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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Eh, there is nothing new in the linked article. The link between military and private table top playing goes back to the 19th century. Nowadays, many wargame designers work for both the military and private side (e.g., Volko Ruhnke, Designer of the COIN series). As for BFC, IIRCR, they developed a Game for the NZ forces not too long ago.
  2. Ouch, I thought too technical again. You are right: Sometimes it helps to apply a little common sense.
  3. Spiking the guns? I only know that from muzzle loaders, where crews hammered a spike into the touchhole when abandoning the gun. From a breach loader, one could remove the lock block. But that is a more complicated task. In my service times, I had to disassemble the lock of a 20mm AA gun a few times. Which usually ended in a Desaster. Well, it took me much longer than my trainers expected.
  4. Does anybody know the „Red Storm“ series? Is it worth reading?
  5. Yep, that‘s strange, because re-manning a tank is possible. Not, that I often get the chance to do so.
  6. And forgot to say: Yep, I tend to split teams, too. Gives one more flexibility and less vulnerable targets. The down sides are, if course: - lesser firepower - split teams are wiped out quicker I.e., when I think to need firepower, I keep teams together. Again, it needs game experience to judge what is required. Refering to my earlier post: I do not always seem to have enough experience.
  7. I would like to add one thing, which has only very briefly mentioned before: „Training, Training, Training“ is the key to the game. All good advise helps only so much, because game situations are never the same. Just like in RL, where people are being trained for years and even then may fail in a real situation. So, to make a long statement short: Stop thinking too much, but play (preferably H2H). You will fail a hundred times. But at least it will not hurt. Or “only” your pride. Otherwise, @IICptMillerII gives excellent practical “text book” advise.
  8. That one looks great, indeed. Certainly a new entry in the “BD wish list”.
  9. Good point. Remember the famous „The Dress“ discussion back in 2015. I admit an extreme example, how one can not be sure of the colours he „sees“. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dress
  10. We had that discussion a long time ago. I dare to say „It is nigh impossible“ to recreate „original“ colours. There are simply too many variables, especially in application. My personal favourite is, that Germans in the late war diluted paint with whatever was at hand. From machine oil to water. You can imagine the impact on the appearance..
  11. You mean like this one, already "hard coded" for "Supremacy"? They look nicer in a cluster.Just place them anywhere on the map: Or create nice pathways:
  12. The pic’s are from 1909 to 1915, apparently NOT hand coloured and have nothing to do with CM, but still: I found them worth to share. https://blog.tagesanzeiger.ch/zoom/?p=106999
  13. I very vaguely recall, that I had similar issues a very long time ago. I think, back then it was a graphic card issue and turning down all graphic settings did the trick.
  14. Bah, no. I once tried an early ToW title, but could not come to like it. Rather wait for better times.
  15. With regard to the Nations League: New game, new luck!
  16. Back to the original post: Though I lost it twice H2H with either side: I love “Valley of trouble”.
  17. I would love to see a „CM Korea“, but I strongly doubt that we see it at the horizon before hell freezes. But then, there was something about frozen Hell in another thread just recently. Perhaps, there is still hope.
  18. You made my day! I learned something new today. In German kid‘s speak this translates to the unnerving „Weil...“
  19. Whoah, would be interesting to know how the effect is calculated. Wind would be a very wild variable. Even on-board effects sound challenging to me. Just too many local effects... Does anybody have an idea?
  20. Ah, and if you understand German, I can highly recommend the three volumes published by „Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft“ for 2000 year Varus battle commemoration in 2009. Basically a collection of scientific papers. Heavy stuff, with more info than you want. Luckily, you don‘t need to read them all. And while I think of it „Roms vergessener Feldzug“, published by Theiss. Same caliber as above. Covering papers about the Harzhorn battle.
  21. Yep, go for it. Though to date, I only read his Varus books. Coming from the region, the “Battle of Teutoburg Forest” always fascinated me. Reminds me to: “Blood Forest” by Geraint Jon. Same topic, very different style. Gosh, that one was “dark and creepy”.
  22. Yep, something like that drew me into CM, back in 99. A point blank shoot-out between a StuG and a Sherman. The question was: Would the StuG reload faster, than the Sherman turns it’s turret. Nail biting!
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