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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. In CMSF 2 when fighter technicals are selected they display with a crew of fighters as expected. When combatant technicals are selected they are also crewed by fighters. In CMSF1 combatant technicals were crewed by combatants. So I think this must have been unintentional to have fighters as crews of combatant vehicles. Hope this is an easy fix for the first patch? Screenshots below. CMSF 2 combatant technicals. CMSF 1. Combatant technicals on left. Fighter technicals on right.
  2. Very useful when deciding when to dismount. +1 to both. Edit: What? I ran out of up votes? I'll get you both tomorrow.
  3. +1 Very cool. Your RL story is more interesting than the game mechanics .
  4. Agreed. @domfluff is able to figure out and understand the game mechanics. He has the added ability to articulate this understanding for the rest of us. Reminds me of @womble who, sadly, has not been on the forums for awhile.
  5. Wow. Glad you are okay, my friend. You've just had a blast in many parts of the world............... Thank you for your service.
  6. +1 Entertaining video. The narrative really helps to explain what is going on. Without the bigger picture provided by the narrative it would mostly be just some running and gunning. I cheered when the QRF arrived!! Good job.
  7. Not sure if you find it helpful but the below statement is where I took my understanding from.
  8. This is a nice, understandable explanation which I'll add to my notes. Only a small nit / clarification. If the fire teams are in the same platoon they will be effected by combat stress caused by casualties. It does not matter if the teams are in C2 or not for the purposes of receiving combat stress. They somehow know that their "out of C2" buddy just bought the farm on the other side of the map and are stressed by this event.
  9. Marking mines only helps infantry to navigate the marked minefield. Marking mines does nothing for vehicles. Yes. But except in some of the WW2 titles (with flail vehicles) engineers don't clear mines. Engineers don't neutralize mines @MikeyD. They Mark mines as the command in the user interface reads. The mines are marked so a carefully moving troop can step around them on his way across the minefield. If he is not careful and tries to Fast or Quick across the marked minefield his chances of stepping where he should not is increased. Of course vehicles are not agile enough to step (drive) around the marked mines in a minefield. So, outside of some desperate situation, do not intentionally drive vehicles into marked or unmarked minefields. IEDs are a different topic and can't be Marked in any case.
  10. When playing a Quick Battle PBEM, where I get to choose my own TOE, I often do the same thing. It works out well. You seem to be catching on fast to understanding the game. The more you understand the better it gets.
  11. Yep. I used your mixed combatant mod in CMSF1. Very cool mod.
  12. In the game the ability to call for artillery fire is not based on having a radio but instead on the authority of the caller. It is often referred to as the field telephone abstraction. As an example you will notice if an FO team's officer becomes KIA and the RTO is still alive with a working radio the FO team can no longer call for or adjust fire. So the US XOs can call for arty even when they don't have a radio. As a result I will often have an XO accompany a maneuver platoon. Then when the platoon needs to call for indirect fire support the XO team will handle leaving the platoon HQ team free to move about keeping the fire teams in C2 and facilitating the sharing of OpFor contact information. Also when I have different formations in the same scenario I may use XOs, 2ICs, etc as liaisons. Example you have an infantry company from 1st Infantry Battalion and a tank company from an tank battalion. I will put the two Bn XOs in the other Battalion TOC so they will horizontally share OpFor contact information between the two formations. See the below link for an explanation on C2. I also sometimes assign them to the TOC as a TRP officer. They are responsible for calling in fires in the area of Target Reference Points (TRP)s to support the scheme of maneuver. They generally have one off map 105mm howitzer platoon I reserve for their use. They can call for fires from the safety of the TOC to impact in the area of the TRPs which were placed to support the planned Avenue of Advance. At the appropriate time the TRP officer (XO) will call for a maximum duration, light, low tube count mission which lasts for about 34 minutes. The XO will adjust this mission between TRPs to support the maneuvering platoons. I like to have the TRP officer in the relative safety of the TOC because if he is KIA while the maximum duration fire mission is ongoing control of those tubes will be lost and they will fire on the last adjustment until dry (I had this happen once in a PBEM). At times I have also used them as medics. This should give you some ideas 11Bravo. Keep swervin and happy hunting!!
  13. Yep, I'm getting the same results. I think maybe Battlefront forgot to flip the switch to turn on civilian density (or however that works with code).
  14. This is my SOP: First I split my engineers into two fire teams. Then I have one engineer team Slow (crawl) through an area where I think there are mines. This generally works well and the red mine signs will appear. Then I have the second team follow behind the first (also on Slow) and Mark the mines causing the signs to change from red to off white / yellow. The downside is if I'm wrong about the location I can end up with exhausted engineers.
  15. It must be a rewarding challenge for the soft, western, French officers to lead their rougher more adaptable eastern troops. Or have the French officers been replaced with more adaptable, rougher stock?
  16. Very cool what the game can do. A spy does buddy aid. During buddy aid he obtained an assault rifle, binoculars and hand grenades. Later he takes out an XO team with the assault rifle and hand grenades. And here he is with the binoculars looking for his next victims.......... COOL, COOL game.
  17. This is also a good indicator that the known minefield is marked. Red sign with skull & crossbones = Active unmarked minefield Off white sign (yellow in CMBS) with skull & crossbones = A marked minefield Green sign with a white X = Neutralized minefield (all mines detonated) IIRC for artillery to detonate a minefield it has to be 150mm or greater.
  18. Thanks @Josey Wales +1. The reason I was originally curious about this was at the end of a PBEM I had several broken fire teams that had no casualties. However other fire teams in the same platoon had taken casualties. So, I think this means that for a fire team to be broken the team must have taken at least one casualty or its parent platoon must have taken at least one casualty.
  19. FO get the 155s on the horn! JTAC bring in some air! NOW!!! Target rich environment. Even a conscript FO could do some damage .
  20. To paraphrase @Vanir Ausf B from March 2018: If the road is unpaved the road edges are worse for bogging than regular terrain. They are assumed to have drainage ditches along the sides. Link below.
  21. I don't understand this statement. Maybe definitions are being confused. Patches fix things in the game. Battlefront does not charge for patches. If they did I could see a point to the above quoted statement. By upgrades I think you mean modules and engine improvements. Modules and engine improvements add to the game so of course cost money. I think it is fair and expected that they charge for modules and engine upgrades. I guess people could argue about how much they should charge but most reasonable people would probably agree that they should charge something. I'm surprised at how little they charge for modules and engine improvements. And as my friend @Warts 'n' all said, unlike him, you do have a choice.
  22. Yes, interesting ........... I have the following in my notes and maybe this plays a role. When a team/vehicle takes casualties other teams/vehicles/squads in the same platoon may have their morale negatively affected. The other teams/vehicles/squads don’t have to be in C2 or line of sight of the team taking casualties to be negatively affected. At the end of a battle I have seen broken fire teams that did not have casualties. However other teams in the same platoon (maybe even same squad) did have casualties. So I thought that was why they were broken without casualties in the team. Josey is probably off working a job, earning money and taking care of RL while we are discussing and trying to figure out the important issues of the day................. maybe when he is done goofing off for the day he will stop by ...... .
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