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Comprehensive WISH LIST for your enjoyment

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Most comments are items copied from WeBoB and BFC forums:

1. Covered armour arc

2. Ambush command (your squad/team hides except for one guy who is a lookout, esp critical for successful AT ambushes)

3. Enter building command (grenades get thrown in, rooms sprayed with bullets...)

4. Easier to see Bocage gaps, and the difference between bocage and hedges.

5. Toggle to reduce/get rid of underbrush (like the one for trees) so one can see more easily what is going on and find hidden WIA guys to aid them.

6. Flamethrower capability

7. Inf passengers on AFV's

8. "Follow" command that can be given to a formation or road convoy.

9. Click anywhere on a waypoint to select a unit.

10. Share ammo from neighboring units like from vehicles (also without having to waste a WEGO turn to embark).

11. Ability to recrew abandoned guns.

12. Any tank crew to be able to recrew a similar model tank.

13. More info in the initial scenario choice screen re whether it's suitable for H2H, vs AI (and which side(s), Designer name etc etc.

14. The game tells us the LOS from the gun itself re shooting capability. (Currently it could be from the 3rd loader or some other non-essential spotter, while the gun itself can't fire at the target.)

15. Vehicles to carry StG44 ammo for resupply (currently only available in bunkers for some reason).

16. Being able to have different icons to ID specialized troops like Engineers etc.

17. Successful Buddy Aid being rewarded by it counting for something like points in victory level calculations.

18. Engineers can locate mines "safely" (ie: not by being blown up by them)

19. Inf and vehicles can safely navigate marked minefields without getting blown up.

20. Reduce bogging/immobilization probabilities

21. In-game BRIGHTNESS control so one can actually see something in night scenarios without having to mess with videocard settings.

22. Pioneers able to blow up bridges

23. The game recognizes you and talks to you in a sexy female voice explaining what you are doing wrong every turn.

24. Buildings labelled by "type": Light; Medium; Heavy etc (like in CM1) so one can judge their suitability re cover and protection, and how much HE to destroy em

25. Plz add your own...

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Most comments are items copied from WeBoB and BFC forums:

Wow, long list. I'll give my take on the first four items.

1. Covered armour arc

CM never had an Armour Arc to the extent that the AI could use it as well. Apparently, it's a snap coding in the rule but a bear to find a way to get the computer player to use it properly. BFC doesn't want any more half-*ssed solutions in CM2. So we have to wait.

In the short term I'd like to see the garish and nearly opaque yellow arc attenuated. Or modded.

2. Ambush command (your squad/team hides except for one guy who is a lookout, esp critical for successful AT ambushes)

OK. Or one can use the 2-3 man HQ unit, with binocs, to do the spotting while the squad hides. Probably not a satisfactory solution for two man AT teams.

3. Enter building command (grenades get thrown in, rooms sprayed with bullets...)

You can insert a movement break in front of the door and Target the building. Your truppen will toss grenades. (I think)

4. Easier to see Bocage gaps, and the difference between bocage and hedges.

This is the domain of the map designer. The conscientious ones plop a brown dirt tile on the gap.

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A couple more:

Not having to start all over if you misclick when plotting artillery.

Marking "out of contact" units by putting a red ring or some such around their floating icon. (This one isn't really for me but I think a lot would like it)

When completing a mission in a campaign, it would be nice if you could save and quit without having to load the next map.

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1. Covered armour arc

CM never had an Armour Arc to the extent that the AI could use it as well. Apparently, it's a snap coding in the rule but a bear to find a way to get the computer player to use it properly. BFC doesn't want any more half-*ssed solutions in CM2. So we have to wait.

This is the number one thing I would like to see added. I usually don't want my AT guns firing at the attacking infantry screen. Usually. I want control over that choice. A cover armor command will give me that.

2. Ambush command (your squad/team hides except for one guy who is a lookout, esp critical for successful AT ambushes)

OK. Or one can use the 2-3 man HQ unit, with binocs, to do the spotting while the squad hides. Probably not a satisfactory solution for two man AT teams.

The trouble is the hiding squad does nothing until it is unhidden. So if your HQ unit sees a target enter the kill zone there is no way to automatically trigger the ambush. Without a command like this the target could travel right through the kill zone or worse stumble on your hiding guys and kill them before you have time to change their orders. Yes, I am talking WEGO here.

3. Enter building command (grenades get thrown in, rooms sprayed with bullets...)

You can insert a movement break in front of the door and Target the building. Your truppen will toss grenades. (I think)

Yes, this works already there is *no* need for a special command for this at all.

4. Easier to see Bocage gaps, and the difference between bocage and hedges.

This is the domain of the map designer. The good ones plop a brown dirt tile on the gap.

True about the gaps - please designers help us out here. As for low bocage / hedge differences I would like the game to be tweaked here. The low bocage just does not look imposing enough. I think that is the basic problem. If it looked imposing then we would get the feeling that it could not be easily crossed.

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My wishlist is more or less as Erwins but here is some more suggestions in improvement to make a even better ideal game:

- Separate sounds for Mauser and M1.

- Option for continuous rate of fire from MG and not just bursts if required.

- More various types of Camouflage or concealment for AT guns or stationary Mgs.

- Ability to spread Squads out without splitting teams or a option for formations.

I also would love to point out that hats of to the team of clever individuals that put somuch work into this game and that its all so easy to want more and make demands without understanding the process of creating such a big project. A simple request which seems minor could mean a hell of alot of programming and time.

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As for low bocage / hedge differences I would like the game to be tweaked here. The low bocage just does not look imposing enough. I think that is the basic problem. If it looked imposing then we would get the feeling that it could not be easily crossed.

I don't think anyone of us has a problem with the appearance of Low Bocage if the mapmaker has included gaps. And LB should include a lot of them. There's one scenario ported over from CM1, Last Defense, I believe, which plays out on a fine map except that it features two extended lines of unbroken LB which channels the German attack in a preposterous way.

Yes, and Ambushes could use some tweaking.

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Most comments are items copied from WeBoB and BFC forums:

23. The game recognizes you and talks to you in a sexy female voice explaining what you are doing wrong every turn.

:D Why not civilian girls in the game ? Could be a victory objective. I would like to see how they would make the animation of sexy girls in the game and our soldiers running after them. A kind of hand to hand combat modelisation.

More seriously, if most ideas are good i don't expect big changes that would cost too much time in coding, but developers offer surprises with each patch.

I hope that we will have flamethrowers, but maybe only with the battle pack.

I would be more modest and be very happy with :

- HMGs more efficient

- SMGs range reduced (50/100 m instead of 300 that i've seen)

- Pistols less efficient at more than 25 m

- Snipers more efficient against vehicle crew (tank commander) and harder to spot.

- change in the spotter behaviour for sniper at team (only shooting for self defence or when ordered)

- change in tank crew behaviour when the tank is destroyed.

- maybe lower probabilities of first shot/hit for tanks at short range and lower accuracy on the move.

And i think that my wish list is already long and would demand a lot of work, certainly less than putting new orders or command . we already had some changes : no more indestructible trees, less accuracy for moving tanks and i think that's more that kind of things we can expect. But who knows ....

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Oh, he's making a list, checking it twice....... Here is my two cents:

1.Covered armour arc: Agree it is as needed as it was in cmx1

2. Ambush command: Don’t see the need as cover arc works fine for this. I have had troops in buildings with very short arcs without “hide” and have enemy close and not detect my unit. Perhaps some improved AI in this dept may improve abushing.

3. Enter building command: Don’t see the need as this can be done now.

4. Easier to see Bocage gaps, and the difference between bocage and hedges.: Agree. Sure some modders can make the graphics more distinguishable between bocage and hedge. Perhaps make hedge a more distinctive color (darker brownish green)

5. Toggle to reduce/get rid of underbrush. I find the trees showing/not showing fine for finding my units.

6. Flamethrower capability: Fire is always cool! FIRE! FIRE! Alright Beavis take a chill pill.

7. Inf passengers on AFV's: Agree. I miss the ability to embark troops on tanks ala Cmx1

8. "Follow" command that can be given to a formation or road convoy. YES! Always a useful command in any RTS game I have played

9. Click anywhere on a waypoint to select a unit: Agree this was nice in Cmx1 and would be nice now.

10. Share ammo from neighboring units like from vehicles (also without having to waste a WEGO turn to embark). Agree that plcing a unit next to rather than having to waste entire turn entering to get ammo would be a nice streamline abstraction. The problem is there is all different types of ammo and different amounts available so player would not have control over what the infantry takes.

11. Ability to recrew abandoned guns: Agree. Also would like to see the ability to enter non-movable vehicle to get ammo.

12. Any tank crew to be able to recrew a similar model tank. Agree.

13. More info in the initial scenario choice screen re whether it's suitable for H2H, vs AI (and which side(s), Designer name etc: Can do now at the desertion of the designer.

14. The game tells us the LOS from the gun itself re shooting capability. (Currently it could be from the 3rd loader or some other non-essential spotter, while the gun itself can't fire at the target.)

15. Vehicles to carry StG44 ammo for resupply (currently only available in bunkers for some reason): Agree

16. Being able to have different icons to ID specialized troops like Engineers etc: Agree. Learn from what works. In the beginning of CMSF snipers had the same icon as reg infantry. Upon lobbying more icons were added such as the sniper which all must agrees makes the special unit easier to find.

17. Successful Buddy Aid being rewarded by it counting for something like points in victory level calculations: Don’t really matter to me.

18. Engineers can locate mines "safely" (ie: not by being blown up by them): Agree. Just makes sense that they should be able to do that. When the mark mines irder is given they should sweep for mines and not get blown up thus clearing the mines.

19. Inf and vehicles can safely navigate marked minefields without getting blown up.: Agree. Mark mines order should imply the mines are cleared.

20. Reduce bogging/immobilization probabilities. I havn’t had much issue. The important thing is to ground pressure for vehicle, conditions, and terrain. Stay out of the mud if possible.

21. In-game BRIGHTNESS control so one can actually see something in night scenarios without having to mess with videocard settings. I havn’t much problem with this, but I enjoy brighter daytime maps.

22. Pioneers able to blow up bridges.: Agree being able to blow stuff up is always cool! However, this may be a bit of a problem for some scenarios if a bridge is the only way to get to the objective.

23. The game recognizes you and talks to you in a sexy female voice explaining what you are doing wrong every turn.: Agree sexy female voices are always good except when they are nagging you about something.

24. Buildings labelled by "type": Light; Medium; Heavy etc (like in CM1) so one can judge their suitability re cover and protection, and how much HE to destroy em.: You can do this now by looking out the building texture. Is it made of wood, or brick? However I would not mind to know for sure building ratings.

That is plenty to chew on for now. Some good suggestions for improving the game.

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7. Inf passengers on AFV's.

Sorry, don't agree. The distances aren't large enough (yet) in the game to justify the extra programming work depicting tank riders hitching a lift. Troops walked into battle; inf blazing away with small arms aboard tanks doesn't accord with Allied or German doctrine. And exposing vulnerable riders to enemy defenses that weren't absolutely and unquestionably suppressed has to represent the height of folly. Soviet tankodesantniki tactics implied a contempt of human life.

Sticking the pixeltruppen on tanks is graphically doable, in fact I believe it may be already enabled, the harder part is depicting the multitudinous events requiring new animations that can happen to them en route. Not easy. Think about it.

This may be implemented by the Bulge module. The Germans, aspiring to achieve rapid penetration, were short of mechanized transport and the photographic record is replete with pix of soldiers riding into the Ardennes aboard panzers. Whether the actual battlefield was a mere few hundred meters ahead is another question.

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18. Engineers can locate mines "safely" (ie: not by being blown up by them)
This is already the case. Engineers usually, though not always, find mines before being hit by them, if they crawl. This is realistic. Just because you're engineer does not mean you can walk across a minefield.
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