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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I have obviously not seen this movie. I was commenting on the content of the trailer, which is what you posted.
  2. If the trailer is anything to go by, I'll give the movie a miss.
  3. No, despite being a great mod pack. It doesn't contain a British Infantry Uniform mod for the 50th (Northumbrian) Division.
  4. Given that you are in need of coaching John, perhaps you ought to change your moniker. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  5. Agreed. But, during the Set-up Phase you can order Arty anywhere on the map, which then allows you time to advance to a Base of Fire whilst Jerry keeps his head down.
  6. As that general from the colonies said, "Don't you people ever have a god damn summer?"
  7. The first option isn't going to work. And being a slow typist Bulletpoint beat me to telling you how to approach this mission.
  8. I think that the Jeep would need a lot of height advantage to hit the roof like that.
  9. In my day orange skin was regarded as the mark of the devil. The Chump would have been up before the Witchfinder General before you could say "Pass the sick bag, Alice. he's on the telly again". And soon the gutters of Tyburn would have been running with orange wax. In case anyone thinks that I am advocating regime change by execution. Don't worry, I've been dead for 400 years. As for AT guns. They are too easy to spot when the enemy shoot up yours, and not easy enough to spot when you can't target the enemy's.
  10. The USatians would never have voted for Lindbergh just because he was famous. That would be like voting for a loud-mouthed perma-tanned TV celebrity, what are the odds of them doing that?
  11. I seem to remember commenting on that last video. My advice to anyone who hasn't played it yet. Take the briefing with a large dose of salt. Prepare for a tough fight, and you should secure a Total Victory. Players of a certain age, with a good memory, and who played the above mentioned "Assenois" battle are at an advantage.
  12. Hahaha. You might well be right. The church in Remichampagne is a little onion-domed affair. It could be that the original was destroyed during the war, but i haven't been able to find any pictures from the village in WW2 yet. I enjoyed the campaign. And of course, the final mission took me back to the "Assenois" battle that came on the Bonus disc of CMBO.
  13. Friesland isn't in Holland. One half of it has been divided into three provinces which lie in the Netherlands. whilst the other half is in Germany. Now, about MG, where were we?
  14. It is quite a small but, pretty church. It does however have a Bus Stop named after it. So perhaps the designer thought it was a larger structure than it actually is.
  15. Sadly still not the ones needed for "For King and Country". But, thank you for your efforts.
  16. Picks up gauntlet reluctantly. Pieter Geyl :- The Revolt of The Netherlands p.20. Published 1932 Holland : The county on the shore of the North Sea, bounded by Zealand on the South, Gelderland, Utrecht and the Zuider Zee on the East. His italics, my underlining. And just for the record, "Breakout from the Neerpelt Bridgehead" doesn't take place in Holland either. That is set in Noord Brabant. Exits strange right, playing Devil's advocaat ------------------->
  17. Is is "another name for the Netherlands". But, one that is used incorrectly. And as I was only being frivolous because JK likes to get everything spot on, I will leave it to others to find out why Gelderland is part of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, but NOT in Holland.
  18. I think Falaise was talking about the Uniform mods, that had both the Divisional and regimental detailing.
  19. Playing the pedant. Neither of the above mentioned cities are in Holland. They are both in Gelderland.
  20. Sadly, I encountered the same problem as you recently. And, I'm puzzled as to why they are not there. As for the mythical beast, in English we call it a "Wyvern". Last seen in England being trampled under Norman boots .... allegedly.
  21. I do remember watching a video where the player repeatedly "Quick"ed his troops into a barn only for them to get slaughtered by MG42 fire. It was hilarious.
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