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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Don’t be impatient, my friend. Your guys will soon enough see, what they are up to. I sent the last on Thursday. And the next file is planned for tomorrow.
  2. Quite off topic, but these days are exactly the right time to commemorate Erich Maria Remarque. Another German writer in the ranks, though he wrote more about lost battles and souls.
  3. I quickky checked on Amazon. You can get all CMx1 titles there. Though for CMBB, they have mostly the (European) CDV version.
  4. Yep, this “contextualise” is what I miss, too. No really, that touches what I mean. For a good QB, one almost has to develop it into a properly designed scenario.
  5. Hm, one could ask, how “realistic” QB’s are, anyway. I find usually they are not too realistic. More “chess like”. Problem is for me: Normally they are meeting engagements with a rush to the VP areas, with pretty “accidental” force compositions. I know, one could try and set up attack-defense battles, but that would create similar issues with a different aspect. So, my conclusion: The Maps are not necessarily realistic, but often good for the “strategic games”, which QB’s are.
  6. You may have to put CM onto your anti-virus softwares exception list. I remember, that was an issue for me, when I changed to a new computer. Strangely not for all CM titles.
  7. BTW, do you know „Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga“? A board game with probably the best Stalingrad map ever seen. Apparently the map is puzzled the map together from loads of aerial fotos.
  8. Hehehechrrrrr, your treaser question triggered me. But probably, I interpreting too much German into the question. Let‘s stop the discussion or we‘ll end up with „tiny hands“ and „horsefaces“.
  9. Yep, I remember that I played an H2H-campaign (Nordheim) for CMBO, which was just awesome. It took us about a year to finish, but it was time „well spent“.
  10. I bought it on EBay a looooong time ago. One of my best Ebay deals. I was competing with a German guy for a copy from California. Finally gave up. And bought the very same copy for less money from the very same guy some months later. But I have not done more with it than looking at the counters and reading in the rules book, to be honest.
  11. Ah, no. It’s just hidden under the German/British blob.
  12. I guess it was more a question of motor power. 50HP were a lot in those days. And that is, where every kg counts... Plus, of course, Italian armour was not designed for large tank battles. I would think, the design brief asked more for “riot control” in Ethiopia or North Africa. And narrow Balcan roads, probably.
  13. Yeah, yep, no. I have a pretty mixed feeling here. I never tried the strategic game, but battles were quite ok. Though the UI is „difficult“, as stated earlier. I still think it is the best of it’s kind (which is a small number), but certainly not perfect. I fully agree: I would not recommend to jump at it as a new customer. But I do feel, it is worth trying to revive it.
  14. Did so today, but no luck. Jutland just runs into a black screen and even Stormpowered runs only once and then wants to be reinstalled. Perhaps, I should have a look at Norton Security again...
  15. Just to make the joke (though it comes from a Napoleonics expert): „Why go for the flank, when you can crash through the center?“ Hm, but there is some CM truth in it: In “flank attacks” I often enough run into secondary defenses, which make them time consuming, costly and useless. I would think, the reason is, that the „normal“ CM map does not allow for tactical movement in a larger scale. Of course, there are exceptions.
  16. Thx for the advise. I’ll try that in a next step. First step was to understand, that I have to install a launch the games from “Stormpowered”. I got Distant Guns running, but Jutland only comes to a black screen, which disappears after, say, 30 seconds.
  17. Ok, password retrieved and game downloaded. When I try to install, it starts with V or so and tries to update, but stops and crashes after a few seconds. I tried to install in the XP compatibility mode, but that did not help much. Do you know how to get it running under Win10?
  18. Chrrrr, hehehe, great movie though. I guess, I’ll dig out the DVD right now.
  19. Or is it this one? https://goo.gl/images/mw5Hjy Ah, no, it is marked “Abnormal. Don’t use.”
  20. Hm, the mail address should be clear. So, I might give it a try. Even if it is only for the shelve. I remember indeed some sessions, where I just let it run and enjoyed the scenery. One does not see lines of battle cruisers too often...
  21. Ahhh, they are about 10 years old. I once owned Jutland (and unfortunately lost it due to a computer change). Great game, though I never really came into it. The UI was “not very intuitive”. The looks were quite good. Only when you zoomed in too close, it looked, hm, dull and dead. E.g., no crew milling around. And in explosions, one saw the bricks flying. However, I loved the sound of large shells passing overhead. This dull, low tone, swirling “Woooooshhhhh”
  22. To whom it concerns (probably more the German speaking community): There is a complete version of Clausewitz’ “Vom Kriege” available at Amazon as Kindle book for only 99 cent. And the same for Sun Tse.
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