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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Let's hope not. All our troops will be breaking their ankles, from tripping in their high heels.
  2. Thanks guys. Being 400 years old and having a spike driven through yer bonce plays havoc with the memory. Perhaps that was how it worked in CMx1.
  3. Isn't it usual for Stragglers to start a scenario with their status set to "Panic"? Leading them to spend the first few turns running away, and getting shot in the back if the enemy get a sight of them. And therefore losing some of their decent weapons.
  4. I use Aris' Terrain Mod as well. I hope that you find some way of getting it fixed.
  5. There have been lots of good points made in this thread. But, none as sharp as the spike driven through my napper.
  6. I have to agree with the previous replies, I have no problem with Iron at all.
  7. Worth being a forumite just for that gag. Hahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahahahhaaha
  8. Can you have a hauteur that isn't "haughty"? I only ask because the last haughty person to cross my path had his napper chopped off.
  9. We had a ship called the Richard named for my idiot son. When Dick tumbled, and Charlie Stewart 2 took over the country they re-named it the Royal James after his brother Jimmy. The dozy brothers then lost it at The Battle of The Medway when they got stuffed by the Dutch Republic.
  10. And just to be gentlemanly, they made sure to have a Langsdorff Drive.
  11. There's even a town in Canada called Ajax after the ship. And the street names are taken from the crew's surnames.
  12. I was wondering why it was only on yt and not on here. It was another great watch. Roll on both 10 and 11.
  13. Never Mind The Wolves.... Here's the Redhead Spekkies.......... As Jamie Reid didn't quite say.
  14. Give "The Lions of Carpiquet" campaign a go. I love it when my Sherman Crabs do their thing.
  15. I'm not sure a game forum is the right place for these.
  16. Just found out that a vintage JU52 has crashed in Switzerland, killing 17 passengers, and 3 crew. Thoughts are with the victims, and their families and friends.
  17. I suppose BFC can't win either way. If we all have to spend ages every Command Phase making sure that our infantry don's share an AS with our tanks, there would be a lot of moaning.
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