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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. The place to get them is cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net which you can access from this site. As for "must haves" no two forum members can agree on. My advice would be to go through each game one by one. Create a mod holding folder outside of the game. And a "Z" folder within it. Then just test the mods one by one and decide which ones you want to keep. Some you will use all the time whilst some will be specific to certain campaigns or stand alone battles.
  2. Put your specs on mate. I mentioned above that anything by Aris is "worth a look". Although perhaps your dozed off after I mentioned cricket.
  3. Ah, this isn't mine. I'm just fan of your fellow countryman ithikial's vids. And I sometimes like to swap banter about cricket with him. As for mods there something like 190 for Red thunder so plenty to chose from, anything from Aris is worth a look for both vehicles and landscape, and a certain bloke called Mord does some great unit portraits to liven up the UI
  4. You might want to watch this offering from down under ...
  5. The "cool" are playing "Field of Tears", and that means going into battle with "Jumpin' at the Woodside" in their ears.
  6. Wrong, "all the cools kids" are listening to Lester Young.
  7. Having looked at the pocket books above. I do have to ask........ Why, oh why, oh why, don't we have Pigeon Lofts in the game? I do wish BFC would buck their ideas up. Exits stage right ------------------------> Limey tongue in cheek.
  8. Why have you included me in your list of 33? I have said on more than one occasion in this thread that my money was stolen from another companies website. And I have no problem with Steve's explanation of what he thinks happened in early January.
  9. As I said very early on in this thread. My card got hacked on 11th January. But NOT from this site. The idea that it only happened to BFC is nonsense.
  10. Possibly for the same reason that they allow their mobiles do their thinking for them. So they don't have to know the difference between "to" and "too". Or, "there", "their" or "they're". But, what do I know about anything, I'm 400 years old.
  11. Pine and Silver Birch have slender trunks compared to Oak, Beech etc so being able to see further into a wood made up of them makes sense.to me.
  12. I cant speak for the OP. But that is how I always proceed with bridge crossings. But, for some reason with the "Joe's Bridge" scenario it just didn't work. I can't help thinking that our down under colonial cousin designed it like that just to piss us Poms off.
  13. You're right Mike nobody did ask me. If my idiot boy Tumbledown Dick had been up to the job Charlie Stewart 2 would have spent the rest of his days dossing off of his relatives on the continent.
  14. I haven't encountered a "bridge bug" per se with the Arnhem Road Bridge. Perhaps that is because I used time delays on my vehicles so that they are not trying to occupy the same AS at the same time. However, I did have a massive bug with "Joe's Bridge". Any Bren or Sherman that I tried to send across get stuck halfway. I'd reverse them off and try again. But no matter what I tried I couldn't cross that bridge, Eventually a Bren got stuck with it's bow poking out of the bottom of the bridge. And that mission ended with my stuck column of vehicles getting shot up by counter-attacking forces.
  15. OK hands up. Back in my day it was called Ye Old Ship Tavern, and didn't become the Whitehall Theatre until 1930. I just didn't want Elizabeth to know that I had spent the whole day in the pub celebrating Charles Stewart having his napper taken off. She doesn't like it if I drink anyone else's ale, as she thinks that she is the best brewster in England.
  16. Don't worry, the German vehicles trying to cross the bridge in September '44 had the same problems.
  17. Despite the fictional PZIV's both "Raff" and "Montebourg" are a lot of fun, and a great way to learn the game. I'm still living in hope that we will get a new Cotentin Penisula campaign making use of the Vehicle Pack, but I'm not holding my breath.
  18. In CM1 the was a damage percentage counter. It was removed for CM2 I assume because it gives the human player an unrealistic helping hand.
  19. OK so I fibbed. I remember David Hemery winning the 400m Hurdles Gold medal in Mexco in '68. Slightly less tongue in cheek. A CM Weltkrieg 1968 wouldn't interest me for the same reason that none of the modern titles wouldn't. A brief scan of my posting history is enough to let people know that I only play WW2. Luckily BFC is a broad church and there are plenty of gamers out there to buy the modern titles.
  20. I was only 6 at the time. But, don't worry, I do have a well thumbed copy of David Caute's brilliant " '68 The year of the barricades " on my shelf.
  21. I don't remember that one. I was probably too busy enjoying Man Utd winning the European Cup. Although come to think of it, there was a bit of agro in Grosvenor Square on the telly one evening.
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