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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Aye, like millions of car owners are waiting for the fix of faked exhaust gas concentrations. But you are right, a beginner won’t notice the difference between V3 and V4.
  2. Number 7 is so true. Made remember a game of Clash of Arms “La Bataille de Albuera”. A (admitted) huge battalion of Murcia infantry held up the French advance. In game terms, they were mere militia, aka freaks, but then they stood like a rock.
  3. Do you know Ben Kane? I just finished his Varus-Germanicus Trilogy. Pretty good. Perhaps even better than the new Cornwell or Scarrow books. They start to be quite repetetive.
  4. A nice mess in front 1000’s of spectators: http://www.spiegel.de/video/russland-panzer-faellt-von-lkw-video-99020188.html
  5. PM me your mail address, then I’ll send the PDF later today.
  6. One thing which has not been mentioned yet: All games can be extensively modded, which greatly improves their looks. You can find tons of mods, scenarios, Campaigns and other content on the „The Few Good Men“ website.
  7. As said earlier, the authorities even waived upgrades a while ago. In order not to overwhelm the guys with new, costly demands. Wait, why does that remind me to some recent events? Can‘t remember. Something like loosening environmental restrictions somewhere. Anyway, those planes are run by a „club“ of enthusiasts since a few years. I would assume they are about the best maintained equipment around...
  8. Yes, they continued with the remaining two last week. No, the investigation is still ongoing. Odd? I don’t know. Those planes are flying since about 70 years now. So, it’s probably not a systematic failure. But on the psychological side: My wife sort of „forbade“ me to take a flight with an old Antonov double-decker, which I was looking for to take last weekend.
  9. Just for the records: One can still find old the CM1 stuff elsewhere, though mostly the CDV versions. But honestly, I would not invest in that anymore.
  10. And you‘ll probably buy everything else later any way, like most of us.
  11. No, thx, that‘s good enough for me. Shows once again, how difficult it is to be funny in writing. That can backfire badly, as I experienced myself often enough. So, don’t worry: All is good.
  12. You find that an appropriate comment in the context of a crash with 20 dead?
  13. Well, I would agree to models, but computer games is already a completely different thing. Especially, if the out-place use is allowed. Like „Duke Nuke‘em“ plastered with NAZI propaganda...
  14. IIRCR, Hitler himself requested, that Monschau should be spared. As the story goes, he visited the town before the war and wanted to preserve it‘s beauty. If it is true, it’s a shame that he did not think to have some more places preserved.
  15. Plus I never found much need for „cool“ explosions in CM. Same line of thinking as the „more gore discussion“. No need for in a game.
  16. Where did you get that from? My understanding is that currently a stall due to higher temps and high altitude is the best guess. It crashed at 2‘500m, after doing a 180deg turn and apparently was fully loaded with 17 passengers. They were returning from a weekend trip, so probably even had some luggage. But we will most probably never learn the reason of the crash, since those JU52‘s are not equipped with flight recorders.An exemption made by the Swiss authorities, to keep the „JU-Air“ in business.
  17. I remember the good old „Commandos“, where vehicles could over-run troops. But that looked sort of stupid, too. The Commando crawling to cross a road, truck approaching from the right at walking speed and „bang“. Or better „crush“?
  18. If I may add some practical experience: I shot air gun and small bore rifle for about 20 years on a fairly good sportive level. “Fatigue” was rarely the issue. I mean, being “tired“ within normal standards. Governing was the “Stress Level”, resulting from many other factors. Look at the Bi-Athletes. Skying for more than 20k’s before shooting does not bother them too much, it seems.
  19. I am not saying, that I am tired of D-Day (though some change would be nice, indeed). What I tried to say: Same people involved, same topic. The stakes are high already. That‘s why it may be difficult, to produce something of similar acceptance and quality. Well, actually it should be better. Otherwise it feels like „Ach, Private Ryan again. I‘ll switch to the Muppet Show...“
  20. Challenging attempt, to „recreate“ Private Ryan or Band of Brothers. We‘ll see how that comes out.
  21. Thanks for that. I used live in one of the “less important regions”, the North German Plains, for a while. But originally, not too far from the Fulda Gap. And I spent my service time even closer to both. So, I would say (or wouldn’t I? ): “No thanks” to that one.
  22. Yeahhh, but it sounds extremely gamey... Such a tactic one can employ after having played the scenario a hundred times and knows exactly what comes up. Not very satisfying. The problem is, you already know what is awaiting you and then find the solution by try and error. That‘s not a normal situation.
  23. And at least (me too without actual Campaign experience), it may be that the mission is not “winable” by purpose. I have seen that in other games and find reminder that life can be difficult quite helpful. Perhaps the proper strategy is, to hold back and fight another day.
  24. Hm, the championship became a little pointless, after Germany was out... But seriously: Congrats, your Team deserved it! Ours, this time, not so much. But „I‘ll be back.“
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