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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Bil, I got WWII style icons from the above download. Crossed pick and shovel for engineers etc..............
  2. I've been using your CMSF2 floating icon mod. I was hoping you might expand it into the other titles . These are far superior to the vanilla floating icons that come with the game. I will also download your CMBN military symbology and give them a try. Thanks for the time and effort this took. +1
  3. Makes me wonder what happened to those girls and their families after Al Qaeda the Taliban took over...............
  4. Another interesting topic. I don't play as the Russians very often. But when I do I take the AT-13 Saxhorn-2.
  5. @37mm Nice video. Interesting how you showed the plans on the map and the the execution in the 3d environment. +1
  6. Hmmm, I don't find the map at the scenario depot III.
  7. Now that is cool. I'll have to learn how to make gifs someday.
  8. A Fanatic crew with Open up and an Area Target to the front. Then ran a German scout team around behind the tank. The IS-2 continued to fire the main gun forward and the rear facing MG at the German team.
  9. If you give the tank Target Light to the rear it will fire as the turret first starts to rotate. Now trying to get the main gun and rear facing MG to both fire at the same time is more challenging ,
  10. @IICptMillerII that was an awesome video. Thanks for sharing. I subscribed to that channel.
  11. In game once suppressive fire stops the suppressed troops often recover in 30 seconds. Continuous Area Target is needed for continuous suppression. As an example: If you aim at the sniper, he'll duck. Then, with him out of LOS, your men will stop shooting, his morale will recover, he'll pop up and shoot your guys, in turn they will shoot at him, he'll duck, recover, repeat. Area Target will keep the incoming fire at his location even when he is out of LOS. The other side of the coin is that you can suppress the OpFor team so much that it results in a permanent pin where you can't drive them off. You start to think you need to close and hose to get rid of them (which is another dangerous drill). So sometimes it is beneficial to let up a little bit so the OpFor will run away or pop up a head to spot. Then your troops can shoot it off. As is most everything in this game it depends on the situation. I might try some Area Targeting at identified OpFor positions and go from there. PS - As @IICptMillerII said it is generally best to use squads split into fire teams. Especially in close terrain like MOUT.
  12. Welcome to the forum Devil 6!!! I'll tag @LongLeftFlank to draw his attention to this thread next time he is up on the C3 net .
  13. @Erwin your basic idea of having a reinforcement "released" can also work. In the CMSF2 scenario Coup de' tat there are similar situations. An example from the scenario: US Consulate Annex: The US Consulate Annex is located on the south edge of the Area of Operations (AO) (Grid: xxxxxxxx). It is a base with several teams of Special Forces. These teams have a mission to locate Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). Chemical/biological WMDs are believed to have been possessed by the Abbudinian National Army prior to the civil war. Western powers want to ensure these weapons do not fall into the hands of terrorists. If the rebels locate evidence of WMDs the Special Forces (SF) teams will be made available to work with rebel forces. The SF teams will only be made available if evidence of WMDs are discovered. HUMINT sources may provide assistance with locating the evidence. The SF teams are currently out on a mission but will return to the Annex at 0430hrs. Game mechanics: Teams of BluFor SF dudes appear in the annex at 0430hrs (They could also be there from setup. It doesn't matter) The annex as two perimeters. The SF dudes are the inner perimeter with no LOS to the outside. RedFor local military/hired militia etc. hold the outer perimeter (They are helping to guard the annex). The outer perimeter force has a few T-55 tanks making it impractical to try to break into or out of the annex. The gate of the annex is also blocked by barbwire. The SF dudes have wheeled vehicles and no demo charges. If the rebels locate evidence of WMD they will also hit a trigger. This triggers the outer perimeter security force to head for an RedFor exit zone. On the way to the exit zone a T-55 tank crushes the barbwire releasing the SF teams. Now the rebel player can use the SF teams. I tested this in CMBS and it works. Just waiting for CMSF2 to be released so I can move a modified version of @LongLeftFlank Ramadi map from CMSF1 into CMSF2 and finish everything.
  14. 1) I had to google Rube Goldberg-method . Learn something new everyday. Depending how it is implemented in a scenario it might reduce immersion for some players. Won't ever make them all happy. I think the spot objective method, explained above, works very well. Example: 20 minutes into the scenario you receive a platoon of tanks as reinforcements in your setup zone. You know from the briefing this platoon is a 100 VP Spot Objective for the OpFor. It is the players choice to use them or not. Admittedly the other method, releasing units that are held in some fashion is more ............ what's that phrase........."Rube Goldberg" ......... and takes some work to pull off. And of course not everyone will be happy with it........... 2) True, the spot method will not work for artillery. I never tried it with aircraft. Can they be "spotted" as they make a bombing run? 3) The Quick Battle idea you mentioned above sounds cool ................ maybe CM3.
  15. Using the spot objective will accomplish the same thing. A player has "extra" units in a safe location out of sight. Say a platoon of infantry and a platoon of tanks. These two extra platoons are spot objectives for the OpFor. The infantry platoon is worth 100 VPs and the tanks platoon is worth 200 VPs. If the player decides to use the extra units they will be spotted (with very few exceptions, I tested this) when they enter the fight and cost the player victory points. If the player chooses not to use them or only use some the cost in VPs will change accordingly. I also tested something along the lines of what you suggest above but it works a little different. Both methods are included in the scenario Coup de'tat.
  16. Interesting. You might be onto something here. However the ability to call in off map artillery probably does not mean anything. It is often referred to as the field telephone abstraction. As long as the leader is alive and has calling privileges he can always call for fire with or without a radio. It's specifically the Leader individual who has artillery calling rights. This applies to any team with arty call privileges, whether HQ or FO. But everything else, besides the ability to call artillery, indicates something might be off.
  17. The ethnic Cossacks who fought on both sides during WWII. They would fight on foot as partisans and could have some clothing (maybe facial hair?) of ethnic Cossacks. Might be cool to have two or three Cossack looking dudes mixed in with the partisan units.
  18. Sorry, I had to step away from the computer. Very cool having a 19D here. It is easier to put the entire extracted folder into the Z folder. But in theory you could put individual files from the mod folder into the Z folder. Some people do this when they only want some of the mods files from the mod folder. They mix and match mods from different mod builds.
  19. This is how I deal with CMBN mods with Windows 10: I create a folder on my desktop named extraction folder. I download the mod to my desktop. I then drag the mod into the extraction folder and un-zip (extract) it inside this folder. (using this folder avoids some other problems) I then take the actual mod files/folders from inside the extraction folder and place them in the Z folder. CMBN works a little different from the other CM games. For CMBN you create a Z folder inside CMBN's Data folder. You can trash the readme and illustrations after you have viewed them. I save the original zipped mod folder. You can repeat the above process with that same zipped folder in the future if you need to for some reason.
  20. This would be cool. Maybe some Cossacks. Also possibly with some German panzerfausts. Having some would greatly facilitate convoy ambushes. I'm no grog on the subject but I would think it would be historically accurate for 1944 partisans to have a few panzerfausts in their TOE?
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