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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Well, don‘t restrict yourself too much. I just started playing “Panzer Corps” and find it quite, eh, entertaining. And face to face, there’s gaming wise nothing better than a good old fashioned board game anyway. Though, I never liked “stacking monsters” like WiF.
  2. Don‘t try to play the CMFB „falling snow“ scenarios or any real large scenario and you should be fine. In case of the large scenarios: Set all graphics requirements to minimum and it still should work somehow. Not nice, but playable.
  3. Well, not really. I used an old CAD computer until recently, with a fairly powerful Quadro-Card and was fairly dissppointed. I replaced the Quadro with an old GTX570, which was quite an improvement. Can‘t remember the details, but somehow the CAD-cards are missing a hardware component, that game cards have. Or something like that...
  4. Perhaps a little of topic, but did you consider „Combat Comander Pacific“ on Vassal? No CM, I agree, but very similar scale.
  5. Same for me. I once had a PAK stuck in a building, or tanks in walls and building corners, but have not seen that since a loooong time now.
  6. Maybe a little late, but have a look at the “Motorbuch Verlag“. They have various books re to your topic. In German, though.
  7. Sea legs? You are aware, that you are not playing „ Wooden Ships“ or some other Naval Game? „Trench Foot“ is the name of the game!
  8. Very well. I just thought it might be a way to find out what your issue is. My suggestion: Forget the CM Helper. Unless you have many games ongoing, you don‘t need it. And now: Have fun!
  9. Hi Zugzwang let‘s try to set up TWO games with me. One you start, the other one I start and let‘s see what happens. PM me your mail Adress to get started. Unlike Ian, I don‘t have have hundreds of Games experience, but a hundred may well be.
  10. Yep, that‘s plan B, when fine adjustment does not work.
  11. I just did some quick Wikipedia reading. As always in life, things are not too simple. Early versions of the M4 mortar halftracks, e.g. were not really designed to fire, the mortar from them. The late war M21, on the other hand, had the mortar mounted fixed on a turn table. I.e., one question would be: What half Track are you talking about?
  12. Thanks, mate. The Wikipedia article is a little disappointing, even the Spiegel article had more info. But the diary is great. I love those first person accounts.
  13. Honestly, I am surprised that the mortar is a passenger, anyway. I always thought, they were fixed or semi-fixed to the half track.
  14. Last week, I stumbled over an article in the Spiegel, about a German naval raid mission on Granville late in ‘45. Apparently, carried out by forces from the Channel Islands. Does anybody have any details about this?
  15. Yep, they look extremely nice. My largest are 1:18 scale Heng Long models, beefed up with some own moding work. Perhaps, I should ask my wife, if she really needs her extra office room. Back to 1:6: I remember a company in the UK, building them full metal on a pre-order base. Those guys even have rule for outdoor battles on their web site. IIRCR, there are some videos of such battles on YouTube.
  16. Again: Good luck, my friend. Agree, it may not look easy. but CM is more than worth the effort. With dozens of PBEM matches under my belt.In fact, I rarely play against AI. I am playing since 1999 and still found no better alternative. Apologize for mediocre engineers speech.
  17. Thanks, mate. Some more comments from my side: - Re sending a wrong file: Yes, that happens. My personal indicator is the file number. If I play the second player, my files are the even numbers. Sorry for being a number oriented engineer. - mistyping: I always use the same password. That helps. But, yes, that‘s why I emphazied the Caps Lock. - I still handle up to six games manually. And it works. Most of the time...
  18. Sounds like you are having a hard time, indeed. Let‘s assume your opponent starts a match. Then the procedure would be: 1) He selects Scenario, Difficulty and side, enters his password, saves the file and sends it to you. Mail or Dropbox does not matter: 2) You receive the file, move it to your inbox, start it from „saved game“. Then you should be asked to set YOUR password (Important: The password is “Caps Lock” sensitive). The file is saved (should be number 2 now) and you return the NEW file from the Outbox to your opponent. 3) Your opponent receives it, copies it to his Inbox, starts the game from „saved games“ and enters HIS password. Then he should be in the set-up phase. After set-up, he presses the red button, waits until the file is saved and returns the new file from his Outbox to you. 4) You receive the file (should now be number 4), put it to your Inbox, start the scenario, enter YOUR password and now it’s your set-up phase. Remember, in the set-up phase, you can set-up, give first movement orders and plot first artillery strikes (if you have off-board arty). When you are done, press the red button and return the new file to your opponent. 5) Now it should be his time for the first regular turn. Good luck and have fun!
  19. Nope, I am in pretty heavy mechanical engineering. The motto being: If you can‘t repair it with a sledgehammer or a torch, it‘s rubbish.
  20. Thanks, mate. My explanation would have been more “engineer like”: It’s like trying to align a microscope with a sledgehammer.
  21. Well, that still sounds challenging to me. You are talking about “Artillery” not Assault Guns....
  22. Thanks, Steve, for your clear statement in the recent RT discussion!

  23. Re the AP ammo: Yes, I too think I noticed an increased against soft targets in other CM games.
  24. Well, many would say it went into the restoration of Eastern Germany, after the Wall came tumbling down. Which would not be the worst way to spend some money.
  25. You mean the 95 out of 244 Leopard tanks which are in operating condition? Or the 39 out of 128 Eurofighter? Or the 12 out it 53 Tiger helicopters? Refer to the latest annual report, which draws a shocking picture: https://www.google.ch/amp/amp.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/bericht-bundeswehr-waffensysteme-weisen-erhebliche-maengel-auf/21011248.html
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