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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I think you are right. Perhaps the girl in the white stole that one as well.
  2. Paddy looks up from his pint of black, and turns to Monty. "For the love of Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jeezus. Will yerz go down there Field Marshall, and tell that fecker to stop keep calling me a "Brit" ".
  3. You can't beat playing a demo, and watching the Armchair General vids to give you a feel for how much has changed.
  4. Yes, I always check what ammo my carriers have during the Set-up Phase.
  5. Thanks Mike. I don't play Fortress Italy that much, hence my ignorance.
  6. I wish that the first CMx2 Eastern Front game had been set during Barbarossa. Although I understand the logic of having it set in 1944 given the fact they already had the German equipment from Normandy done. And John, you don't have to say sorry, we were all newbies once.
  7. I think your research is not quite up to it's usual high standard, John. There was no US 9th Army in Feb '44. And, of course, it never saw service in Italy at all. They are probably discussing the dashing, charming SOE gents who delivered the Stens and Bren. Whilst the girl in the white tries to get in her "Mine is bigger than yours" gag.
  8. Look more closely, they are all partisans. The guy on the right in the long mack has a revolver, and the bloke next to him has a rifle pointed upwards..
  9. He didn't go to Rome. In fact him and his bit on the side went in the very opposite direction. They were hanged in the small town of Giulino, north of Milan.
  10. A shame that you couldn't have video'd it. But, I know that R/L for you doesn't allow you to continue your youtube activity.
  11. There were no excuses for any of their invasions, before or during the war. One wonders how the Italians could have ever followed a bloke who looked like a novelty condom.
  12. Not forgetting their stuffings, at the the hands of British, and Colonial troops, in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Egypt in 1940/1
  13. Not only does it come as a PDF, it's pretty damn funky.
  14. I didn't know that you could buy the game without the manual. You might what to check your CMBN files.
  15. @Combatintman Thanks for your explanation. Hopefully it will be a lot of fun to play.
  16. You might want to try more yellow grass, dirt, and rocky terrain tiles. At the moment it looks a bit too much like northern France.
  17. I always love it when members of the same Squad take on different targets to the left or right as they pop up. And then the beauty of WEGO allows you to watch it again and again.
  18. I seem to remember in AH's France 1940, that was called "The Idiot Game".
  19. A nice find, John. Thanks. It also features a nice piece of parking.
  20. I currently fighting the first mission from "Amiens Tonight". I received a Carrier Platoon as reinforcement, and had no problems. The Mortar bomb icon appears on the UI and the can use the weapon normally. I'm running Engine 3.
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