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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. A vehicle will not completely block the bridge. The "pushing a vehicle out of the way" ability is abstracted in CM2 (I think there was an actual command for it in CM1). What will happen is the second vehicle may kind of "dance" around the first knocked out vehicle turning its side armor to the OpFor, taking extra time to cross etc. But it can cross. It can also hit another AT mine. I've also had a cook off from a burning vehicle take out a second vehicle that was close to it. Scenario designers generally won't completely block your ability to get into the fight. If the bridge is blocked by mines there may be a ford. If you are playing a Quick Battle PBEM and the house rules did not prohibit the blocking of the only water crossing with AT mines then this might be the case. Good news is your infantry can still cross if it is an AT only minefield. If it is a mixed minefield then it will need to be Marked for infantry to make an infantry crossing. First I would look for a ford. If no ford I would obscure the bridge area with smoke, Mark Mines, send infantry across the bridge, and then maybe try to push vehicles across if I thought I had more vehicles than AT mines. IIRC there are 2-3 AT mines in an AT only minefield 8x8 action spot. I hope this is just a theoretical question and you don't actually have to try this in a PBEM..........
  2. Interesting information, articulated very well. The above quote is one thing I'm not sure I understand. I always thought (maybe assumed?) that a unit had to take casualties before it could become broken. I didn't think suppression alone could result in a unit being broken. I admit I often struggle with the "Combat Shock" vs "Combat Stress" and probably confuse them sometimes. I went back and looked at some notes but didn't find a definitive answer so maybe it was my assumption..................... well lets just ask the dude himself. @Josey Wales what is your opinion? Can a unit be broken from only suppression?
  3. @DeutschRitter also a marked minefield is only useful for troops on foot. My SOP is to Slow troops through a marked minefield. Marking a minefield is of no use to vehicles. You can't drive a vehicle through a marked minefield.
  4. Yep, spies can buddy aid weapons (I've only seen them take assault rifles not sure if they can take an RPG or MMG). If the spy does take a weapon and you don't want the spy to give himself away, by using it, he will need a small 360o Target Arc. With civilian density set to very heavy spies can Move very close to a checkpoint before being noticed . However only the human player controlled spy has the Move command. All AI assigned movement commands are at the double time which is considered suspicious and negates the civilian density setting some (not clear on how much yet). The AI will also crawl when very tired however this is also considered suspicious activity. A human controlled spy can be given the Move command and calmly walk very close to a checkpoint or group of OpFor troops. And if the spy has an assault rifle..........
  5. This. If the FO is KIA during the spotting phase the artillery unit may cancel the fire mission on their own. However once an off map artillery/mortar unit fires for effect and the spotter is KIA the mission will fire for the duration of the mission (No way to stop or adjust without the original spotter). Page 75 of the 4.0 Engine manual states the following: If the Spotter is incapacitated or killed during a Support Mission, the Asset will usually be unavailable for other Support Missions for a length of time. Depending on the circumstances, the Support Mission may either be eventually canceled or continue to completion. However, I don't remember the AI ever cancelling a fire mission after the spotter was KIA. I do remember one fire mission in a PBEM where the spotter was KIA. That max duration low rate of fire, fire mission, continued for about another 30 minutes until empty.
  6. @MarkEzra Thank you for all the hard work on this. The maps look fantastic. +1
  7. @37mm Nice!! It was really interesting to see the C2 information sharing in the first part of the video. +1
  8. YES!!! +1 And I'll have the sh/t mod placed in a scenario I'm working on about 20 minutes after your upload . Very nice job.
  9. @Citizen Snips This is how you know what OpFor units one of your fire teams or vehicles can see. Welcome to Combat Mission.
  10. I count 86 scenarios and seven campaigns. All modules, NATO, British, Marines.
  11. Thanks!!! Downloading now!! +1 (glad I didn't delete and was able to find that e-mail.)
  12. MJ, dumb question. Probably just me but I don't see how to download the game. I pre-ordered it in August. On my account page under Order Status it says Process (the other games I bought over the years all read "complete"). When I click on "Click to View" it takes me to My Order page. On this page I see an activation code for CMSF2 Big Bundle. Hmmm,................. Shipment status reads pending. Am I doing something wrong? How did you get yours? It has been so long since a game released I don't remember the procedure . @IanL if you are available for adult supervision.............
  13. Yes, North Africa would be an interesting setting. I wish the editor, in CMFI, had the ability to make flat roofs like we can in some other CM titles. With this ability added and some modding we would be very close to making North African maps. As @IanL said, "Welcome into the light" +1
  14. This can be true in older scenarios but is not always true in newer scenarios. The addition of two trigger types (Terrain Objective Triggers and Orders Triggers) has helped the AI to react to the player's actions. Also, if I understand what has been posted in the forum, the old CMSF1 scenarios are getting upgraded to a certain extent. So many of the original CMSF1 scenarios may have triggers added if appropriate. This is a very cool development.
  15. Nice test and table. +1. In July 2016 I did some experiments with building strength in CMFB. I compared how a building withstood direct fire before collapsing. I also observed how troops took suppression while inside the buildings. However, I did not test for suppression behind a building. It seemed buildings could be divided into four groups. In my notes I have the following: Very Strong: Three biggest church structures. Strong: Modular buildings and independent small church. Average: Independent houses, independent commercial, and independent other. (CMBN & CMFB have an "other" category for buildings.) Weak: Barns
  16. I'm just waiting to get into the CMSF2 editor to do some testing. I'm hesitant to run anymore tests in CMSF1 in case there is some minor tweaking (intended or not) in behavior between CMSF1 and CMSF2. I've got several ideas that I think will work in scenarios. I just need the game editor to verify / modify.
  17. Just to be fair, I feel compelled to point out that Battlefront updates their titles over the years. As an example when CMBN was first released it was Version 1. Today it is v4.0 Engine 4.0. If bought today you would be paying for the newest version of the game not the original game that is 5 or 8 years old (I think that's how it works). I'm also not competent to say if their business strategy is correct however they are still in business so .......................
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