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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Sadly, I encountered the same problem as you recently. And, I'm puzzled as to why they are not there. As for the mythical beast, in English we call it a "Wyvern". Last seen in England being trampled under Norman boots .... allegedly.
  2. I do remember watching a video where the player repeatedly "Quick"ed his troops into a barn only for them to get slaughtered by MG42 fire. It was hilarious.
  3. Probably, in the east, the Balkans and Norway. I've not read a detailed account of US 1st Army's advance in early Sept '44. But I assume that the Germans felt unable to defend the entire line of the Maas in Limburg and decided to concentrate on Aaachen. Which of course, gives us a wonderful urban campaign to fight in CMFB.
  4. We can't really blame the designers for the flattish maps in MG. The fault lies with the Germans for not putting up much of a fight around Valkensburg.
  5. Did someone mention New Model troops? Ah, we were all so much younger then. Exits stage right in a cloud of nostalgia ------------------->
  6. And I think that is is extremely puerile of you to hurl expletives at Steve and the boys in the band. But, you have a choice about paying for updates or not. Whereas, I had no choice. It was there staring me in the face.
  7. Just to say, the maps in MG aren't totally "Bocage" free. And in some cases they are used just as badly, i.e so close to a house that the people inside would never get any daylight through their windows. That said, it is still worth buying. Challenging campaigns, and plenty of great stand-alone battles.
  8. IRON level, and Trees full on, is the only way to play the game for me.
  9. It wouldn't have happened in my day. A trail of armour is what comes of allowing one's troopers to stop to partake of the devil's beverage "Tea". My boy's would have kept on going, until we had pushed Ruprecht von Pfalz back across the Rhine.
  10. I thought it only snapped to the corner or "middle point of the outside walls" if you couldn't target the centre point. And also, that this behaviour has remained unchanged through v.2 v.3 and v.4.
  11. Yup, not the official version. But, it's the one that Paddy, Jorrocks, Olly Leese and the other boys in the band agree on, when the tee-total Field Marshall has gone off for Anglican Communion.
  12. Well for those of us that come to the CMFB thread to read about CMFB it is best to leave the modern stuff at the door. You have to remember that I'm 400 years old and get confuddled easily In the meantime Rommers your comments do hint at your own downfall. In the summer of '42 whilst your trucks were full of breeze blocks so that you could test the effectiveness of weapons yet to be invented. My Granddad Paddy and his mates were hauling 2 and 6lber ammo up from the Canal Zone in their trusty Bedfords to Alam Halfa. The rest is, as they say, history.
  13. The news might not have reached your alpine retreat yet. But I think that they are a bit busy at the moment with an earthquake to do either. Although hopefully normal service will be resumed soon
  14. My Belgian geography is fairly basic, so to which part of the Ardennes does ME refer to?
  15. Personally, I couldn't give a Monkey's t*%& about either day. And I'm glad that Steve and the boys in the band have so far resisted such "down market" ploys.
  16. Even an Essex boy should know that this picture wasn't taken in CMBN land.
  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. For those times when LOL just doesn't cut it.
  18. What it means is, that I have actually tried to find out why the glitch occurs. A "Thank you" would have been nice. But, you obviously have no manners.
  19. Some time ago I used the ScAn_CaDe Scenario Editor tool to extract this mission in case I wanted to play it as a stand-alone battle. Well I've just pulled it out of my v.3 folder and moved it over to v.4. I don't have time to play a full battle at the moment. So I fired it up as the Germans. I got the Scout Team to come out of the bunker, run across the bridge, and then run back to the bunker. They crossed the bridge both times without a hitch.
  20. I've not noticed it in any of the mods that I use. That's the problem with being 400 years old. The eyesight starts to go.
  21. i've never seen a Sherman with graffito on it in game before.
  22. I think that you might be getting confused with "Bridge No.7", as I don't think that there is a stand-alone version of the Heuman Lock attack.
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