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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I'm actually playing with a friend, and we're exactly in that situation. I have all of CMBN, he has the base game + Market Garden. There is no problem playing together. However.... It does require care in not selecting scenarios (or making QBs) that might require access to units he would not have. You can't set up a German-UK fight, for instance. I mean, you can, but he will not be able to buy anything if he is UK. Some practice and you will see what works. A suggested way to avoid any surprises is you always have the player who is missing modules initiate any battles, as they can only initiate what they can play, thereby eliminating the guesswork. Certainly you have hundreds of maps, and units, to enjoy together. Just make sure you are both patched to 3.11.
  2. I said it before in another thread, but I think it bears repeating: the foliage in CMFB looks the best I've seen in any CM game. I think they do a great job of representing the damp autumn climate. If you're used to CMBN, it is a big contrast, but then in real life we don't go from midsummer green to late autumn tones in one second. Bear that in mind when you look at the palette.
  3. So, did anyone like the little Gif I posted earlier? It shows a half minute of action and ended up being a large file. Bil was kind enough to host it for me. I never made them before but I wanted to try something different. What did you think of the slow-motion fall of the PanzerGrenadier lieutenant? I'm experimenting with things but won't bother if they don't really interest you.
  4. I'm interested and discussing with someone the idea of doing this. If you don't mind, can we discuss a few things? Some of these are not questions, but opportunities for feedback and discussion. 1. I really prefer QB simply because I (we) get to pick our own forces, discuss the purchase and stuff. I think that's part of the fun. Also it eliminates the chance that one or more of the 4 of us has already seen/played the scenario before. 2. Did you specifically want it to be CMRT? I have all the CMx2 games (and will get CMFB) but I'm not sure my potential partner has CMRT. I don't want either of these things to spoil anything for you so if they are things you specifically were looking forward to please don't compromise your enjoyment/plans.
  5. If it's very long range, perhaps the terminal velocity is so low that it is more damaging as HE? Could that be it?
  6. But what if there are 3 more halftracks burning? Did you consider that? Ok,ok, you are right of course. Though it could have been something else that did the last one in; it didn't have to be the Chaffee. Though I am happy it survived. That tank did sterling work in taking apart the German attack force.
  7. Bonus feature! I made a Gif of the last 30 seconds of the battle for you to enjoy it "live" so to speak...
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