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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. The 37mm at this range should be able to penetrate >30mm armour. The Chaffee's thickest armour is 25mm. A hold-your-breath moment...
  2. SLIM, I wanted to thank you for the effort and thought you put into the two videos you've made so far. Excellent stuff, good take-aways on comparative firepower, and straightforward explanations. Awesome, I really hope you keep at it and make more.
  3. Your time watching and re-watching the turns is well-spent, my friend; you always find something truly spectacular to share with us. The bow gunner's name is Cliff.
  4. Heroes are amazing when they arise. But that's just it, they arise out of the action, one unit or man that is exceptional. We can't decide that someone is a hero, unless we stack the deck and give him superlative experience, morale, etc (none of which happened here, in fact my force is on the low end of the curve because they represent a unit shattered in a previous battle). This is what I think is one of the insufficiently acknowledged positive features of CM games; that units do totally asinine things, as well as Alamo-like fights to the death against insane odds. Both are representative of what has happened at various times and places in real battles. That I cannot with certainty predict their behaviour is a good thing, in my view.
  5. *chuckles* Not quite as as you thought, I saw through it. Your moment is coming, in the section that follows this one.
  6. Hi John, i did watch the Chaffee video, thanks! What a fantastic restoration, and a rather cute little tank. I love the German Lynx, but I think if I had to take bets on survivability and practicality, my money would be on the M24. The battered gent you see on the ground in my latest panel is not from the Chaffee at all! He is the bow gunner and sole survivor from the unfortunate Easy-8 which met its demise early in the battle. He's been hiding at the back of the woods ever since, but is about to play a prominent role.
  7. Sorry, SLIM, I was going to answer this earlier and then forgot. As of the start of the upcoming segment, covered in the chapter titled "Man of the Hour" we are exploring just what happened between 6:30 - 6:00 left on the clock. So, 23:30-24:00 into the game. Mind you, there is some overlap with what I just posted. I'd be hopping back and forth from one part of the battle to the other with every frame if I did it truly chronologically, and it would be very confusing for a reader.
  8. Not to worry, I made the Kaa-Ziinng! onomatopoeia some time ago right after you asked for it. I have a specific place in mind for its use. Just for you, my dear chap!
  9. me too, but... I'm letting them pick their own targets. The TacAI is pretty good at that, and it's best in most cases not to set a target that will lock a unit to a target they may spend a turn shooting at when better quarry is at hand.
  10. Tut, tut, not so. You're seeing the shot that followed after, the one that chewed snow. Edit: I've updated the panel in question for clarity. Thanks, Baneman!
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