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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. When I was on my trip (where I saw La Gleize, etc) I did not have the time to see the Musee De Blindes. And I really wish I had, I've heard so many good things about it. I believe they have the only running Königstiger and occasionally take it for walkies...
  2. I've not had a huge amount of experience with bogging, but what I have seen in play and testing is that bogging will result in immobilization in typically less than one minute, or resolve. I highly doubt that the delay was due to bogging. I suspect something now but I will have to check and tell you later.
  3. Lt. Lawrence had the boys set up several defensive structures, including those sandbagged positions as well as foxholes. They are not all occupied, but were there for future use if the men needed to displace.
  4. Sorry, you're seeing it at an angle that is perhaps fooling your eye. They are still "V" shaped.
  5. Youre quite right. You have no idea how difficult it is for me to pick what view to show in so many of my panels.
  6. I've played a couple of scenarios to the last man, but it was because my opponent was very new to CM games and he had no idea one could cease fire or surrender. I agree with both Bil and Ken. I'll respect a request for ceasefire right away, because to me that is a "this isn't fun any more" indicator from my opponent, but where we both wish to gauge success that was achieved thus far. I have also surrendered where it was clear I was utterly smashed and we didn't want to assess the score by playing for days to mop up and get his men on my objectives. Now and then, I, and some of my opponents, have agreed to continue long after a battle is decided because we wished to explore some unit or tactic, but the purpose of the play then was education, so I think that is an exception to the things Bil for instance, mentioned. I do understand the frustration of spending hours to buy, deploy and play, only to have ones opponent quit abruptly. What I've learned is this: that happens pretty rarely. The people I keep coming back to play again and again don't waste my time quitting without a satisfying challenge and a substantial investment of time of their own. They don't treat my effort lightly, and I don't theirs lightly either. Which makes the use of ceasefire (and more rarely surrender) appropriate and realistic, in my view.
  7. I didn't want to derail my own thread by asking this in the CAAR but I could use some help. I made a movie of some of the action in my Liefrange battle, and using my iPad converted it into a GIF. My trouble is that I have been unsuccessful in hosting it. I wanted to upload it here but I think the file, about 7Mb, is too large, and when I upload it to my usual hosting site, Picasa, it seems to take only the first image from the GIF. I'm not keen to open yet another hosting account but there must be some simple way to get this somewhere and be able to post it here. Any suggestions as to how to proceed?
  8. When I first saw this I had a few thoughts: 1. Wow, that's all his remaining halftracks right there! 2. If I can hold the farmstead 2 minutes I've won (that would leave 5 minutes in the game) 3. Must not forget the west side of the road and strip my defences too quickly to move east. This may be a trick. 4. By now he has two shots ready to fire from the SturmTigers. The new one hasn't fired yet and the older one has had almost 3 minutes, more than enough to reload. 5. My men have plenty of targets now, his infantry will be very vulnerable and tire quickly in the snow.
  9. I think I've guessed what it is, but don't say anything, I've yet to write that up in my CAAR.
  10. John, hopefully this below will prove less a disappointment
  11. Well, you're in Oz, so this (below) may make an afternoon snack. Over here, it's raiding the icebox at midnight!
  12. Bit of a way to go! Ian is about to press my forces hard, I think!
  13. Congrats, Baneman, well played. I admire your courage to take on Bil, and your coolheadeness in dealing with adversity. Your tactics were an education.
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