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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I think it would be best if we could keep this forum confined to CM and WW2 history in general. But, when certain Arrogant (sic) people start spouting about "refugees" then their rants cannot be left unopposed. My granddad was an "economic migrant" or refugee as modern parlance would have it. He saw his mates being killed in 1940 on the road back to Dunkirk, then went through the Western Desert, and Normandy, and on to Hamburg. I won't use the words of Roy Keane on a forum that might attract younger readers, but I suggest that "Arrogant" (sic) follows his advice.
  2. Shouldn't that read "Certain members of the Royal Family, and some aristocrats". And remember, I'm speaking as someone with previous when it comes to killing royals.
  3. Yeah we have the same problem. We allowed thousands of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes into this country.
  4. A phrase like "an entire peace-loving and highly cultured nation" ignores the fact that a large number of students rejected the teachings of their "enlightened" professors. What we would now regard as reactionary, was then considered revolutionary. We also, have to bear in mind that Mad Addy, the Fat Junkie, and the Poisoned Dwarf turned their back on their own party's roots and turned it into a something for "Something for Everyone" party, happy to be funded by toffs. And sadly, with the left's two most eloquent leaders murdered in 1919 any opposition from that quarter was never going to be effective. Which leaves the big question. How could the Germans ever vote for a bloke who never got his round in? Has the front to walk into a bier hall and says "Mines a mineral water."? And still has unpaid bills for broken krugs?
  5. I know it's not quite the same spelling, but whenever I see a post by JK, I think of this. Exits stage right humming loudly --------->
  6. Brilliant! Both your riposte, and the video itself.
  7. "Comrade MacOstrovnoy, the N.K.V.D are at the door, something about rockets, and dead comrades."
  8. I've seen footage of the WASP in documentaries on Aunty Beeb over the years. But, whether it was filmed in action, or training is another matter. And I don't think any period footage has made it onto youtube, although I'd like someone to prove me wrong.
  9. It is historically correct, that visit to Arnhem (my first) was in 1993. Luckily, my more recent visits have been without any vertigo sufferers.
  10. I think that BFC are planning a new game where Steve and the boys in the band get to kill anyone who asks what the next game will be. But, I might be just a tad mistaken.
  11. "I could be arguing in my spare time"... Brilliant! "No, it wasn't, it was Limey childishness." "Oh, shut up, you tit".
  12. Because "a more nuanced story" rarely puts bums on seats. Sadly.
  13. I don't think that the Labour Corps got involved in Kung Fu fights with the Germans in 1917. But, you never know.
  14. Yeah, I've only had trouble with bridges a couple of times, and there has normally been a work around. And, although I've read lots of posts from people annoyed about trying to get vehicles across bridges, this is the first time it has actually been a game breaker for me. Of course, in the real world things can get really bad. Further up Hells Highway, my friend's brother-in-law wouldn't cross Arnhem Bridge because of his vertigo.
  15. No, I didn't save it. Too frustrated. When the first armoured car got stuck it was going Fast and there was another vehicle following on behind. The traffic jam built up on the main road whilst I reversed the AC and a Bren Carrier off of the bridge, and then tried them one at a time at different speeds, hence taking around ten minutes before giving up. When I hit Cease Fire the carrier had it's nose in the air and it's arse sticking out of the bottom of the bridge, whilst rocking to and fro. I think that someone did once post a video showing something similar. It was a bit of a shame, because other than that it was a brilliant scenario. And I suspect that it's author didn't "take" too many drinks whilst designing it.
  16. Paddy :- "Field Marshall, does yer wife Betty know that yer wents up ta Glasgow to watch the lassies bending over in the factory?" Monty :- "Any more of that Sgt. and you'll be meeting your Catholic god far sooner than you think."
  17. Some years late to the party. I was really enjoying this battle until the bridge bug struck. My AFV's just got stuck 2/3rds of the way across. I even reversed them off and tried again a few times. But, no joy. After wasting about ten minutes, and getting more and more frustrated, the Germans roll up and shoot my traffic jam to pieces. I hit "Cease Fire" and settle for a draw.
  18. CM Discord, sounds like no one can agree, and it ends badly.
  19. John, I'm not sure of your sources. But I fail to see how Cairo could be like a "ghost town", when the docks were full of ships bringing in supplies, and the brothels were doing a roaring trade. I suspect that that may have been a bit of wishful thinking on the part of the Germans. As for the "full-blown panic" in Alex, that sounds pretty much the same as what happened in Brussels and Ghent in June 1815, just because the toffs are in a tizzy, it doesn't mean the boys in the front line are. My granddad and his mates didn't run away in the summer of '42. They kept the supplies flowing to the front until Rommel was given a bloody nose and F***ed off with his tail between his legs.
  20. Are you sure about that? Didn't his extended supply lines, or British AT guns and tanks play any part in halting him short of Cairo?
  21. Paddy :- "Field Marshall, who's this 'ere St.Patrick they'se keep fecking talking about? Back in County Meath we call 'im Padraig". Monty :- "Have you checked your Birth Certificate lately, Sgt?" Paddy :- "Ah well, now you'se come ta mention it. I'll think I'll'se get back to shovellin' me Bedford outta tha snow."
  22. Mad Addy always considered the western part of the old Russian Empire as a "bread basket" for German "Lebensraum". Hence his emphasis on it's importance. Also, the plonker thought that he "only had to kick in the door for the whole edifice to come crashing down" i.e. the war in the East would be over by the autumn of '41, and there would be no reason to capture the southern oil fields as they would pass to him on the surrender he envisaged. The need for more oil than he could get from Romania only came after the Russian counter-attack in the winter of '41/42. As the old saying goes, never trust a man who spends all his time in Bierkellers, and only drinks mineral water.
  23. The first time I went to Waterloo I met a group of "grognards", they were happy and smiley. I was most disappointed. Pops tongue back in cheek.
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