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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. That might be it. I Thought they were to be put in the QB folder. I'll move them and see.
  2. darn, winter QBs would be the bee's knees... Turn sent back though!
  3. Ok, I think I installed everything correctly. Wow, what a lot of files! One thing that I wonder if anyone else encountered and knows a fix for: when I load Kevinkin's QB hybrid maps in the editor, and do a 3D preview, CMRT crashes to desktop before I get to see the map. CMRT never crashes on me so I thought this was odd and perhaps there is something obvious I should have done that I didn't?
  4. My guys get tired pretty quickly. One can dash across a street without problem, but when the Lt. had a squad run about 100m, they went from Rested to Tired around 75m into the run. Mind you, that is at Quick, so not even at the fastest pace one can order men to move. This is why I was actually relieved to have the Germans start their assault. It limits where those big bastards can shoot, and if they ride down the ridge slope with halftracks they will be slaughtered by bazookas, and my two tanks. Which leaves one very unpleasant option: do it on foot. That nullifies all the advantages the Germans have held so far.
  5. Macisle, that's really a delight to read. Thank you. Before i started this I was concerned how the snow might look as a comic, it might all just look too uniform and without shape, but it came out much better than I anticipated. The game really does a nice job of being immersive.
  6. Folks, John made a point about the map and I've updated the panel I last posted. It does not have all units on it (if you need that you can go back a few pages). What I'm trying to do here is limit the map to what is happening now, so that the action is easier to follow.
  7. John, A smoke screen would have been helpful for Ian, to be sure. But it's a lot of ground to cover and as long as he's on foot, it's gonna be tough for him to enter the village.
  8. Bil, much appreciated! You inspired me to do this with your AAR graphics, so thank you indeed. If I win this, it will be my first victory against Ian. He's a tough customer.
  9. Superheroes are for Hollywood. In war, every man has the potential to be a hero. Who will rise to the occasion?
  10. Yes, that's it exactly! In a sense, one could almost consider it fair play to say to an opponent "you may or may not have contact icons, but your men should be able to hear engines of vehicles" So that if they don't have contact icons, they still know that indeed, this is not an infantry-only force they are facing. Given the rarity of those types of battles, it's probably a superfluous idea.
  11. That was my assumption. What I think one easily can not consider in terms of sound contacts is that you most likely can hear tanks more than 250m (depending on terrain) away but will you get a clear idea of where they are that you could localize them within say, 10m of their location? To give you a real life example, I was shovelling snow from my drive a few days ago. A dump truck with plough was clearing the roads in the neighbouring street. When I thought it would appear at the end of my street based on noise...it didn't. Gauging its location was trickier than it seemed, and what appeared under those conditions to be a lot closer wasn't. It was also moving, which is the example of the tanks were discussing. That too is a factor that complicates localization - sound travels and propagates at a speed that is not instantaneous, and bouncing off terrain, snowbanks and houses can make it harder to be as precise as I expected to be. Just something to consider
  12. Thank you, Vanir. That is exactly the sort of answer I hoped for.
  13. I agree with this completely. It gets to be a bit puzzling if one forbids it. If one says you can't be within 10m of the edge, then if I'm at 10.5. am I not hugging the edge of the edge? And if no one can be at the edge then the 180 degree issue is still there, since the opponent should not be so close to the edge to expand that angle. I understand the way it can look, but I think it's something that one works within the limits of rather than has rules that actually themselves complicate things further.
  14. I'd like to see some more experienced opinions or knowledge brought forward on what you are asking. My understanding from mentions in other threads was that sound is not changed based on movement speed in any way. In fact, in one thread I recall being told that Hide for vehicles only works in CMBS, making the command useless in WWII titles. I hoped that isn't true. Perhaps some of the experienced testers can elaborate this.
  15. This is good advice @Bulletpoint is giving you. That way you can find someone of similar skill and interests. Another suggestion is to post in the opponent finder thread here on the BFC forums.
  16. Yes, I remember watching that incident as it happened on TV. He was incompetent as a driver. Lessons learned: 1. Don't cross the median unless you are perpendicular to it 2. Dog the hatches!
  17. This was in my comic; here it is as a non-halftoned screen capture...
  18. And camera man! With his trusty set designer, script reviewer, and stage manager, Kohl.
  19. Very interesting, gnarly. I looked at a couple and this has possibilities, but would be a crazy amount of work, at least for me. I seem to recall someone made a full movie out of the scenario Barkmann's Corner. Perhaps not quite what we're talking here, but along the same concept. In fact I think this is it: Barkmann's Corner
  20. That's interesting, I've never considered the doctrinal aspect of splitting, I always looked at it as ad hoc decisions made by the squad leader due to necessity. Thanks for sharing this.
  21. If each of us brings a half, a couple of rolls of duct tape, and a jerry can of high test, we're golden! Think of how eeeeasy rush hour drives will be from then on!
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