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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Schnellpanzerkrankwagen (Leichte) Ausf C!
  2. Good one! Although in our case, more shelves would require an addition to the house!
  3. Let me know what you think. I also got it for the kindle. I spent part of the day today sort, moving and arranging my physical books. Not enough walls for more bookshelves in the house!
  4. If the period interest you, I suggest https://www.amazon.com/Katanga-1960-63-Mercenaries-African-Nation-ebook/dp/B01LBOFUVC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1527973538&sr=8-1&keywords=katanga+1960-63
  5. Likely true, but it is really tiresome to see always the same kid taking a p**s in the swimming pool. And acting all innocent like we don’t know what he’s doing.
  6. I have all the engine 4.0 games and all work on High Sierra. Installation can sometimes be annoying but usually can be resolved by following this.
  7. Reminds me a bit of Up Front! by Avalon Hill.
  8. That’s a very handsome map, with interesting terrain features. Nice work!
  9. I believe not. It’s whether they have communications links that will.
  10. If you do, stay in Roche-en-Ardenne. Pretty village with lots to explore including a ruined castle. And a Pershing on display along the bucolic river. From there, you’re not far from just about every Bulge place you are likely to visit, so it makes a good base.
  11. I loved that little museum when I visited it in the 90s. The curator was a young boy when the battle took place. He took my wife and I on a brief outdoors tour when we started talking to him and asking non-touristy questions, he was so delighted. As were we.
  12. Sorry guys. I was out of town and got sick right when I got back.
  13. Very well, I look forward to that. Thanks for the explanation of your own actions.
  14. I like your aggressive tactics, Bil. I’m too often overly passive on defence. There’s a lesson in this. If you were to put yourself in your opponent’s shoes, and you realized your enemy was making a spoiling attack, what would you do? Press eve pin harder in the main axis of attack? Divert forces to deal with this? Something else?
  15. I agree with Bil. I’ve had plenty of units hit and not spot anything, or only discover the shooter after some time, well in excess of 7 seconds even.
  16. You can achieve the same effect by dropping your knickers with your bum in the window. That “flash” will allow your men to storm the place effectively.
  17. I emphasized something that happened quite often. Thank you.
  18. I Have ALB and am terrible at it! I’d be an awful oppo. Nice game though. Ive tried comp-stomping and that doesn’t end well for me either.
  19. Another magnificent shot. I have my graphics settings all maxed out and I get nothing like this. Brilliant, mate! Have a pint on me at the Warts & Trooper!
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