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What is left to do once CW is released?

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  • Sd.Kfz. 138/1 15 cm Schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) Ausf. H Grille for direct and indirect fire.
  • Sd.Kfz 183/1 15 cm Schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33/1 auf Selbstfahrlafette 38(t) (Sf) Ausf. M Grille for direct and indirect fire
  • Sd.Kfz 168 Sturmpanzer 43 "Brummbär"
  • Sd.Kfz 161/1 Jagdpanzer IV/70(V)
  • Sd.Kfz 161/2 Jagdpanzer IV/70(A)
  • Fallschirmjäger
  • Assault Boats to cross water
  • Kfz. 166 Schwimmwagen to cross water
  • 6 Gun batteries for Wespe (105mm), Hummel (150mm) for indirect fire.

and for the Allies

  • M18 Hellcat
  • Archer TD
  • Canadian Kangaroo APC
  • Assault Boats to cross water
  • DUKW to cross water
  • Free French Regular Forces
  • FFI Forces

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If they add extra commonwealth content to Market Garden how will that apply to someone that only owns the base game and doesn't buy the new CW module?

Steve, did state a while back that they would add new terrain features (and I am hoping some flavor objects) to the Market Garden module...I am praying that doesn't change.

For possibilities of what could go into the Market Garden module, vehicle wise, see this thread...http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94458&highlight=Mord


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Oh well, at least I can use the II as a stand-in for Renaults and Chars at La Fiere.

You know, Bernie, now you're such with the German accent for eternity on this forum.:D

Dude. Early war would be so cool in CM*2.

With the french tanks, and early german panzers. Polish cavalry, horse back with sabres...

Very vell, ve vill see.;)

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I think you are correct about the terrain but I am not sure how it will work. Will we then have maps that are module specific, like we do scenarios?

I guess that would be the case but I always thought that maps were agnostic with regards to module.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what will be released in the MG module though before we see if the Odds & Sods will be worth the effort. I can see the reasoning of releasing another module like Odds & Sods as you will need these vehicles in other families and it will generate additional revenue but most of what we want will end up as standard in the Bulge or another family so unless you do not plan on buying the Bulge family (and who of us would actually say that), I see less justification for its existence.

What time frame will the Bulge family be? October '44 - End of War (as I do not think they want to add snow terrain to the Normandy family)

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I think Market Garden actually needs to cover the autumn/early winter (Pre Bulge) campaign on the Siegfried Line. Personally I think Siegfried Line (aka Hanging out the Washing) would be a better title than Market Garden, I would rather see the next two or three games as expansions to Normandy covering the rest of the NW European Campaign. No need to reinvent the wheel which you could better achieve in future releases covering the Russian Front, Mediterranean and early Blitzkrieg campaigns.

I agree with you here... I Love the game.. and I enjoyed the first series very much. Although CMAK and CMBB was better graphically then the first Combat Mission covering Normandy. I liked waging war either from the early 40's to the end. It was a great game.

Now that CMBN is complete, I have been enjoying the game endlessly. With the CW comming shortly I hope, it will be even better.

However paying another 150.00 for 3 seperate Campaing areas I have to wonder, what a waste... I will never really go back to CMBN one Commonwealth is out... Why would I.. CW will have all the forces I want and then some.... or will it? Then there is MG, Bulge, and Ost Front...(east Front). IMHO East front should cover Barbarossa till 1945... the entire scope.

So basically it sounds like alot of Disc swapping to play the particular campaign or scenerio.. thats what it is sounding like. But they know best :)

I just thought would it not be easier to use the same bloody engine they are using now, add a CW, Market Garden, and finally a Bulge-45 by just adding new units, buildings and terrain.. with menu's you could select? Of course by the time you got done the game would be huge and modders would have an easier time perhaps.

Talking about the Meditereanean Theatre, you could still possibly do it with the tiles available, not to mention Modders will probably have a hayday if they can. But it was an epic part of History.. could Rommel have really done it.. maybe some scnerios of capturing Malta... etc.??

It is more then likely that the engine they are using now is getting dated perhaps and they do not want to prolong advancing their other projects.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but you do know that CMBN+CW is the same game, just with more stuff in it? MG and the possible last module will work the same. There won't be an entirely different program until the Bulge game comes out, which will have new features and an updated engine, yadayada.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but you do know that CMBN+CW is the same game, just with more stuff in it? MG and the possible last module will work the same. There won't be an entirely different program until the Bulge game comes out, which will have new features and an updated engine, yadayada.

Ok perhaps I have misunderstood their design.

CMBN I know is the base game... and CW, and Market Garden stacks with the base game, and as you say the Bulge will be enitrely different engine... Am I getting you right 'Ranger"?

Thanks for clarifying.

So there will be 3 seperate games then... CMBN plus CW and MG into one game, Bulge another game, and then the Eastfront?

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You, we also need motorcycles with sidecar, and horse-drawn transport for the Germans. Odds andSods, maybe? Although I doubt the animations for horses won't come around until Ostfront.

I think Motorcylce side cars would almost be a must for the Eastfront campaign... and any early Modules if they do them... Awesome for any Aufklärungs-Abteilung!

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Just to clarify. Battlefront WILL add new features to a game in a module IF the TO&E of the new Armies demands it. Case in point they added on map mortars to the game in the CMSF British module.

They also did things like adding ERA Bradleys to every one's game when the Marine module came out.

Another thing to consider is they gave us US light infantry in the British module so it's possible we could get US Rangers down the line even though no Rangers fought in Market Garden.

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The added September timeframe may also mean date-sensitive equipement arriving, though I'm not sure what that might be. Every time they get more info on Sherman Jumbo the introduction date gets pushed back further. I think its not til October now. But M36 TD might be another matter... maybe.

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M18 Hellcat

Archer TD

Canadian Kangaroo APC

Assault Boats to cross water

DUKW to cross water

Free French Regular Forces

FFI Forces

And Alligators, Buffalos and Terrapins as well. REALLY looking forward to slogging through the Scheldt when/if BF comes out with a module about the drive to Antwerp.

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There won't be an entirely different program until the Bulge game comes out, which will have new features and an updated engine, yadayada.

Are you sure that the Bulge game will have an entirely new game engine? Or...will it have the current CMx2 engine with more features added?

CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK were all the same basic game engine.

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I think Motorcylce side cars would almost be a must for the Eastfront campaign... and any early Modules if they do them... Awesome for any Aufklärungs-Abteilung!

I'd be very pleasantly surprised if we ever saw motorcycles, sidecars, and horses in ANY Combat Mission release. They were never included in CMx1 because Battlefront stated their relative uselessness on an actual battlefield wasn't worth the additional effort and cost of coding them into the engine. Motorcycle and cavalry units almost always dismounted before going into battle, and the few times in WWII where they didn't just doesn't justify the considerable amount of time it would take to create the code to stimulate such conveyances. (They've applied similar thinking for not coding in tank riders for CMBN.)

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