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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I think it has always been this way, and there have been other threads about this problem.
  2. You still haven't told us where you found this. It would appear from this most recent pic that you have some ground troops wearing HG PG Division uniforms, and some wearing camo smocks. Not something I've noticed before.
  3. I've recently refought "Die Letze Hoffnung" using Engine 4, I didn't have any problems with crashing. I hope you can get things sorted soon.
  4. This has been an excellent series. Even an old die hard WEGOer like me found it compulsive viewing.
  5. Perhaps the OP could tell us where he saw this, in a campaign, scenario or, QB? I tend not to look too closely at Stummel crews, I'm more interested in what they do with their 75mm.
  6. Starting small is sound advice of course. Unless you're me. I play the game chronologically.
  7. Yes, let's get back to Barbarossa. Albeit in BFC's own good time.
  8. Nice one, Daan. Glad to see it on here. I hope that other will enjoy it as much as I am.
  9. Don't worry, most native English speakers let their phones do their spelling for them, and that is why the wonderful word "too" is being killed off.
  10. Thanks to CanuckGamer for starting this thread, it would have been a couple more days before I checked my account. As it is my bank have already refunded the money I had stolen. Hopefully the rest of you blokes get your money back too ASAP.
  11. Sadly I can't help but think that by the time BFC release a new "Barbarossa" game mankind will have forgotten that the word "too" ever existed.
  12. Wonders if IanL has gotten through six wives like the original holder of that title.
  13. I don't think that my problem stemmed from this site as I haven't bought CMSF2. So perhaps it is my punishment for buying something from S@%£&. New bank card in the post and a refund into my account, so no major harm done.
  14. Thankfully it is a problem that I have never come across either.
  15. It looks like it had the same 95mm gun as the Churchill CS Tank. But, being on "cruiser" tank chassis it was far more vulnerable to Jerry AT, just like the standard Cromwell.
  16. I can't really see the Greater London Authority getting involved, not unless the Chinese still think that Bozzer is in charge.
  17. Ah, that is the problem with being 400 years old, you forget the joy of cheese on toast.
  18. I don't like the idea of BFC doing a USatia vs China War game. Given recent events, it is liable to kick off on the Moon, and as we all know the good Lord made the Moon from cheese, so things could get just a tad sticky from melted cheese, and that would play havoc with our automated typing machine thingamajigs.
  19. One has to wonder what Crommers would have made of the hippies. I don't remember them being very big on Puritanism.
  20. I can't speak for the campaign's designer. But, US 7th Armoured has a high reputation amongst historians, and game designers alike. AH even went so far as to create a game based solely upon them (Patton's Best). Being a general of far superior quality than any colonial, I suspect that their "Elite" status be be a tad generous. Exits stage right drinking Devil's Advocaat ------------------->
  21. My only problem is, every time I see Combatintman's moniker I can't help but think of John Inman. Hardly a man of military bearing.
  22. That is one of the many things I love about this game. Something for everybody. I've never played a Quick Battle. I'm a campaign and historical battles kind of bloke.
  23. You can still check out some of the new commands, just by firing up any battle and having a play around with merging squads, arty control, etc. Without getting involved with a "Campaign".
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