raised my shotgun and took down the trailing bird. "Nice shot," commented my cousin who was standing nearby. What I didn't tell him was that I was aiming at the lead bird.



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