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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. This sounds interesting. Did you find any volunteers to move forward?
  2. „Going strong into the desert“, by LtCol Mike Snook.
  3. As I understand, the v4 download includes indeed everything. You only need the activation code, which you receive with your purchase. However, I would reconsider buying the VP. There is not too much content for it. I know only a handful scenarios at best. There should be an old thread, listing VP scenarios.
  4. I just watched this brilliant international, French-British-German movie for the “umpteenth” time. Now x-mas can come! And, of course: Merry X-mas to all of you!
  5. My brother says, in his service time, they even used MG (1, probably), where the Swastika’s had been ground out...
  6. You see, that‘s a nice feature in CM. You can employ any tactic you want, as long as the game supports it. Though it is advisable to agree on „house rules“ for a QB.E.g., the nasty „first turn strike“ is quite often an issue. As a final thought perhaps: Yes, many things happen in RL. But are they „statiscally significant“? I remember a story about a German AT gunner, who killed wounded and single handed 19 (or so) Russian tanks. Maybe true, but I would not make it a “standard procedure” for CM rules. But then, in one game, I had a “sole survivor”, who ruled a street intersection, with his MP, only for more than 10 minutes. Until he ran out of ammo...
  7. Hm, I just recently experienced first a sand and than a rain storm in Qatar and only can agree: There is a „certain smell“...
  8. Well, my experience is about 50/50. Good enough. Eh, did I say, that I play in the lottery, too?
  9. I did not say “ Go through vineyards”. I meant to say, if there is need to go through obvious obstacles „Move slowly.“ And, in my example the Crew bailed out, moved into a building and then killed the US squad (moving in a little too fast...)
  10. Oops, sounds like the argument is not very clear. Using fresh crews, to obtain intel: Okayyyy, possible but gamey. Using bailed out crews: Very gamey. I do not have actual experience, indeed. But if I imagine a 3“ (plus) shell exploding next to me, making me bail out of a tank, I do not think I would fancy to rush upfront again.
  11. That reinforces my point: In difficult terrain, move sloooow. Which sounds sensible to me.
  12. It was Qatar. And unfortunately, after their nice winter warmth, I already became used to the miserable winter cold of my Alpine retreat again. Otherwise: Why surrender? Come on and face the wall of steel! Eh, what? Not THAT wall.
  13. My experience is, - if you are moving “fast“ in difficult terrain, it increases your chance of being immobilzed. - prior to being immobilzed, your vehicles usually „bog down“. Than it seems to help, to reverse. But you have only one turn to spot it and react. Re the „crew usage“, there are different philosophies. Of course, they are not Infantry, but may serve very well as spotters. They can be pretty effective in close combat, too. I remember one FI game where a 5 men crew with Mauser‘s mowed down a whole US squad. Unfortunately only once, thereafter the bullets were spent. Again, very effective in the situation, but quite „gamey”. Many people don’t like such gamey moves.
  14. Two more things: - set an exemption for CM at your security program. I don‘t think, that will solve your issue, but it won‘t hurt either. - while you wait for an answer: check the tech forums (fori? forae?). You will probably find your annswer there.
  15. One quick check comes to my mind: Download an install the Demo of another module, to see if it creates a similar issue.
  16. I guess, you would need to give more technical information, so that those „who know“ can give a qualified answer. But two things come immediately to my mind: - Do you work on a lap top with on board video chip? - If not what‘s your video card, anyway? A long time ago, I had crashes to desktop, while playing with an old card with too little memory.
  17. I am a little puzzled, since this is the GDF. Is there a more „general“ place, to post „general“ topics?
  18. The Fort was great, as most Cornwell books. For me at least, a completely unknown detail. And a strange story of a complete f...up, eh, “Desaster” turned into something like a success. If you care for something from a little earlier period, have a look at Ian Gale’s “Jack Steel” series. Early 18th Century in Europe. Hm, I thought about that one, but did not dare to mention this “oldie but goodie”. Reminds me too: I started reading a German book from 1872, about a Stone Age tribe in Swabia (situated just a few k’s from my wife’s birthplace). Great, very strange history understanding and interpretation, if you read it with “modern” knowledge. But fun to read.
  19. Ah, and if you care for Naval Warfare, check out Alexander Kent and others. They certainly have some books, covering the period.
  20. Not exactly the period, but I recommend Bernard Cornwell‘s: - Red Coats - The Fort
  21. One might say, that „Spain“ was an early evidence, that Nappi was not the „stable genious“ (Sorry, wrong period: „genious“ only) he was taken for. He gave the country to his less able brother, trusting that his Generals would sort out things. However, never gave them full support and hoped, that somehow the „issue” of Brits advancing from Portugal plus belligerent Spanish (aka “Guerilla”), would dissolve. Not a sign of a strategic genious.
  22. Sounds like you never pestered your opponent with swarms of skirmishers in front of his line, launched a devastating cavallery charge or engineered a full scale combined arms attack in a “La Battaille” game. Though they are not computer games, I admit. ACW is indeed more difficult, due to fewer tactical options.
  23. I don‘t think so. If you refer to an actual game, which you are running, check the status if your arty. You should see, whether the battery is still busy or not.
  24. Indeed, I missed that. I just returned to my alpine retreat from a short exile in Qatar. Lot‘s of work and lot’a of sand, but not much more...
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